>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
psychedelics should be legal
>smoking weed grows brain cells
>SMOKING weed cures cancer
Weed is great for hangovers.
Weed is for degenerates is what Sup Forums would say
>non addictive
>no od
>grows fucking brain cells
stoners believe this
> Cannabis
> Non-Addictive
>cures cancer
>grows brain cells
0/10 not even trying
dude weed lmao
I've no problem with people who smoke weed, but when they make it into their lives (wearing weed symboled clothes, sharing weed related shit on Facebook and never shutting up about it). It's a plant. if you smoke it sure whatever but shut the fuck about it
How many here know someone who spends all their money on weed? Sells shit they used to love to buy more? Says I can't function with out weed in some way? Because every fucking stoner I know does all this shit. Yet they all still seem to think they aren't addicted to it.
Weed is a joke compared to opiates. Plenty of people routinely take opiates and live completely normal loves, its the illegality and difficult access that turns opiate users into degenerates.
And no, just because you have a friend of a friend of a friends brothers classmates former coworker who now works as a Neurosurgeon and takes one puff of a spliff every Friday does not excuse you from sitting in your underwear all day Monday-Sunday, taking giant rips out of a bong and watching Sponebob Squarepants on Nickelodeon.
Pot smokers, despite maybe not being PHYSICALLY addicted, were always the biggest junkies I knew. They enable their horrible lifestyles with the stupid fucking excuses.
isn't that the opposite? alcohol is used on many medicine like cough syrup. wth who made this pic?
You have to be really fucking weak and retarded to get addicted to weed and I'm talking about chain smoking kind of addiction. Doing anything 3 times a day is not an addiction. Same thing with ODing, you have to be inhaling nothing but smoke to OD from weed.
I've met stoners who have argued this before
Please illegalize both for the good of better society.
Weed takes away your motivation. And I highly doubt that it is not addictive. I have an uncle who couldn't go 3 hours at a birthday party without going "round back" and toking up every 30 mins or so.
And I agree. Smoking it is one thing, but being a pot smoker is like doing crossfit or being vegan. You have to tell everyone every five minutes about it.
Weed should be legal. Frankly, all drugs should.
Let the idiots cull themselves from the gene pool.
Why do you oppose alcohol to weed, they're friends and nicely go along together.
this exactly
I smoke, but when people find out I do they could never guess I do because I'm not a huge in your face faggot about it.
>Don't have any pot related cloths
>Don't have any pot related memorabilia
>Don't talk about it
>Work full time job
>All bills paid
>House is clean and upkept
All I have is a lockbox with my piece and my weed in it, nothing more. I can't stand going into stoners houses and seeing Jimi Hendrix posters or them wearing Bob Marley shit when they can't even name one song.
Or they walk around in their ragged khaki shorts and their dirty tie die shirts.
For some reason they think it's a fucking life style and live like hobos, also their houses are pretty much always disgusting with old food plates and half drank, drinks all over the place.
Sadly I smoke by myself now since I can't tolerate how retarded stoners are.
>grows brain cells
No it doesn't. Where the fuck did you come to that conclusion
>cures cancer
No, cancer patients use marijauna because chemotherapy makes them feel sick, and the drug makes them feel less sick
>brain damaged junkie who didn't notice weed is legal in most US states
Legislation against one is possible to enforce, legislation against the other is impossible to enforce.
I'm with ya, I do the same damn thing, stoners are fucking idiots
The minority of Sup Forums who aren't drunk and high also call for alcohol to be banned
>cures cancer
>grows brain cells
That's pretty sad senpai...
It really destroys your motivation. I smoked for 4 years nonstop and my life slowly went downhill because I simply wasn't motivated to do anything, I lost all passion for the things I loved doing and just sat around and smoked weed maybe play guitar sometimes. I don't think it's addictive, the only thing I had when I quit was an extreme lack in appetite, I lost like 40lbs in a month because Id smoked so much and so long that I depended on it to be hungry.
>grows brain cells
Study came out a few weeks back, showing that smoking weed damages your DNA permanently, and that the damage is passed on to your children.
> tfw kek
feel bad for you retards, you have 1 life and you choose to be ignorant to the amazing euphoric effects of a truly incredible plant.
All the pain and suffering in the world, and the nature of reality and yet u dont even wanna be happy and social for an hour.
Sorry sons of bitches
pitty you all
this is obvious b8 thread from some sorry cuck who is too much of a beta fag to go out and smoke weed and socialize with friends.
>pitty you all
Says the one that is too weak to face the real world and need to be dopated 100% of the time.
why alcoholics get so buttmad when someone mentions weed? go gargle on some whiskey and crash on a school bus you filthy degenerates
>Neighbor is a "420 blaze it all day every day" kind of person, has medical marijuana card
>keep parking his car in front of our house instead of in his driveway
>because his gf wants access to garage with her car so no car in driveway
>get sick of this
>know he has many pot plants, has 11 plants, one more than the legal amount because of conversations with pot man because all he talks about is pot
>bike to old part of town one day and use payphone to call cops
>tell cops man at address is dealing drugs and has guns, heard a gunshot
>bike home
>see cops all around neighbors house
>see him in back of cop car
>he goes to jail but gets out right away
>few months pass
>find out he was sentenced to 2 years probation
>lost his medical marijuana card, no more pot for him
>lost his job because of jail and pleading guilty, also got a huge fine
>his gf left him because no more free pot
He no longer parks in front of our house.
