Sup Forums and TrumpfagsBTFO for good by based Hitchens
Sup Forums and TrumpfagsBTFO for good by based Hitchens
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>not Christopher (rip)
>literally who
Who gives a shit what that fag thinks?
Old fashioned British Tory, best political commentator in the UK imo.
His political commentary is very well thought out, he's certainly not a fag.
He finds US politics dull, plus he's quite the moraliser so I doubt he enjoys Trump's extravagance.
I wonder what he would say if asked what exactly he disagrees with Trump about. I don't understand these "right wing" people who are strongly against Trump. I can understand thinking that Trump isn't an ideal candidate (though I disagree) but how can you be right wing but want to fight him?
Morality man should be more worried about the future of his own island.
What does he dislike about Trump? Is it just personality? If so, that's hardly an "intelligent person" reason.
he needs to worry about his own country, that is royally fucked up for good.
"Donald Trump is a symptom, not a disease. The disease is the death of real political conservatism: a cool, intelligent reluctance to believe that all change is good, a love for the established, the particular and the well-worn.
During the 1980s, many people mistook Thatcherism and Reaganism, actually a wild form of liberalism, for conservatism. They lapped up the temporary riches it provided and now find themselves yearning for leaders to take them back to a world of secure jobs and secure borders.
Mr Trump, Olympically stupid and ignorant in many ways and virtually thoughtless, has the low feral cunning to spot this need and to pretend to meet it.
Of course, he hasn’t a clue how to go about it. But it’s not impossible that such a person will gain high office before long."
>its an "OP fails at a twitter bait thread" episode
So no commentary on Trump's policy?
Nice logical fallacy.
>If you believe X, you are not intelligent
Just from that I passage, I still don't know what he disagrees with Trump about. All he's doing is pathetically insulting him.
>No true Scotsmen
>I don't like him cause he's a doodie head.
Fuck his opinions.
Fuck him.
And fuck you.
So he just doesn't like him? Well I'm a #petermissile now
As much as I like Peter's takes and debate skills, he has essentially relegated himself to accepting the immigrant takeover in the UK.
I've heard him in an interview basically suggest that it's too late to do anything about it and that he is resigned to the future.
He is an old-school type conservative who thinks political views and ethos are more important than someone's race and that they will triumph in the end. I doubt it though...
If you're not willing to fight for your race and culture, Peter, don't stand in the way of those who do.
and yet he has the nerve to call Trump the stupid and thoughtless one
He is worried about the UK, he rarely if ever comments on the US.
His whole schtick is that the UK is dead, and he's documenting the decline.
>not royally fucked up
>sanctuary cities
>SJW culture
Correct. I don't agree with his views on this. His UK commentary is spot-on, however.
>I don't like him cause he's a doodie head.
>Fuck his opinions.
>Fuck him.
>it's a 'borderline retarded americans bump a bait thraed on Sup Forums for the four hunderedth time today' episode
>not Christopher hitchens
I've lost quite a deal of respect for Peter Hitchens over this shit.
How can a man who prides himself on morality think that electing Hillary Clinton is acceptable?
Who gives two fucks about Peter Hitchins?
Ah yes, a Trotskyist atheist truly is the embodiment of Sup Forums.
Does he actually prefer Clinton? Has he ever given any reason for it?
>I've heard him in an interview basically suggest that it's too late to do anything about it and that he is resigned to the future.
He's right to be honest. I won't give up completely because I was brought up that way but I'm not exactly hopeful. The problem is we're very nearly at the point it will take incredibly drastic measures which nobody would be even willing to consider to set things right. Leaving the EU is barely even the beginning.
I have yet to see someone who disagrees with Trump not use those two points as the main reason for the dislike.
Just as there are some people who attracted to Trump purely because of his personality, there are some (particularly those in the "intellectual" fields) who are turned of because of it. They want someone tame, boring and cucky like them, frankly.
No, he doesn't.
He just doesn't care for US politics.
