Been a while since we had one of these. Post results.
ISideWith Thread
I've shifted ever so slightly toward the center since the last time I took this.
I side with your mum
the trump
Been a while? Really? Maybe I missed the last 7,335 threads.
just realized how close i matched bernie.... seems like bernie and trump share quite a bit of the same beliefs.
Not really, no. You're just a cuck.
>clinton at 52
You should be ashamed of yourself
I didn't care enough to slide most of the bars down and only dragged the ones I cared about up. I'm sure it'd look a lot different if I did.
I'm ashamed at how close I am to Bernie. How do I repent?
Watch a YCSTT marathon.
liberals btfo
Who the fuck is Gary Johnson
the wild card
not taking it again
>johnson closer to green party than trump
not surprising
i side with gary johnson
Go Gary Go!
>all these
Probably voting Trump though, the lib party is a fucking joke. The only decent candidate was Petersen and regardless the party is a mess full of LL losers
I'm spread out across the board it seems. Definitely libertarian-leaning
Only one thing I care about, have fun being dumb. I'm still voting for Trump though.
>waaaah I took out a loan I couldn't afford to obtain a degree that isn't worth the paper it's printed on
>waaaah I want someone to pay for my mistakes
fuck off
Have fun being dumb. You don't know how student loans work with big degrees.
This is why your country will always be shit tier.
>implying I don't have a degree
>implying I didn't work part-time in the field my degree is in throughout college, paying for my degree out of pocket and gaining experience/contacts at the same time
>implying other people are responsible for your failures
nice try
>relevant in any way other than tax evasion
Why would you want to work WHILE having to learn the hard stuff. It only gets in the way. If you can do that then your degree is not worth it.
sorry man if you aren't getting a degree with a high paying job youre a cuck. Plus in state tuition is free if youre smart. Aka free school for like an engineering degree with starting salaries of 50k+.
Who the fuck cares what you think? You even used the word "cuck" wrong.
What part of "Make America Great Again" don't you understand?
>you know our love was meant to be...
>54% Berner
End me, lads.
I began to believe I was on the meme train but apparently not.
>80% gift in trash man
I side the most with Republican candidate Donald Trump. Who do you side with?
Here are my results...
still voting trump
hello welcome to Sup Forums
refer to
Don't justify your laziness. You didn't want to work through your degree, so you didn't. It's not because it would be too taxing on 'm-muh studies'.
You're just fucking lazy.
I'm not retaking this shit. Reposting old result
They removed Ted Cruz :(
Because everyone has time to work no matter which degree right?
well...mine is strange
Libertarian here and I wouldn't vote for the Johnson cuck.
I actually thought I was redpilled. I'd still vote for Trump though I don't like him as a person. I also hate socialism, but I guess I'm subtly brainwashed to agree with toveri Sanders
Wish I saved the old one, kinda boring just seeing Trump after Trump
this does not help me as to who I should vote for at all.
>Do you support the death penalty
>Yes, but the victims family should decide the punishment
What the fuck.
I've been saying that I was disgusted with Clinton and Trump, and voting for Gary Friggin Johnson.
I am glad my results came back accordingly
would have thought someone from germanistan would like that answer
>tfw trump will never return my affections
>Clinton at 13
>Stein at 8
>Faglord at 5
This guys fucks.
>voting for open borders cuck weed man nigger
As expected I suppose.
Not sure why I'm closer to Shillary than Trump, but I'm still voting for Trump.
Anyone with over 50% for any of the left-wing candidates is, indeed, a faglord.
My most important issues were science and election integrity. My most extreme themes were populism (100%), big government (92%), and pacifism (78%).
Trump cucks are huge faggots. I won't vote for Hillary though, lawl. #BernieOrGreen2016
>“No one should be able to own...”
>in response to “Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?”
>By a Socialist voter in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I wish there was an option to pick to deport left wingers to Cuba
i feel like you have to purposely answer the questions like a special education 15 year old to "side with trump"
do us "left wing yankees" a favor and stay in your 3rd world-tier containment zones. there's a reason red states rank bottom 10 in virtually every HDI category.
why are conservacucks hellbent on dragging everyone down them? is their own misery not enough?
kind of ironic that socialists want to willingly disarm themselves considering the history of what happens to disarm socialist populaces
the HDI is pretty high in Detroit I hear
fake as fuck
How can you score only 1% with Shillary despite siding with her on several issues?
I honestly dislike all candidates.
Only Trump and Johnson are bearable.
>hashtags on Sup Forums
>appropriating and misusing the cuck insult as a left wing parasite
get the fuck out
But this time, it'll be a different socialism and millions won't be killed by their own government.
>Sup Forums is one person
The Donald
>the quintessential britcuck
explains why your rights are eroding, but it's ok, at least you'll all be equally brown and miserable
Polandbro reporting in, answered all questions
Yo estoy con Trump
A la verga guey
Voted for her last time because Ron Paul wasn't running, and I hated Romney, and couldn't bring myself to vote for Obama again.
Feels good man
>High Energy Folks
Britain is more white that the US m8...
I was looking forward for this result
>the comments
Feels Goodman