Watch who you vote for
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Can we murder the globalists on the left
Admittedly this thread was to inflame Sup Forums but yes I can't believe people are more concerned with who supports Donald Trump instead of why.
Infographs like this are set up to make anyone sorting trump look like a bad guy and work against his favor
people are brainwashed anbro
but its always funny when they call you meaningless names cause they can't think of an arguement back
You do realise that Donald Trump is supposed to be against the 'Establishment' so this only makes him look even better. You fucking tool.
My fwb is here on a greencard from japan, she's been here since infancy and stayed with her uncle throughout his career in the US Navy.
She hates trump because she thinks he's going to send her back but I kind of changed her mind when I said he doesn't give a shit about legal immigrants.
I don't care if people don't like him, but if they hate him they might as well not hate him for the wrong reasons.
90% of the people on the left are from shitty countries. So how would you not be happy Donald is on the right?
So against - Cucks, traitors and Muslims
For - People who care about securing their country against outsiders
So is this image supposed to be anti-Trump?
>No Israeli's on the left side.
Has Trump already won?
is this supposed to make trump look bad
Forgot to add Geert Wilders, Nigel Farange, and Kim Jon Un to the left
Should the Pope not be on the left side? He apologized to Trump.
I used to be against Trump and I'm a liberal, but after watching the way cuck SJW liberals have shit their pants over the last year makes me want Trump to win so fucking bad.
Forgetting this guy
he is for Trump
you can add Netanyahu to the right side
I mean right fuck
This is the best case for trump i have ever, ever seen a Iranian cunt, election stealing van der cuck, sadiq taquia khan, fucking anti white racist mugabe, presidential monkey obama, if you kill your enemies they win trudeu, children are our weapon to islamice europe erdocunt and the list of people that deserved to be lined up and shoot just keeps going oh and on ohand of course lets wreck Europe a third time merkel.
Damn i am now more pro trump than i ever was before.
You forgot to add the two George Bushes to the left side.
I see something about Israel and Putin on the right. He doesn't need anyone else.
Put Jair Bolsonaro on the right. He said that he supports Trump and will run for presidency in 2018.
This guy as well.
Is Serb.
Removed kebab in Bosnia.
Trialed in Hague for 12 years by the globalist court for removing.
Kikes couldn't prove anything because the has a master law degree.
Now free and into Serbian politics again trying to remove and support Trump.
Against EU.
For Russia.
The name: Vojislav Seselj
What has nasrallah said about trump
>That pic
Dilma Rousseff isn't the president of Brazil anymore. Fix it.
>dilma the impeached
>nicolas maduro
>merkel from the german caliphate
>crooked shillary
>obama the monkey
>cuck francis
>cristina "economy destroyer" kirchner
>weed man
>britanistan caliphate minister
>loads of mudslimes and niggers
was this supposed to make people hate him?
i mean, are you even trying?
agreed, voting for Trump is clearly the only option, because all the world's most awful, shitty people have alligned against him, therefore he can be assumed to be virtuous
King cuck from Canada, the bitch who ruined Germany and a Turkroach and his jihadi brothers? Trump 2016 bitches.
le pen also
>Iran, Hezbollah and Venezuela all hate America for playing the role of expansionist world gendarme
>Trump wants the USA to settle down and focus on its internal problems
>They would still rather keep status quo and have an Obama 2.0 elected
It's like they seriously think that life is a game and they'll get some bonus score for choosing hard mode for another 4 years.
Also the leaders of the three main establishment parties (Malcolm Turnbull, Bill Shorten and Richard Di Natale) have denounced Trump. I believe former Prime Minister John Howard expressed concerns about Trump.
But that picture just makes me like him even more. I wonder what Jimmie Åkesson's position on Trump is?