He tells people not to vote in UK elections because all the parties are awful, I'd imagine he holds a similar view for the US.
"Stupidity and ignorance rule the world. The trouble is that the stupid and the ignorant think that they are clever and well-informed.
Take Mrs Hillary Clinton, next President of the United States and former chief of American foreign policy. She has directly compared Russia’s Vladimir Putin to Hitler. And she has compared events in Crimea to the Czech crisis of 1938."
So Hillary is "stupid and ignorant".
This may be true in the UK, but why then is Peter choosing to tear down Trump? It's not beyond all hope here in the US and Trump is probably our last chance to set things on the right track.
Ive honestly started to hate this dour autistc professional contrarian kike cunt
>Moans about their never going to be a EU referendum
>when one is happening he huffs "hurr durr I referendums are un-British, Im not going to vote"
>Feels bad about being a typical Jew agent provocatuer of the revolution of 69
>so the whole country must therefore suffer in atonement with him
I think he's actually autistic. He and his brother were both Anglo-kike parasites, Peter just slightly less evil.
>Thinks Clinton is going to be the next president of the US
>Not a fucking retard
pick one
Just another Tory scared of politically incorrect opinions while complaining about political correctness all the time
I might be to late
>Is wrong on one issue.
>Cannot be correct on other issues.
Best Hitchens is already dead Hitchens.
CH was cool.
She will be tho
Sup Forums actually believes they are going to let Trump por the Brexit happen? kek
I said this to Stormfags back in June 2015, and they wouldn't listen.
Trump is planted there to anger the the left, let them recruit more, and become more radical.
It's very easy for the American media to twist Trumps basic wording, and make the "right" and Conservatives look like rednecks, racists, sexists, islamophobes, and all the other shitty buzzwords. Trump also posts wrong or out of date facts on twitter, plus stupid spelling mistakes and other shit. This makes him and his supporters look stupid.
I like Trump as a person, but his politics are blunt and unclear. I know his "basically" trying to come across as a national conservative, like me. But the way he's expressing his views are us blunt as a fucking sponge.
Trump is a shill. Stormfags deny it.
what is this, 1789? get with the times you dead fuck.
>country losing its identity and culture from millions of migrants
>power to determine their own path rapidly diminishing as the EU usurps their authority
>we will address this by criticizing and American politician that hasn't been elected yet
Get your shit together Britbongs. Trump has nothing to do with you. And even if he gets elected...he'll have nothing to do with you.
literally BTFO
You seem to believe that Sup Forums does not want radicalization
Most of us are accelerationists here, and the Trump is the chaos candidate
It's annoying when people post this shit. If someone asked Hitch the same question about Hillary he would have said the exact same thing he said for Trump. Every candidate is shit in certain ways.
You mean the drunk atheist who openly admitted he was a communist. What about him?
yeah but this is a peter hitchens critism thread. i see why too many stupid brits post his pictures like he's based. he advocates for brown britain, RAISE YOUR STANDARDS
blunt and unclear? huh?
>brought to you by the same retards who think obama is cucking their genitals with Dark magic
youre just desperate to rebrand anarco luddism arent you?
Peter hates Trump for the same reason Neo-Cons hate Trump
True conservatism has failed miserably. Just look at how the leftists rule the fucking world. FUCK TRUE CONSERVATISM.
Just like the "true conservatives" of the Republican party, they aren't really right-wing anymore.
They have, knowingly or not, accepted the leftist dogma of equality and rejected the right-wing dogma of hierarchy.
I don't know wether his problem is greed, fear or stupidity, but that's basically the gist of it.
Unfortunately I don't possess a crystal ball.
He's written books and hundreds of articles on Britain. All that's available about Trump is a tweet and one paragraph in an article, that again mainly dealt with Britain.
This is true, if exaggerated. He believes "there's only one race, the human race". Doesn't invalidate everything else he's said.
That's what he's saying.
> obama is cucking their genitals with Dark magic
huh? That is the most bizarre strawman I have read ths week
I love Peter on so many things but
>Don't vote
>Someone still gets in
Why not vote for the lesser evil? Nigga is balding and butthurt.
