South Africa

What will become of South Africa in the next few decades?

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See Zimbabwe.
Unless the DA come to power

How will the DA save South Africa?

Is this the incident where AWB men got executed by black policemen on camera?

If the Afrikaners is smart, they'd pack up their shit and leave. The oppression will become intense. This is the calm before the storm.

Does anyone else fell really bad for the whites in South Africa? I know apartheid is indefensible but at the same time they did achieve a lot. It seems such a shame that such a rich legacy of western civilisation and the advantages it brought to Africa have been almost wiped out overnight by blind Marxist reactionary movements

I've read numerous times that western nations make it really hard for SA whites to immigrate. No idea if its actually true. If it is why they dont do it illegally like the hordes of nigs and ayrabs is beyond me.

They aren't corrupt
Basically white party
Based black lawyer dude as president

They made the western cape great again. It's why Cape Town is so fucking nice.
Once in power investors will come back and the problems will decrease.
They won't take bullshit from lazy khafers and the economy won't be drained by corruption.

Basically up.

Hopefully the Western Cape can break away from the rest of the shitshow.

Those dudes in your pic deserved what they got.

This. Stupid fucking retards, I smile when I watch that clip.

Hey guys, I love SA threads. We need to regroup somewhere, did that Namibia project ever get off the ground?

What did they do user?


They drove in a convey into a part of bophuthatswana which is a tribal homeland which was allied to the NP government and they started shooting up the place. Killed a bunch of innocent civilians but the bophuthatswana soldiers caught them on their way out and fucked them up, they were all executed in that one car.

The rest of them ran away like cowards and left their brothers behind the second bullets started to fly back at them.

No idea, but I feel like posting again.

somewhere in this clip.

They tried to invade a black homeland (autonomous black area) to support the chief/president who was being overthrown. The problem is that the homeland's security forces were decked out with SADF gear and training, whereas they had rifles and pickups. They were fucking rekt.

The pic shows some that were executed in front of journalists.

After that people stopped taking the far right-wing beers seriously.

Yes, the AWB was trying a coup d'etat in boputatswana (a country inside South Africa for blacks, like Palestine) but failed and got shot

Near-elderly fellow here who remembers... Yes it is. I remember seeing it on the news in the USA. They showed a scene where one of the guys was begging for help. Then the next scene the guy had been shot, with armed black men standing around. They totally cut out the summary execution itself. Then the whole thing went down the memory hole.

Only recently have I seen any mention of the incident on line.

It will become an anarchy, it will be an interesting experiment.

Of course not, Africa needs to be abandoned.

>actually believe this

I suppose desperate people will cling onto any sliver of hope.

The thing is also that the AWB's hardcore Afrikaans thing alienated a lot of English whites, so very few white people gave a shit.

Implying where we live is any better, whites are fucked here.

But apartheid was good you absolute cuck

>I know apartheid is indefensible
I beg to differ Repubro

AWB and the apartheid system are two different things.

>AWB and the apartheid system are two different things.

Even the apartheid government got nervous about the AWB's antics.

You can still say "fuck your facts", and still defend it.

And now whitey is overthrown in SA correct?

The white bois in the .jpgs were starting stuff with the native black people and shot up their peaceful village? Then the white bois were killed and whitey was removed from power and SA is Better for it?

No trolling. Is this what happened?

I remember when the police had open conflict with the AWB and they brought their dogs with and the AWB kicked them to death.

Was pretty funny, the police were shocked because they were so used to black people running away at the first sight of dogs.

>Shot nigs
>Then demanded an ambulance to the same nigs they shot


Foreigners sometimes don't get that there is a fair amount of animosity between English and Afrikaans speaking whites in South Africa. Enough to drive English whites away from conservative parties because they're too Afrikaans.

Chezuz bra you're losing it.
The D.A is basically the SJW mixed with Africa.
They actually proposed that the university of pretoria should have African studies as a core module thats compulsory . Also renaming campus buildings etc etc
They also support BEE and Quotas in sport and Land redistribution.
If you put your hope in that shitstain of a ghost of it's former self then i've got news for you.
You're not alone though, most saffers think the d.a is the saving grace. They did a good job with cape town i'll give you that much. Don't know how much of a role player the international community played however.
A province with such high levels of tourism(especially the richest) is bound to do better.
I know lesser of two evils and all. But they're still shit mixed with sjw tendencies and "decolonization"

AWB ranks are not filled with the brightest of people.

Starts around 5 minute mark.

If you honestly believe that the Apartheid regi,e was a good thing, then you either completely lack empathy or are detached from reality. The shit that went on in that time was morally reprehensible. I tend to believe that people should be allowed to use whatever facilities they want, vote for whoever they want and travel wherever they want within their own country. You guys cant yourselves believers in liberty, democracy and Christianity and at the same time support Apartheid. It's a complete contradiction.

