Lesbians and patriarchy: some thoughts


>Sexual preference is a thing, but gender is said to be a social construct.
Some faggots might claim even sexual preference is a social construct, but let's limit ourselves to the idea of gender.

Basically, my former greentext reads as follows:
>A biological woman can have sexual preference towards other women
>She's sexually a lesbian
>But everything she puts on top of that belongs to the domain of gender
>So you can have bio females who are perfectly fine being females and licking other women's pussies and be their girl-lovers
>But there are some lesbians who are not content with having sex with other women
>They want more: they want to be ***their husbands***
>They dress like men
>They bulk up like men
>They behave like men
This marks the distinction between:
>simple lesbian = a female with exclusive sexual preference for females
>transgender lesbian = a female who is attracted to other females and wants to be their man-lover

This gender-thing is interesting because, despite what libtards might say about everyone being able to create new genders...
>...99% of the time gender is picked from roles that already exist in society.

Other urls found in this thread:



Consequently, the lesbian who acts like a man is not coming up with a new thing. They merely borrow a certain idea of manhood and "wear it" like a pair of trousers.

Problem is, the idea of manhood transgender lesbians want to match is exactly the idea of patriarchal men.

These transgender lesbians fight the patriarchy not because they want to destroy the system: rather, they simply want their share of the pie.
They see patriarchy as a competitor, which prevents them to be husbands like the men they imitate.

But suppose such hardcore masculine lesbians won against the patriarchy. What would come out of it?
>Just another patriarchy with transgender women on top of it!

They are like barbarians fighting kings because they want be kings themselves.
They are NOT like revolutionaries who see monarchy as an inherently bad thing that must be destroyed.

These transgender lesbians are not Social Justice Warriors [SJWs]. They don't want social justice. They just want to swap Warrior Kings for Warrior Queens.

The only reason they team up with SJWs is because they want to exploit their numbers and momentum. But once the goal is achieved, SJW allies will be useless and, as such, disposed of.


Screencap maybe?


OP missed something tho.
He refers to "masculine lesbians"... the Xena ones. The warrior queens.
But he sometimes refers to them as "transgender"...
There is a further distinction tho. Here's the full table:
> #1
>Biological woman
>Happy with her body
>Sexually attracted by females
>Behaves like a woman

> #2
>Biological woman
>Happy with her body
>Sexually attracted by females
>Behaves like a man

> #3
>Biological woman
>Wants a male body. Wants a dick
>Sexually attracted by females
>Behaves like a man

OP refers to both #3 and #2. For OP's purposes, they are similar cause OP focusses on the "behaves like a man" part.

Yeah, fuck me. Sorry if I didn't look up the whole libtard gender chart before posting. My issue was that there is a pack of lesbians who want to act like males (some with a dick, some without)... and they borrow male role models from current year and from history.
So they hate the patriarchy just because they feel repressed by it. But if they got power they would be just like the patriarchs they imitate.

>They are no SJWs. They are just enemies and competitors in the traditional sense.

Lesbians have significantly more reported cases of domestic abuse than heterosexual couples. I find that the "manly" type of lesbian really doesn't know how men are at all, and just tries to do what they think men do.

pic related
anything else is down town.
any questions?

>Girl wants to have sex with girls
>In order to do this she needs to find a girl who's attracted to girls
>Decides the best way to do this is to dress and act like a man

Never understood this desu. Dykes would get much more pussy if they looked more feminine, then they would actually be attractive to other lesbians.