Keep OP's legacy alive thread

Keep OP's legacy alive thread


Jesus...anyone found info on her?

Lydia or Emma Miller
Lives in Adelaide, Australia
Flinders University

Why did she do it?

cucked OP with his own father to get sugarddady

The only option after that is to kill her and your father.


was obvious bait if not OP better be on the run now after double homicide and incest rape


that's too nice - if it wouldn't be so obvious that op was responsible. you gotta do something that will forever alter their lives and cement their actions in their brain.

Adelaidefag here, how on earth did I nap thru this??

greentext story

Like what?

Op should move and forget about his parents

I just want to punch a fucking hole in the wall from how angry that shit makes me. And here we are using "cuck" to ridicule these guys, yet we never seem to blame these bitches for doing this scummy shit in the first place. Thats the reason they get away with so much, bunch of faggot whiteknights letting them do this shit.

Thanks user, how did we know who it was?


I mean if you've got nothing left you might as well kill them all.

Any more info?

none atm
still looking though
Sup Forums this is a call to arms
search fb , insta, college website
we must avenge OP

Any more than green text? How did you get those names?? Need all back story

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Dubs and trips?? Go me

original op dropped sc i think but thread was deleted. all we have to go on is lydia miller
from flinders uni in Australia thats not alot but it is something

yeah, its never made sense to me how people hate women but act like its always the guys fault they cheat. like that bitch said. hoes gonna hoe. that shouldnt be on the bf

Wow, that's fucked.

only greentext shared on old thread