Trump has policies?
>Don't support any political candidate under any circumstances if you don't agree with 99% of their beliefs t. Peter Hitchens
That age-old European 'We're better than those racist Americans" shit will be their undoing.
No of course not. Run along or you'll miss out on getting your opinions from talking heads on "news" media.
i was agreeing with him.
god, neocons are scum.
Most of them owe their allegiance more to their party than to the country.
If the heads of the republican party asked them to follow them into hell, they'd do it.
>the people are unhappy that their union jobs have been lost to globalism
>they are somehow stupid for demanding trade and immigration policies to allow for new union jobs
>Trump is a doodoohead and I don't like him
British humor, everyone.
I agree with this. You can sort of see the logic, you don't want to provide legitimacy to an organisation you dislike - but as someone pointed out, to counter Peter's metaphor of:
"If you go into a shop, and there's nothing you want, you don't buy anything"
Someone said: "But if the product controls your life for the next five years, surely you should buy the least harmful option?"
Christian self-righteousness is one hell of a drug
He ain't wrong, sad to say. I think Trump has a better heart than what he's implying but he's definitely winging it. Which is something you don't want to do with the presidency.
Sad that trump is our only choice. I've met a lot of good men. But I guess it takes more than just being a good man.
>blabbidy blabbidy blah
>we need to lose with dignity!
Fuck cuckservatives. Fuck them all to death.
Fucking hell what a pompous dickhead.
It's always just the same fucking rhetoric
>I'm smart because I don't like this lol xD I said so.
the sad thing is that they believe that the proof of that Trump is an idiot, is the most common sense policy one wouldd ask for: no more mudslimes
Not to the party. See how they scurry when trump is the nominee.
Their allegiance is solely to Israel.
This isn't humour.
I hate these apathetic fuckers. Peter is so right when it comes to capital punishment, the police, morality, marriage, and degeneracy. He just fucks up by being a sad cunt.
>The parties are shit
>Stand for MP then
>The parties are shit
>Are you going to vote for one that isn't as bad?
>There will never be a referendum!
>There is
Fucking cunt. I think he just wants to be pissed off al the time.
Yeah. If you aren't going to go 1776 on some lobsterbacks not voting is really stupid.
>we need to lose with dignity!
His position is more "we have lost and we have no dignity"
He's not a cuckservative, moron. He calls the UK conservative party the "Socialist Worker's Party".
>Their allegiance is solely to Israel.
The leaders, sure.
But the individuals aren't self aware enough to understand this.
They think "Trump will never be the nominee"
They think "Trump will tear the party apart"
They think "Trump is a threat"
Then when the kikes who run the party realize they could hurt trumps base by supporting him.
They think "Trump is our chance to destroy the democrats"
They think "Trump is our candidate"
They care not for this country.
Just for their petty politics.
All the while the kikes pull their strings.
The wrong brother died.
Peter Hitchens also thinks that the UKIP is a laughable non-party
he is nothing but a defeatist obsessed with a moronic christian moralism, scared of taking chances
He did once try and stand for MP, but was roundly defeated by the party machine (and he stands no chance of winning anyway)
As I've said, he's wrong in my view to not vote.
I don't remember him saying there would never be a referendum, his point is that they're anti-Parliamentary, anti-British and a device of the party-political machine to push through their desired policies (which they are).
A closet communist. He was openly one until his fellow comrades ashamed him and he had to hide it. Now he pretends to stand up for "British values" because no one else will take him
He is a typical dhimmi only concerned with "extremism"
> I think we would be a happier country if we had never encouraged mass immigration in the post-war era. The fact that it is almost taboo to say this simple thing is an example of the problems it has caused.
> But I also grasp that the immigration has happened, that we have new neighbours, and that it is our absolute duty to get on with them and befriend them as best as we can.