>things that didn't happen: the pasta
I did god's job user.
I live in the same world as you, well couple worlds before you, but regardless theres a fine line bewteen smoking recreationally and being a retarded stoner like the rest who let it consume their lives.
stay sober and mad, while im stoned and feeling amazing.
I stopped weed, but, eating a 4 or 5 hundred fresh morning glory seeds once or twice a year is really nice to get a different perspective of yourself and the world around you.
Don't you fucking dare ever call me rare again you stupid piece of shit. I am tired of stupid newfags like yourself keep calling for rare flags all the time its not funny or original at all, you are the reason why everybody is mocking Sup Forums and is leaving for reddit. You are a cancer on this board that constantly shits all over serious political discussions and derails threads for your puerile shenanigans. Well no more faggot, I just wrote a personal email to Hiroyuka Nishimuri himself and I am telling him ban all the retards who call out rare flags and if you fuckers find a way to keep doing it I will tell him to ban flags altogether so think before you start rareflagging next time you fucking shit.
Literally billions of people drink alcohol and yet are good people who contribute to society.
Almost every pothead is degenerate and contribute little to nothing.
>grows brain cells
wait so you mean my retarded stoner friends were even more retarded before?
Alcohol would also be illegal if it wasn't easily made and the ultimate black market horrors.
What flag are you? Always reminds me of Java (not the country).
>grows brain cells
>cures cancer
Let's not get carried away here.
yeah dude LSA defiantly will give you a different perspective but i prefer to stick to LSD because it cant kill you unlike lsa.
Guess what faggots, anandamide is produced naturally in your brain and exactly mimics the activity of THC. If you eat chocolate you've gotten high in a small amount.
Making weed illegal is the most liberal thing I can think of, the jews made it illegal to keep their monopoly on textiles.
If you smoke some pesticide saturated weed with a butane lighter or some shitty extract like BHO/wax, yeah you're not gonna be curing any cancer soon. But if you know how to extract it cleanly (basically at grad level chemistry) the clean metabolizing of THC will cause TUMOR apoptosis.
also, it's pretty much guaranteed that as soon as it goes legal federally/worldwide, all the 420 BLAZE IT retards are gonna just move on to heroin. the only reason they smoke now is to be edgy.
100% that didn't happen but yeah illegal growers are scum. make cannabis legal and execute any faggot who thinks it's still cool to grow illegally.
>hurr durr how come billions of people contribute more to society than few million
I guess you aren't going to contribute anything math related anytime soon my alcoholic friend
I love this pasta, it's always a Cyprus poster too.
It's legal in like 4
>medical is legal in 26 states and full legalization is on the ballot in 6 states this november
I read that, it said it also lowered sperm count. My lady and I tried to have kids for 2 years, then I started smoking weed a year later I got 2 very smart, very healthy children.
well how many stoners do you know that have cancer
Lsa like anything else, will only kill you if you take insane amounts. Just like lsd, weed, alchohol, and water.
Weed is as addictive as any other normal thing. People get addicted to chapstick, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal. I have loads of stoner friends and smoked myself, but not once has any of them ever sold anything just to buy weed. If you have extra money and want to use it for weed, go right ahead. NO ONE sells all their possessions to get more weed like they do for heroin or meth. Too many on Sup Forums are misinformed because you think it's "degenerate" to let loose and have fun.
Depressant doesn't mean "makes you sad". It means it depresses your bodily functions, your breathing, your heart rate, your mental process. Weed is a depressant as well.
The opposite of a depressant is a stimulant, like cocaine.
Weed is addictive and lowers your IQ.
Yeah its wrong, the only drug they actually showed to grow new neuron pathways (not "brain cells") were magic shrooms.
Shrooms should be legal and we should ban alcohol.
There is no evidence that weed causes physical dependency. None.
I ended up sucking cock to fund my cannabis addiction, just because you were strong enough to resist doesn't mean everyone can. Cannabis addiction is as dangerous as heroin.
If you feel a compulsion to do something then you are addicted it doesn't matter what the frequency you do it is.
I only smoke cigarettes on weekends but I'm still addicted to nicotine
Alcohol does not trigger mental disorders like cannabis does.
Alcohol does not trigger latent schizophrenia and denationalization neither - it just fucks your brain up over time and that's it..
+ most cannabis studies were done with people that smoke once / week or if they smoke more often it had under 5% thc - older studies weed had around 1%...
today kids smoke 15% thc, and they smoke extracts of it that are almost entirely thc... they smoke many grams of plant / day - then they smoke those extracts in the same day - it's obviously going to make them vegetables.
Cannabis does not trigger mental disorders like alcohol does.
Cannabis does not cause liver failure and hepatitis neither - it just fucks you up for a while and that's it...
+ most alcohol studies were done with people that drink once / week or if they drink more often it had under 5% alcohol like beer - older studies weed had around 1% alcohol...
today kids drink whiskey with 40% alcohol, and they drink moonshines of it that are almost entirely alcohol... they drink many bottles of alcohol/ day - then they drink those moonshines in the same day - it's obviously going to make them vegetables.
>make cannabis legal and execute any faggot who thinks it's still cool to grow illegally.
>it's basically the same thing and no-one harming anyone either way, but it's only ok when some under-educated greasy hick from the government says so