Why can't our countries get a long? Russia has done nothing to us, but everyone thinks they are a hostile evil country. We are allied with Saudi Arabia though. It doesn't make sense to me. Does Trump want to make peace with Putin? We can unite and work together to destroy Islam.
Why does is America hostile towards Russia?
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They could become hostile to us once they've taken over Europe and the middle east.
Why does me foreigner speak better english than most of these uneducated fatlards?
Dubya literally did nothing wrong
It was that potato kike Cheney who was responsible for Iraq
Russians are mongoloid rats, and it is best to stay far away from them.
>why does is
you murdered the poor language man.
America is anti-white
It's Cold War era bullshit, OP. The U.S. military-industrial complex always needs an "enemy" to justify their war preparations. If there wasn't a big boogyman out there, people might ask uncomfortable questions like "why are we spending half our budget on the military?"
Thankfully, Trump will end this fucking facade, so that all great white Christian nations like USA and Russia can march together in brotherhood towards the future.
All he wanted was his dad to be proud of him. He wanted to be the commissioner of MLB but Selig didn't wanna give up the job.
forgot the VPN?
everyone thinks America is evil as well.
what's the diff?
If you have to ask you've never met one. They're literally niggers God made the wrong color as some sort of joke.
t. ahmed
ok, maybe not America itself, but the majority of the rest certainly does anonski.
we envy your ability to squat for extended periods of time
Someone should make a sitcom about them.
Because our geopolitical goals are diametrically opposed to theirs, idiot.
He's right, though. That's like the anti-jew thing to say.
>Russia has done nothing to us, but everyone thinks they are a hostile evil country.
Russia is using its Mongolian-led military to occupy a sovereign White Christian nation.
It is necessary for America to go to War against another Christian Nation to further the banking empire of the Zionist Rothschild family and any other non controlled central bank. This war will most like start because of false flags and conspiracy.
Trump Knows Russia is a competitor and not an enemy.
I'm pretty sure Hillary already has a plan for WWIII, that is why Russia is training for the worst right now.
Russia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jewish Banking Inc.
Guys I found the Jew.
JDIF out out out.
He turned it back on. (((Denmark)))
I was Russian now i am American
Did Obama fuck up relations with Russia?
Jews want America and Russia to go to war ultimately.
I ultimately want to put all Jews on a stranded island.
Not anymore buddy. In one of his latest speeches he declared Russia to be number one enemy of US.
Offing Nemtsov behind a streetsweeper.
Litvinienko's tea..
Apartment bombings.
Minor concerns all.
the powers that be want another cold war so they can get delicious war economy shekels
Like Madagascar maybe?
Obama has fucked up our relations with everyone.
>Comparing Russia's foreign policy under Original Putin and under Mirror Putin
shaking my head senpai
Because you can't trust the Russians, once you ally with them, they will seek for opportunity to backstab you. Every "ally" they once had ended up this way.
Try living next to them, or look at their history. They're corrupt fuckers who constantly try to break international law. Fake bombing runs against Norway, spies everywhere and their ships constantly trying to fish in our waters.
And what did we do to deserve this? Just sharing technical expertise with them, and giving them hundreds of millions to help them clean up their nuclear waste and decommission old submarines.
They're just assholes.
>White Christian nation
Could that be Ukraine?
No Russia backed out of the NWO because they basically realized it was Satan taking power over the whole world, and Zionism committing white Genocide.
Putin also realized it was the same shit they did in the Bolshevik revolution, when the Jews killed 60 million Russians.
I think he backed out around the same time he made an arrest warrant for George Soros.
America is country built upon jewish-masonic ideals. It's simple incompatible with the russian ideal..
Also, remember that a lot of muslims countries support Russia.
(((Denmark))) New proxy JDIF?
Because Russia is the one country in the 100IQ range that isn't completely controlled by jews
*white, 100IQ
creativity is a threat to jews
russia is dumb fucking communist leftie faggots. fuck them.
>No Russia backed out of the NWO
>isn't completely controlled by jews
Are you kidding? Russia is conservative christian right-wing capitalist today.
> We are allied with Saudi Arabia though.
There's your answer m8. Militarily, the US has been doing nothing but support the Saudis' little quest of establishing Sunni supremacy in Muslim countries.
can't get much more cucked than this. Why would russia suddenly become capitalists?
>conservative christian
> 2010
The Saudis are hitting shit bottom. I'd give them 2 years before the United States stops caring entirely about them.
Which Putin is in power now?
because stupid people need an enemy.
its tragic really.
but don't worry, its slowly shifting against minorities, Ruskies should be off the hook for a while
Guantanamo Bay, nuking Japan, bombing middle East, Supporting Israel, be friends with Saudi Arabia
Minor concerns
Grisha, is that you?
Ask the reptile overlords the govern both of our nations.
Also, Putin loved Dubya, because he was a dumb warmonger. Obummer is too smart, and leans more towards diplomacy. That bores Putin. His Syrian campaign proves me right.
Why are you becomming communist? It's 2016! Look at China, they also changed
Actually Putin didn't want Nemtsov dead. It was a Kadyrov's initiative to shot him, guess he intended to show his loyality that way.
That burger's right. Though all were fine until Maidan. Putin conviced Yanukovich to join EACU and then fucking eu-cucks forced Maidan with their puppets as leaders. Guess that's what have made Putin gomad.
the american people aren't hostile to russians, it's just our government trying to start ww3 for no fucking apparent reason.
>all were fine until Maidan.
believing your own propaganda
because russia kicked the jews out, and jews run america
Depends. Russia is warmongering in eastern Europe. They're too much of a wild card and can't be trusted to be stable and sane for more than a few years at a time. I think that's why Americans keep them at arms length.
At the end of the day they're Slavs, who we all know have an IQ about 5-10 points lower than the Germanic/Anglo peoples that settled the U.S. That's why they've tended towards dictatorship throughout their history.
What did you mean by this?