Those fuckers actually make a huge difference in the actions they take. What a fucking shit show though.

No no

It's pretty confusing so bear with me here.

The old government sent the blacks away to have their own little countries where they could have a degree of autonomy (own presidents, defence forces, anthems, flags) these were called 'homelands'. They were ruled by blacks that the apartheid government had cucked so their people usually had a bit of a negative feeling towards them.

The homeland in question had risen up against it's president and the AWB decided to come to his aid. They rode in like a bunch of cunts just shooting at random and then they got stomped by some light armor and dudes with ARs, the famous scene was (the injured guys getting put down). This didn't have much of an effect on the power transition here besides making the far right-wing seem less threatening.

Some Afrikaans dudes attacked an autonomous black country within South Africa and got utterly fucked.

South Africa was established by whites in a completely legitimate fashion i.e. not in black homeland. It flourished and became one of the most successful countries on the planet. Blacks were permitted to live there, but they were not permitted to use facilities create by and for white people.
Once apartheid fell, whites were genocided and oppressed, and the entire country became a desolate shithole with rape and murder galore.
Whites are simply more intelligent and successful, it is not wrong for them to want to protect what they built from those that would, and did, ruin it.

>Ontlametse Menyatsoe approached and spoke to Wolfaardt, asking if he was a member of the AWB. Wolfaardt confirmed this, reporting that they had been dispatched from Naboomspruit. He then pleaded for the lives of his two injured fellows. In response, Menyatsoe shot the three wounded men dead at point blank range with an R4, shouting angrily, "Who do you think you are? What are you doing in my country?"


An associate of mine was in military intel back then and he says that in the dying days there was at least a 40/60 split in effort put into monitoring the AWB and groups like APLA

War is hell :(((

come to namibia white man

I could be wrong but the scene I recall is their car meeting an armored vehicle in the road and getting hosed with an equivalent of a M240... almost comical.

Isn't crime a huge issue their now? With the natives raping and pillaging while left unchecked?

I hear about the country going to compete shit and how whites are being murdered and raped and how the country was making major strides under the old government. Is this true?

If so, wouldn't these far right guys be the good guys?

I feel like I'm missing something here. Is the SA better now then before? Or ?

From what I understand, Namibia knows, and they aren't having it.

I think you're relying on a racist revisionist argument. South Africa wasn't ruined by blacks purely because they were black. It was ruined by Marxist vengeful corrupt autocrats who used black nationalism as a tool for their own personal wealth. The lack of an educated black civil service also contributed to South Africa's decline (guess whose fault it was that they weren't educated?)

Also I'm guessing then you don't believe in the civil liberties that you seem to enjoy in your own country

I don't understand why Western governments just wont take in all of the Afrikaners and British South Africans, these cucks put sanctions on SA and Rhodesia to protest apartheid but refuse to do anything to help.
The media here always depicts SA as if it's some tolerant rainbow nation.

It's confusing dude.

Those right wing dudes were hardcore Afrikaaners, I'd never want to live in a country ruled by them.

But crime is so bad. You learn to live with it and most of us barely even think about it anymore but it's so bad.

I'll never leave though, it might be a shitshow, but it's my shitshow.

>wiped out overnight by blind Marxist reactionary movements

You mean niggers


>starts loading them up with 12 gauge slugs

Just Google the University protests we've been having.

They want free varsity so they burn the varsities down, burn 'colonial' paintings, throw shit at things and assault other students.

White south africans are honorary Australians. calling all white south africans, you are welcome here. everyone else, fuck off we're full

>I'll never leave though, it might be a shitshow, but it's my shitshow.
The only way a corrupt government can stay popular in spite of a never ending downward spiral of poverty is by focusing people's attention on a fake enemy.
The niggers will have to keep upping the ante to stay in power, so they constantly raise the stakes on what the enemy is planning and what they need to do to fight back
Eventually this spirals into genocide
What the Hutu did to the Tutsi in Rwanda the SA nigger commies will do to you, it's basically the only end game they have
Murdering your family and stealing everything you own will buy them another 5-10 years in power

Under what rule was your family more likely to be robbed, gang raped and then murdered?

Under the current government?
Or a government influenced by the AWB?

Again, I have no clue what the situation is or was there so I'll defer to your expertise on the topic. My issue is probably that I see niggers as a different sub-human species and anything that can keep them in check is a good system.

If SA is a bad as people say it is. Fuck that.

