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holy shit what a faggot. no wonder we got our asses kicked in the middle east
how much money did trump donate to veteran's causes before running for president?
He LOVES the vets. He used to open his club at Mar-a-Lago for Iraq vets to come.
We'll know when he releases his tax returns after audit. He did use his personal plane to fly over 200 stranded marines homes
>He did use his personal plane to fly over 200 stranded marines homes
wow, what a hero. i am now a #trumplet
>Hillary Clinton Was Behind Anti-Trump ‘Veterans’ Protest
>Hillary Clinton’s Camp Set Up ‘Veterans Against Trump’ Protest
>SO SHADY : Hillary Clinton Camp STAGED 'Vets Against Trump' Protest
I guarantee the costs of those trips is a lot more than your girl donated
>those "sources"
This was to be expected.
>n-no u
i dont give a fuck what shillary has donated. we're talking about trump.
typical trumplet response though. enjoy babby's first election.
thats the faggot on cnn the other day eh. he doesnt sound like a man, more like half-man half-woman
Daily beast is a liberal source.
>$0.02 have been deposited into your account
Who cares about Hilarity?!? We're talking about DRUMPF!!1!
He kept using buzzwords like "fascist" and "bigot" and the SEAL didn't give a fuck. Pretty cringe-worthy on man-boys part
>doing a negative campaign against Trump for collecting money for veterans.
This will totally not backfire
those arent trips you fucking faggot, jesus.
he was an actor, he was not a real vet. you guys are so fucking gullible
I respect the vets. They make dogs well and fixd mister fluffys broken tail.
-Michael aged 8
this guy is an actor. he is on casting agency sites
HAHAHAH you're so caught up with a fucking meme
>c-check t-these digits guys
I'm talking about the round-trips Trump's plane made making multiple flights to take home stranded marines
This "scandal" is completely manufactured because Clinton is getting close to losing the primary and is doing shit in several new polls.
Source for that? Different dude that wants to read more about it.
He chartered dozens of 747 flights for marines to come visit his clubs during the iraq war.
Another Trumpist veteran is 3rd party conservative presidential spoiler David French. Skip to 13:33 to see this mess. Bill Kristol failed conservatism again.
You can steal the money once, after that you will be left with the long term costs of reduced incentive for business and entrepreneurs.
The idea of a small gubmind is that you stop taxing and also stop spending, I don't know why your cuckservatives didn't also cut spendings, but apparently they had wars to start or shit like that.
Do high taxes, high government spending and high welfare for a few decades and you will end up with more people and companies rather sucking up freebies from the government than earning it in the free market. It reduces working mentality by a huge margin and kills entrepreneurs.
You ultimately end up with a weaker economy compared to the rest of the world, money being wasted on retarded programs and growing amounts of government-dependent employment that provides absolutely no value. Europe is a good example for multiple decades of this philosophy.