You realise she's a clueless idiot, right?
You realise she's a clueless idiot, right?
We purposely trained her wrong as a joke
Wew pretty rare flag.
Also yeah she's a fucking retard. No idea why all these edgy virgins are tripping over themselves to defend her considering she's physically repulsive too.
I'd still take her under my wing in all of her idiocy.
>Those irresistible big hazel eyes.
Yeah, she actually is quite dumb. I don't understand why Sup Forums loves her. There are other white nationalist channels with far smarter and respectable people running them. It's probably due to the fact, "GURRRLLLLLLL!!!11!!1!"
Is that Tay Tay or whatever that bot's called?
She's an 18 year old poor girl, duh.
She's the complete opposite of what a natsoc girl would be like.
She looks Maisie-tier deformed, lad.
she's looks like a real life tomoko
she discovered natsoc would stop her being lonely and make her the friends she always wanted
Truly the face of an angel
Pedo detected
No not so rare but they have a nice flag i must say.
>Also yeah she's a fucking retard. No idea why all these edgy virgins are tripping over themselves to defend her considering she's physically repulsive too.
Can't argue with that dumb teens only support her.
PS she has teeth who are more yellow than average lemons.
Bash bash bash.
She's no hill shill, which means that she is automatically more intelligent than about 40% of Americans, 60% of Europeans and 99.99995% of Mexicans.
She is welcome at my dinner table any time.
B-b-ut I'm only a bit older than her... Pablo why?
don't give this slut any more attention she's just using us
>getting a shit ton of views from every far right thinking person
>also getting a shit ton of views from the left because they are incapable of ignoring things that will annoy them
I wish I was that smart when I was young. Going a little green around there OP?
Only whites redpill others m8
>See countless Evalion and Bro Dean threads
Why is Sup Forums so infatuated with retards?
I don't know who she is, but she looks very jewishly.
You're a fool if you think Mexicans vote for Hillary.
The majority of Hispanics are Bernie/Trump
If you're a cute girl on the internet you don't need any other redeeming qualities
inb4 >cute
Cute, based, and pretty smart and hard working - what's not to like? The fact that we can't see her anymore? Don't shit on her for that.
>You realise she's a clueless idiot, right?
Probably not.
"In a new poll by the Reforma newspaper, a whopping 83 percent of Mexicans living in Mexico want Clinton as the next president of the United States"
Your sources please, user?
Sources please user!
All she does is look dough-eyed into the camera say the things the naziboo untermenschen want to hear in her best little girl voice, and lonely delusional derelicts give her money for kissing the sore spots on their battered egos. She's an opportunistic entrepreneur. More respectable than porn, at any rate.
lol all she does is read from a script that her brother or boyfriend wrote for her
Some people sure are retarded
>be a SJW
>fuck you liberal cunt!!
>be nationalist
>you're just doing that to get our attention!! you attention whore!!
>hide face
>show your face!!
>show face
>tits or gtfo!!
>be ugly
>hahahaha shes so fucking ugly!!
>be average-looking
>shes plain but i would be okay with fucking her if she had bigger breasts!!
>be pretty
>id put my pole in her hole if you see what i mean!!
I can understand why feminism exist sometimes
> dough-eyed
Why would Mexicans vote in us elections?
>reference game
>this strong
Urban Dictionary, right?
Yeah but she was my clueless idiot
I swear she's got fetal alcohol syndrome.
If you go on webcam and ask for money so you don't have to work or take a partner, you're a whore. You're a whore who's managing to leech off idiot beta orbiters without undressing too much, but you're still a whore. None of these women deserve any attention. All men should be advised against giving them financial support.
You seem to have completely missed the point of "tits or gtfo." Sex is completely irrelevant online, but many women feel compelled to bring it up anyway, because they are attention whores. This response points out the only appealing quality they have as women. And if they oblige, they prove themselves to be the whores they were suspected to be. If they have more than two brain cells, they'll stop shouting about their vagina all the time.
And no, this woman yelling about Hitler and jews on youtube is not making our cause appealing to normies. The only people this attracts are retards on Sup Forums and stormfront, who already believe the shit she's saying. It was bait because she's too ugly to get paid for trivialities such as eating food on camera like other women. You're her niche.
Because Democrats
Fucking Teddy Kennedy.
Stream where?
>despises socialism and liberals
>praises Hitler and his economic policies
d r o p p e d .
I realized it from the first video I watched. Girl's a creepy bitch, alright. Brainwashed or abused, or both. Just a horrible, dogmatic person? Not attractive in the slightest, physically or as a person.
She looks underage too
wrong thread