
The fuck is up with the jumpcuts?

Other urls found in this thread:


Not an argument.

>that face
literally next to "pederast" in the dictionary

i think hes trying to make it shorter so that libs will actually watch it

Usually he's not funny but this was hilarious


The jump cuts have got to go

not an argument

lol, are you from balkans?

also not an argument

Did Stefan literally lose it

He's going crazy

Not an argument.

>Oh sponge, did you use the sponge?
what did he mean by this?

I am a liberal any all of that shit he is talking about... I don't believe that at all. I think Christianity and all religions have been debunked by scientific progress long ago. I don't believe in rape culture or patriarchy, feminism at all but am an egalitarian. I also think most immigrants are parasites and we should not allow them into our country but instead stop interfering in other countries and help when asked, there, without weapons. Guns in homes are fucking stupid unless you think you live in a place where you have to kill to survive. Police are pigs, there is so much evidence for this... Liberals don't hate the one percent. They strive for an equal world, where everybody can profit from progress, not just a select few. Free education, housing and medicare is pretty much what a civil society should look like. This isn't even expensive. I don't believe television brainwashes me. Who makes up this shit? There are a lot of liberals that don't sit in starbucks facebooking. As a liberal I don't really expect my native population to coexist peacefully with Muslim immigrants. I'm not retarded.

Why would you post shit from this retard?

>Stefan is becoming meme itself everyday

was wondering this as well

Is Bill Whittle redpilled?

On most subjects except Israel, I think he only likes Israel though because they oppose muslims in the Middle East.

Fuck off you and your cult leader
Reported your shit thread

Not an argument

Yes, he is based [spoiler]in Israel[/spoiler]

nigga OD'd on redpills

You sound more like a typical egalitarian m8

This thread is about social liberals or fake liberals - the dominant group

>I am a liberal
Stopped reading there lol

I genuinely think he's going crazy. The state of his homeland is making him depressed.

what is going on with Stefan

Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.



egalitarianism seems to break down after a population of 100-200 people. Or enough people where you can't personally know each one.

> I think Christianity and all religions have been debunked by scientific progress long ago.

lol? good luck proving that

i live for the molymemes

Why does he keep roaring?

He has swallowed too many red pills too quick. He is overdosing.

Another man broken by Sup Forums.

lmao, gud webm

when you nut but she keeps arguing

>James C.13 minutes ago
>Oh man, all the new .gif's from this...

Can't wait!

This one is on me.


Not an argument

>when the memes turn into reality

You do realise that that is not an argument. Right?



At this point Stefan is just ripping off those Liberal hypocrisy MS PAINT drawings

What the fuck happened?


Latvia, the destroyer of arguments

your mum sat on my dick that's what happened

Jeez nigger relax

@ 3:53 reverb juice into Jew

is he going full red pill?

post your rare memeneux

He's just making fun of they way libcucs present their poor "arguments" by ironically acting on their level, while still showing off some typical libtard logical fallacies.

Well sure, it's easy to make fun of liberals when you pick on idiotic college students.

was stefan in the icloud leaks?? asking for a friend?

Holy shit he is jump cutting around and losing it for real.

>I wanna have sex with Spongebob squarepants


mirin traps

I swear he's losing his mind. He did a review of the new Doom game a few days ago.

Kek. True that.

Most of the libs I see on YouTube and Twitter have the attention span of a 5-year-old.

Are you being serious now?

holy shit he did what the fuck

3:50 gotta suck in that liberal ju-ju-ju-juice

>ju ju ju ju

>liberal jew jew jew jew juice

He's signaling us.


I fear for his sanity, but I'm not going to lie and say what he's saying isn't true. It's becoming more frantic, like there's really something we don't know. He's just going and going and going, like a political Zero Punctuation.

anarchists play video games too and sometimes they want to talk about them

how long til we get the stefanplays yt channel?


we need a gif or a webm or something of 6:45

pehkaw pehkaw pehkaw pehkaw!

I like him even more now.

He also reviewed the Angry Birds Movie:


I hear it too

He's lost it, and I love him for it.

He's starting a meme cult

I noticed that too.

Weve broken him with our memes. Hes overdosing on redpills. Dis too much


wew lad

This. Hes getting closer

>Political Zero Punctuation

The best thing about the US is the 2nd amendment, the worst is private college.

>mfw the argument is not

remember to sage "hurr durr not an argument" threads

>Slovak watching Molymeme

not an argument


We memed too hard guys, we called him a

and he's literally gone insane now. What has meme magic done?