> And this is why I am so scornful of the windbags and panic-spreaders who now seek to make an issue out of the supposed takeover of some state schools by Muslims.
bla bla bla I am not racist, bla bla bla NOT ALL MUSLIMS, bla bla britons shall resign to the loss of their homeland because it is not like there have ever been mass expulsions in history
You could not be more wrong.
The anti American sentiments in Europe are voiced by secular progressive urbanites.
PROTIP: those "secular" urbanites are actually dogmatic, radical puritans, obsessed with virtue signalling their sainthood and their love for their enemies
He did, and UKIP was rife with in-fighting, amateruism and scandals. It's also libertarian not conservative - I support them, but one can see how this leads to his derision of them.
>he is nothing but a defeatist obsessed with a moronic christian moralism, scared of taking chances
I believe he said that a defeatist is someone who works from within to bring about defeat, whereas all he's doing is acknowledging that we've already been defeated.
As for scared of taking chances - of course he is, that's what conservatism is. And that's a good value in my view, you want to take as few risks as possible for a country as the lives of millions of Britons depend on it.
Fuck off, Chris was cool
Except for the whole Iraq thing
> And that's a good value in my view, you want to take as few risks as possible for a country as the lives of millions of Britons depend on it.
that sounds castrated as hell, and nothing like the people that conquered 1/3 of the world
Only because he hated the Clintons and Islam.
He was a trotsky loving marxist faggot. He was also too much of a fedora tipper.
Trump is a paleoconservative. His politics hearken to a time before Reagan. Sure, he's not a real neoconservative, but he is a real Old Conservative. At least the Trump who has ran in this election has so far shown himself to be one.
All of you who were hoping for a Buchanan win. All of you who watched Perot eagerly. All of you who yearn for a time when the Republican Party spoke to the bedrock of American society... all of you should be very happy and hopeful that a man like Trump is about to become president.
America has and has had a severe leadership crisis since the Clinton Era. Presidents have come to the Whitehouse promising one thing -remember when Dubya ran in 2000 as an isolationist?- and delivering something very different. Hopefully Trump doesn't go down the same path that Dubya did. Hopefully he has the courage to tell Mexico for real to build the wall and the courage to seriously pull all troops out of Germany unless Merkel starts paying for them. These are the right decisions that would bring both America and the world forward.
Even better, a Trump win will ignite an alt-right revolution in Europe. The pressure his presidency will put on Merkel will crack her fucking party in half and send that bitch to prison, which also needs to happen.
cuckservatives are fucking losers. they watch and complain as they lose and tear down alternative solutions that may actually save us.
they're fucking retarded.
Also christopher hitchens was much more Sup Forums....young NEETS on here think they're religious but only out of loyalty to their family. nearly no one on this board truly believes in god or the teachings of oldschool, real religion
And we only conquered when the risks were outweighed by the rewards, which is what I'm saying.
You think recklessness is a good way to run a country?
Trump is also an unqualified, arrogant buffoon and blowhard.
>of course not
only correct answer.
>Giving up isn't being a cuck
It's the definition, bong
When the guy needs to not be a showman, he is informed and direct as fugg.
>a defeatist is someone who works from within to bring about defeat
that would be more of a saboteur
>whereas all he's doing is acknowledging that we've already been defeated.
the important thing to do is pick yourself back up after defeat, if you can't do that you are a defeatist
What ever confirms your biases sport.
In an extreme situation radical measures are not vice, specially when countering equally radical measures by the Left. Reverting the immigration invasion that started in 1997 would be a good start.
But if your priority is not to rock the boat too much, so that britons can peacefully sink into degeneracy and be outbred by the colonials in their own homeland, then sure, conservatism makes sense
wise word from rareflag
seriously what even is that flag
Just because you hate Christianity doesn't make that true.
>Trump is a doodie head
Try again.
The wrong Hitchens died. Sad!
>virtually thoughtless
>stupid and ignorant
It's almost like he doesn't realize Trump has been right about fucking everything for 40 years
trump is more of a snake-oil salesman or carnival barker than a showman