what is the most intellectual news source? I tried npr but its not that intellectual. also tried new york times which is meh
What is the most intellectual news source? I tried npr but its not that intellectual...
Buzzfeed....I get their snapchats all the time
you should be reading multiple sources. i read everything from breitbart/drudge to NPR/atlantic/WaPo and everything in between when i can.
though NPR is noticeably better than drivel like breitbart.
there is no such thing as unbiased news.
>what is the most intellectual news source? I tried npr but its not that intellectual. also tried new york times which is meh
There are none.
The only orgs who have journalists on staff at all are just a handful. The Economist is one of those.
You could read Foreign Affairs. Any high end and expensive magazine focused on politics really.
Nobody does "news" anymore, it's all just regurgitated press releases or even reporting on things from Twitter.
NPR is the absolute worst. State propaganda and race/gender victimhood non-stop.
NYT/WaPo/NPR/Atlantic/Guardian (etc) are HuffPost pretending to be more intellectual.
Traditional publications are dead. Terrible. Read AP for more straight news (still leftwing journalists but less editoralizing) and Breitbart for everything the mainstream and "GOPe" media (national review, fox news, etc.) doesn't publish.
summer is here in force i see
Breitbart is fucking trash bro. Just preying on stupid people.
InfoWars Nightly News with your host Alex Jones
What did he mean by this?
Reuters always seems like a safe bet
Then again what the fuck do I know
Fox News
follow Alex Jones
npr is shit tier
what the fuck are you on, they're just the people i use for my radio station connected to my iPod to use music, that's all they're good for.
I thought that for a long time. But these last days, with the bias they openly show in news relating Trump and, concretely, the interview with the Dalai Lama, kinda stoked my doubts once again
The New Yorker
One America News
Sup Forums
Moon of Alabama
fucking lolled so hard.
If you read all the Greek Classics and have a full understanding of Biological and Physical Sciences you know enough. Then you just take in news from wherever and filter it through that lens.
Sup Forums is a credible source
The economist is pretty good famalan
For domestic and international I go
>The economist
>The Atlantic (a lot of leftist fuckery but the quality is generally good, the content is updated frequently and there's no paywall)
>The NYT
>Foreign Policy
>National Review
>The Federalist
I'm NEET right now inbetween employment contracts so I can afford to indulge in numerous news sources. If you're limited on time I would start with the economist- here they explain their ideological precepts
Interesting. I've thought of doing this too.
I've taken a couple ancient civ courses..and from my very ignorant knowledge - there seems to be a fuck ton of material. Niggas be writing in volumes about daily life and shit.
Any recommendations? Plato's Republic? Vergil's Aeneid...
Avoid the mythological shit or read that too ?
Some dude on here. I know..................
Was recommending the New York Post.
Thoughts ?
I have not been able to find a single "intellectual" news source. All of them are horribly biased and have shit tier articles more often than not. Actually the least retarded news sources are usually Indian, because they literally do not give a single fuck.
I follow WSJ (shit), FT (shit; obvious left wing shills that explain everything using dodgy finance and hoping no one notices) and Forbes (can be okay but more often than not leans very left).
Never read it.
RT, The Independent UK and zerohedge
the economist
>Reading the electronic jew