> not baiting him further
Jesus this could have bern so good
kek I was thinking the same
I want to pull down her shirt and run away.
Why, because she has money in her bra?
Check em
>Why, because she has money in her bra?
no, because she have no bra
Can't resist those big ole jew tittties?
>not cutting it so he only says "fucking jew"
we MSM now
Missing Dole stickers on them.
>huge nig just snowplows through
What's going on here?
>leftists oppressing a gay mans right to free speech
its like pottery
Hard time reading youtube descriptions?
Nipple as hard as a rock.
You can see him feel the intra-generation trauma
So sad..
This will be the new norm. With the oppression olympics in full swing, gays have been left in the dust. Being gay isn't enough anymore, so they are treated like normal people, with contempt.
This works to our favor as the gays far outnumber these ultra stampin stampin MLP mega fags that are being promoted everywhere.
I have seen it in person, and it is giving me a small amount of hope for the future.
Yeah, she was clearly getting turned on by all the masculine guys brushing by her as her faggot friends stood there and cried like bitches.
Audio not in sync
>shaved head
>not being /fit/ nazi
Shit tier mane
Infowars is a meme machine now
Someone throw this on Sup Forums
We need his Twitter
>Racists wont let a black guy in?
My fucking side, this eats the Jew alive.
>Chill out, Adolf
All I want for Christmas
I thought I was wasting my life f5'ing all day and memeing with my internet friends
These people clearly have too much time on their hands
Why doesn't someone just fucking deck them?
Because that would make the entire internet and media explode with "VIOLENT TRUMP SUPPORTERS"
It's amazing the overall restraint I've seen from our side this election in the face of overwhelming fuckery
>that girl in the beginning
>walks into a group of people
I hope someone beats the shit out of her someday
>gays have been left in the dust
>inb4 >breitbart
Google for more sources if you want.
>In Sheffield this week, the National Union of Students’ LGBT+ Campaign passed a motion which resolved to encourage university LGBT+ societies with a gay men’s representative to drop the role as as “gay men do not face oppression as gay men within the LGBT+ community and do not need a reserved place on society committees.”
What's the story with liberals blocking people from assembling?
It's a basic right outlined in the Bill of Rights (and while I understand it's a protection *from* the government, its a spirit they should respect). Why do they feel they should be able to block people from legal assembly?
>jew gets called nazi,
>goes crazy
also all this faggots trying to block the entrance
>don't touch me
>stays in the middle of the door.
oh it will happen. she will go to africa or compton or some shit to help the "youth" and get enriched but refuse to describe the race of her attackers to the ebil police when they come to rescue her.
Holy shit that made me furious
It's like a physical version of SJW politics. She forced herself into somewhere she wasn't wanted, and then got angry about something she caused herself.
Because SJW's are hypocritical naive idiots.
How come you didn't notice that already?
I guess I've always known, but a part of me just can't accept they're that stupid.
This kind of behavior violates fire codes in even normal places. I can't imagine what kind of penalties this would incur in commiefornia.
So why the fuck aren't these idiots being dragged off and arrested? They are literally creating a fire hazard.
rules for thee, but not for me!
Holy shit, Americans are so open and talk to strangers like this and touch each other a lot...
Very different from here. No one speaks.
Would you expect cultureless mongrel mob to understand lagom?
>Nice foxies you got there, m'lady
>tips fedora
yall should try it
maybe not be so passive when ur cucked
What is going on in OPs video?
>trying to push people off of a fucking balcony
>>jew gets called nazi and freaks out
I think we've just cracked the code. It's so fucking easy to trigger them this way.
>>>jew gets called nazi and freaks out
He almost lost it at the thought of being labeled a NAZI
Hahaha new meme call them "Adolf"
can someone post more of these hilarious videos pls
"blocks door"
lol dumb bitch
would fug though
don't forget to check yourself
I can confirm this would trigger 99% of jews.
I bet he's the school shooter right now or made the false flag call about it
shut up, Nazi
Reminds me of Joker from FMJ
You'll get sue.
when will they learn
why am i so attracted to that girl
You'll fuck anything.
your patriarch conservative streak is showing and you want to hate fuck semi-nondisgusting liberal "women"
Your women tend to touch nigger dick with their pussy all the time though.
I am the 1%
thats not true at all though im not a desperate virgin theres just something about her idk
so racist jew plays racist jew card
hirsute is a legit fetish
Because she's actively displaying how much of a slut she is and how badly she wanted to be raped right there and then.
Shut it, kike. George Soros was a Nazi Jew.
The Bolsheviks were Jews too.
need a video of that booty in action please
posting in a dubs threbd
Just answer the fucking question you god damn cunt - there's no context for why those people are there, why they're blocking the door, what classroom that is, etc etc etc. Nothing in the comments about what or why. I see that nazi jew flipping out and the cavewoman but what the fuck is their deal - why are the blocking entry? Is that a class that they're disrupting? A Trump meeting?
I'd milk her tits
I want to tame that ass...................
silverlake jews everybody
You sicken me. Falling for the semen demon. You're on way to being a cuck.
Dude, she's heinous.
>tfw no rallies or talks worth attending in my province that will have semiattractive braless feminists giving me reason to shove myself against them
Why are liberal "gotcha" moments so fucking cringeworthy?
Milo talks at ucla. SJW try their anti-free speech tactics.
I want to go to Milo's events as his official door clearer and just bulldoze through these 90 pounders over and over until they learn their lesson for impeding my path.
sexy as fuck
he looks less like a Nazi, more like a concentration camp victim
ask him where he left his striped pajamas
find that girls facebook so i can hit her up
t. Schlomo
>tfw you're kissing your mistresses shoes and your lips accidentally touch her feet