Rate me Sup Forums. I like to think I'm an 8

Rate me Sup Forums. I like to think I'm an 8.

I like to think so too

TriHard 7

Streaming is a bad habit

more like 8.5

Facial features aren’t too appetizing.

>try for som plastic surgery

6. And that’s being generous

You look like a beaner had a kid with girl from the paleolithic period/10


GGX GANG! TriHard 7


Maybe 8/100

Greek a thicc boi

I'm a girl and I would do you, assuming you have money and a nice car.


Dude, you look like the down syndrome version of Pablo Escobar. I give you a .0001/10



you look like a young muamar gadaffi with a mustache

You look like Pablo Escobar if he was also a peodo


Peodolo Escobar

TriHard 7 / 10

Hi kitty

No more like downy escobar jr

greek is an absolute cunt. i really don't get why anyone is watching this retarded fat fuck


TriHard 7

Idk I like Greek , him and Tyler playing shit games together is really fun to watch

1/10. also cringy af

Bro you look like Lou Ferrigno's mexican cousin

8 over 100 maybe, yes

Don't make him angry

its all about the personality

Face of Twitch / 10

I was told this but it's realy not true

Creepy Rudy?

Spoken like a true man with low confidence and self-esteem.

still better looking than me.
i look like the neck beard meme guy but with short hair, clean skin and a beard

You look like El Chapo. Maybe get an undercut and grow a beard. Then you'd be a 7.