My point is that, in my opinion, it was the uneducated and a poisonous ideology that destroyed South Africa. The fact that they were black was irrelevant. If a country employs a caste system on a majority of its population and then enfranchises them overnight without any education, it's gonna lead to problems, no matter what their race is.

I see Afrikaaners as a fucked out race of inbred retards.

>I know apartheid is indefensible

lol whut?

>If you honestly believe that the Apartheid regi,e was a good thing, then you either completely lack empathy or are detached from reality.

You are a top cuck of cucks.

White Farmers Needed

You know the story about the frog in a cooking pot? Slow heat and he dies peacefully, High heat and he jumps and goes fking mad.
Thats S.A for you.
Crime, murder and rape is increasing gradually.
But thats not the biggest concern. Everyone knows that's what its like in africa.
The biggest change is what they're doing to our schools, our universities, our culture, our sport and our jobs.
They're taking it all away, but just slowly enough so that people don't 1) Take up arms and/or 2) Leave the country causing a massive brain drain.

If you we're to tell the white population 22 years ago that in just 2 decades they're culturally rich and traditionally white schools will be invaded and broken down by dindus, they're companies will require 51% black ownership and they're mother tongue will no longer be taught then i can promise you now it would have been a much much bigger war.

The blacks here are largely uneducated and will keep blindly voting for the 'liberation' party (ANC) and blaming something that ended more than two decades ago for their problems for a long time.

The area I live in is mostly English whites and coloured Muslims. In a worst case scenario we'd put up a glorious fight.

The only problem you have here is the fact that the entire African Continent is complete stone age level shit.

You can make excuses for blacks for a long time but at some point, once all the excuses are ripped away, only race is left.

Whites will be genocided down to the last man, woman, and child. And the truth is: they all deserve it. My only hope is that white people will learn from the fate of the South African whites and adjust course (doubtful).

White people always follow the rules. Even if the rules lead to their own destruction. White SA men could have killed every last liberal white and kicked all the blacks out of their country and installed a totalitarian white-run dictatorship. They could have created a force of gov't sponsored assassins to get this done. INSTEAD, they gave lots of grand speeches and rattled their sabres while the white liberals took over and destroyed the country. This is what weakness looks like. This is what happens when you play the game in order to FEEL honorable, rather than play the game to WIN.

Furthermore they should have fled the country long ago. It's very simple: you get on a plane and arrive to your destination country and you stay. You don't ask permission, you just do it. You get a job washing dishes and build a new life. This is how east asians did it.

The true reason SA whites remain in SA is because of greed. They don't want to give up their possessions and their land.

To further explain the sheer stupidity of white SA men, even the few that have left the country often bring a few of their pet blacks to the new country to help them work their farms. Those pet blacks are the start of the same virus that destroyed SA which has now been transplanted to places like Australia.

>Tldr: white South Africans--most especially the men--deserve a violent bloody end to their lives for their sheer stupidity and overall cowardice. I hope this serves as a sharp message to the rest of the white world where we are all headed.

Hopefully it will starve out.

>Because disliking racial segregation on account of my religious beliefs means that I like to let other people fuck my wife

You're getting at something here.

Our laws befit a civilised country, not a place like this. I've almost seen the inside of a cell for defending myself against muggers.

>If you we're to tell the white population 22 years ago that in just 2 decades they're culturally rich and traditionally white schools will be invaded and broken down by dindus, they're companies will require 51% black ownership and they're mother tongue will no longer be taught then i can promise you now it would have been a much much bigger war.

Reminds me of whats going on in the USA today.

Welcome to Sup Forums

"my country"

nigger was in South Africa, created and developed by Whites, this attracted the niggers to the prosperous civilization Whites made, allowed to come in, then claim "we be kingz n shit, we made dis."

I agree that enforcing the rule of law and civil liberties mean nothing to illiterate savages. But would it not have been better to gradually enfranchise and civilise blacks in South Africa instead of subjecting them to such a degrading system? Perhaps there would have been a better outcome for both parties

>I know apartheid is indefensible

It makes perfect sense, the intelligent people ran the show while the stupid people were serfs. It's called a technocracy


>It was ruined because a bunch of weak stupid, white men, didn't have the balls to kill every last one of those Marxist Autocrats the second they started agitating.

This is the problem with white men. It's always someone else's fault. You MAKE history or someone else is going to make it for you.

>Aside: there is nothing more disgusting than watching white men whine and cry because they weren't given what they want, when they should have taken it in the first place.

Pretty much. They should be exterminated for the betterment of the white race and to serve as a harsh lesson in multiculturalism and apathy gone wrong.

