Yo Sup Forums... I have a shit ton of shrooms. About a 1/2 lb and will have about another 1/2 in like a couple days...

yo Sup Forums... I have a shit ton of shrooms. About a 1/2 lb and will have about another 1/2 in like a couple days. How the fuck do I get rid of this shit? HALP!

eat them or give em to me, why the fuck you scared?
pic related, it's you.

Go to your local weed dealer and tell him you are having a special on shrooms.

Funny picture. Dude I do a lot of shrooms. A lot. Hence the reason I have them. I tell people about my shroom experiences and everyone just tells me I'm full of shit or whatever so I'm asking how to find people to off them on. Believe me when I say I have my stash. I trip hard, but honestly I have a surplus I can't even eat right now.

ship some to me man

I already did that. I went to a few weed dealers and they said they didn't know anyone. They're pretty big dealers too. I was surprised. I'm trying to find individual users. Where to shroom people go and hang out?

What state? I wish I could find a way to do this. I can make liquid shrooms or even capsules. It would be EZ

I stay indoors mostly

Me too. I trip fucking face in my house. I do wanna go to this art installation in Santa Fe. New Mexico fag here. There's a place called MEOW WOLF... and its an art installation done by the dude that does Game of Thrones. I'm a little drunk and can't remember his name.

Nice try Mr fbi