Holy shit guys. A true conservative running for the presidency for the first time since 2012. This guy literally has years of writing experience at the National Review. He also received a bronze star while serving in JAG. Bill Kristol picked a real winner. Trump stumped.





Other urls found in this thread:




Hes a cuck?

Judge Advocate General in the navy. Don't you watch TV?

Anyways, no one is going to vote for this tard, it is already past the deadline to get your name on the ballot, and he has no money, or name recognition.

>watch first video
>hear his voice

So French even his hairline is surrendering ground

No one is going to vote for this douche.

ay lmao

>Don't you watch TV?
Only when there's Trump, terrorists or missing planes.

I'm embarassed for Bill Kristol.

>gay voice

>black kid

well it's definitely a Cuckservative :^)


French/Graham '16!

Yeah, no.

that was eye opening!! let's dump trump and lynch for french

He said he would ban anyone who responded to him on Twitter with the word "cuck." So far he is the only candidate to censor posts on Twitter.

This is the disgusting racism that principled conservatives have had to face from Trump supporters. It's sick. David French has stood against it.


>I could go on and on and on. This is not the first time that my family’s been attacked on racial grounds. Several years ago, my wife made the mistake of allowing the Huffington Post to interview her at CPAC — while she was holding our youngest child. The comments on the interview, which have since been deleted, soon devolved into a leftist carnival funhouse of hate focused in part on our decision to adopt a black child. But the comments weren’t as bad as the private messages, which included threats to contact child protective services and direct attacks on our motivations for adopting.

>Conservatives should reject those on both extremes of the spectrum. We defend a culture, not a race. The foundation of that culture is a faith that makes no distinction among races but rather declares, unequivocally, “All are one, in Christ Jesus.” Shunning the slur disempowers the trolls and forces the radical Left to confront the race hatred that fuels its own rage.

>We defend a culture, not a race.

Powerful stuff.

It's no wonder he volunteered to be a potential vote spoiler. The man is a walking embodiment of everything wrong with Conservatism Inc.

Why would you say that? In November we all will #DrenchFrench with votes. The alternative is unthinkable. Pic related.

So, 24/7?

>The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.

Really makes you think

the literal definition of a cuckservative.

>All White Working Communities Deserve To Die - David French

This guy should be killed with extreme prejudice.

I'd put a bullet in the back of his head in a heart beat.

Perfect campaign picture!

This is the best that conniving kike could come up with?

False alarm. Turns out he isn't a principled conservative after all. At 13:33 he shamelessly promises to vote for Donald Trump if he gets the GOP nomination. Just when I thought I found someone with a backbone. Tweet this to every media outlet you can it's despicable.



So does backing Trump automatically make someone not a principled conservative in your mind?

As a #NeverTrumper, yes. I can't support someone who expressed support for the destruction of conservative values such as aggressive foreign policy and free trade.

Obviously. Trump is against conservative principles like mass immigration and offshoring jobs. It's disgusting that David French nearly fooled us. Please call your local news and let them know that this conservative isn't principled. Tweet this out. Let Fox News and CNN know. I'm ashamed I fell for this stooge.








>He also received a bronze star while serving in JAG
No combat vet will vote for him.

>As a #NeverTrumper, yes.
>conservative values such as aggressive foreign policy and free trade.

>Obviously. Trump is against conservative principles like mass immigration and offshoring jobs.

Top kek. Go back to your kike overlords, you neoconservative faggots.

We are going to build the wall, put tariffs and your shitty Chinese made goods, and you'll move your fucking factories back to America and give jobs back to Americans, or pay us a 30% tariff and that cheap piece of shit made by slave labor gooks. Eat a bullet, kikes.

If you do not stand with Israel, I do not stand with you. #IsraelFirst

>What is sarcasm?

It doesn't matter French agrees with you anyhow. I wish we could just #DrenchFrench already.

Just Tweet this to Trump already. I'm r-ready for Hillary.

Reminder this guy is so insecure that he told his wife that she couldn't use the Internet or speak to other men while he was deployed.

That's not insecurity. That's reality. Military spouses have a higher infidelity rate than the wives of incarcerated men. They cheat, A LOT.

Friendly reminder that even children are being taught to hate Trump. He won't stand a chance in the general election.

It's worse than that. How can he run against Trump if he promised to vote for Trump? He is a flip flopping liberal just like Trump. How can we trust him.

>Cruz generals
>Shillary generals
>Lolbertarian generals
>now we're going to have French generals

I miss the days of Bernie and Jeb threads. No one is going to vote for nor care about this pasty face literal nobody. You're wasting your time, shill.

Can't read that shit

>What to tell your parents:
>"I'm scared of Donald!"
>"Mommy, ??? Donald take my friends away?"

I can't read the rest, but it's all things to tell their parents in case they support Trump.

And who's taking the photograph. Did the teacjer get any shit. A true Trump supporter would've pulled the child from the class immediately

SeeI know I'm wasting my time because David French is a sad Trumpkin not a true conservative.

Rest assured, it's a shoop.

Guys it's time to #DrenchFrench. Let the media know that this man is a charlatan. Who's with me?

It's time.

Bump for conservativism.

Bump for NRO

A patriot just posted a shorter video to expose this fraud.


How can he even run? How can you just skip 10 months of media scrutiny and debate and just enter in on the same level as the other candidates?

>military welfare queen who writes sassy, passive agressive neo-con opinions for a far right highly jewish political blog for a living

>wishing death to simply people who love the country, work hard, and form the cultural and ethnic background (oh and tax base) that the rich elites enjoy the fruits of, because they are upset that globalism totally fucked them in the ass and marxist social engineering is destroying the culture

I'd personally march this guy into the gas chamber

So a guy pushed on us by a Trotskiest Jew that thinks white working class needs to die?


>We defend a culture, not a race.

Race IS culture, you fool

Holy fuck that's who Shapiro is shilling for?



+1 internets

>A true conservative running for the presidency for the first time since 2012.

>Race is culture :DDD

Because it is not as though the different races can't adopt the culture of other races... Not as though that did not happen with the Germanics and the Romans. Nah! Race IS Culture :DDD

He is to late to the party, better luck next election.


Those paper cuts can get infected.




>It's not as if gorillas can't adopt the language of humans and their culture

He's a control freak with a black kid.


How do you know.

You are a true American hero. Become a citizen a fight for Trump. You truly earned it.


By that I hope you mean people are watching Bill Kristol commit suicide...

>I'm a Renegade

We should flood Kristol with messages thanking him for officially killing the neocon movement his father started

Bill Kristol failed, but this isn't the first time.

This. It's sad that he betrayed a proud ideology that stretches back generations to support a Trumpist in disguise.

Make sure he gets this too.


I'm posting it on reddit but got no traction so far

If you have a twitter try to get a retweet from couple of big accounts of Trump supporter

I know someone who wants to see this. A fellow true conservative.

He has made National Review Online. When he's not ranting against Trump and his supporters, he's going on about social conservative crap nobody gives a crap about, like nun's health insurance plans.

What kind of bubble are those NRO people in when they think French has a chance of getting more than a handful of votes?

Zero chance the man is a fraud.

How the fuck you get a Bronze Star in JAG?

Where the hell did this guy come from? He's brilliant. He's tweets are what stand-up comedy would be if stand-up comedians were funny.


It's a participation award

No seeHe's a snake oil salesman meant to trick principled conservatives into supporting Trump.

Bump for trade deals.

Bump for Ben Shapiro