English cuck spotted. Feast your eyes on the true killer of the old South Africa /pol.
Only when their own lives are in danger do they finally see the way things are. Until that moment however they might as well be worse than the american jew.
Shame though, the older White englishmen of south africa are quite red pilled.
See the new generation of englishmen that are "enlightened". So much so they hate anything boer. Can't stand our traditions . First to yell "diversity diversity"
This is our jew.

>apartheid is indefensible

No, niggers are indefensible.

I know in England you're content with subjugation to the elites, but I prefer the idea where everyone is equal before the law. That's the true hallmark of any civilisation worth a name

So naive.

There is virtually no difference between DA and ANC policies. The only difference is that they are a little less corrupt and somewhat more competent.

Besides, do you really think the ANC would give up power even if they lost an election?

The ANC has said that "we will rule untill Jesus comes".

The ANC will try to rig elections if it does not go their way and most certainly resort to violence if that doesn't work.

It is run by former terrorists after all, the same psychopaths who put tires filled with petrol around people's necks and burnt them alive for not towing the line.

The ANC employs more than 2 million people, most of whom are either corrupt of grossly incompetent. What do you think those people are going to do when their spot on the gravy train gets threatened?

South Africa is rotten to the core and the only way to fix it is to destroy it and start from scratch.

Your religion is poison and you're behind the curve, new definitions have long since been added.

Based Irelad

Democracy is something to be achieved, not given
Race isn't responsible for the state South Africa is in

Disinformation, lack of education and divisivness is

Then you deserve to get wiped out you cuck faggot.

I hope not all South Africans are as lost as you...


The white Afrikaner men would have sat on their fat asses and did nothing but give speeches and whine. White men aren't decisive, they're weak. White men don't have the fortitude to round up agitators and put a bullet in their heads publically the second these people start shit.

The same idiots you're defending probably let women vote, to add insult to injury.

White men just don't get it. They keep making the same fucking mistakes over and over and over again, despite having 2000 years of documented history to pull from when choosing how to design a society.

Authoritarian. White. Right-leaning. Revoke virtually all women's rights. Promoting any type of Marxism is punishable by death, and the trials should be swift and public, most especially for white women, who always believe they are above the law because of that stinking gash between their legs.

That is the only way to build a society. Period.

Stay strong Afrikaneers!
Some will say too get away from this shit
But I will say stay for what you put centuries to build, fight for your country and your heritage do never give up!

Absolutely, but it's not up to anyone to do that but themselves.
Don't assume that because I'm a white South African I'm racist and think blacks are worthless. Thinking like that is what fucked everything up.

That flag next to your name delivered the fucking death blow to the Afrikaaners... So I'm not sure what you're on about.

>civilise blacks


Don't you have a wagon to tend to or a war to lose?


And that ultimately means I wish it?

>spent days in khayeelitsha slums as a white 186cm rich male
>nothing happened

I love Capetown. Didn't feel that unsafe. It was there that I learned that not all blacks are le ebil rapists, a big part of them are pretty friendly and funny desu.

Bring in the bantz, boys


What do you think was the point of bantu education?
It was meant to gradually get the blacks to understand and work with and in western culture.
Make them productive in a western culture and not just physical labor.
>The white Afrikaner men would have sat on their fat asses and did nothing but give speeches and whine
Don't think you understand who is currently paying the taxes for an unemployed population of 25 mil.
>The same idiots you're defending probably let women vote, to add insult to injury.
If you understood anything about Afrikaner/Boer culture you would know very very well they would never allow it without external pressure.
>wagon to tend to
Good one.
If /pol ever wonders why we call the english here "SOUTIES" Its because they're so two faced and cucked that they have one foot in Britain and one foot in South Africa leaving they're dicks hanging in the ocean. Hence "SOUTPIEL" meaning saltdick.
It's like cuck but it was thought up decades ago.
The original cuck

>South Africa, where white men roll around in Tacomas with old guns and the niggers have state of the art Gucci gear
This is wrong on so many levels.

Cuck from a shitty country.

Shut up belshit...

Whew lad, someone's mind is stuck in the 1900's. Did the NP brainwash you about English people too?

>Calls English cucked
>loses Boer war
>gets put in camps
>gets cucked

The whites somehow turned thatshithole into a nuclear superpower. Then the whole thing got blacked.

epic bantz XD. I've been to UK too and I've never seen a more cucked country than that. Niggers and paki's EVERYWHERE. No alcohol allowed on the street (lol) and CCTV masters watching every movement. Such a 1984 vibe. It was the worst place I have ever visited, and that means alot. I was almost attacked by asking if I could buy alcohol in what seemed to be a designated muslim store. I was litterally the only white male in the street, all others where muslim shits. I haven't seen such degeneracy in another country. Would rather live in Capetown than in London