>Women in charge of running a business
>Forbes said on Wednesday that it has lowered its estimate of Holmes' net worth to "nothing."
>Women in charge of running a business
>Forbes said on Wednesday that it has lowered its estimate of Holmes' net worth to "nothing."
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That's sexist.
I can't wait for this cunt to get shipped to prison
>Devotes life to running a business
>Ultimately would be worth more if she were stripper
fuck this dumb bitch all women are scum.
>how is trump anti women? give me one example???
fuck this dumb bitch all women are scum.
>how is trump anti women? give me one example???
fuck this dumb bitch all women are scum.
>how is trump anti women? give me one example???
fuck this dumb bitch all women are scum.
>how is trump anti women? give me one example???
fuck this dumb bitch all women are scum.
>how is trump anti women? give me one example???
kek technically she'd even be worth more if she just sold a single pair of underwear online or worked one shift at mcdonalds.
Are you saying I'm Donald Trump, user?
Good, all her claims were just fiction. This is what happens when you let bloodsucker venture capitalists try to do anything with medicine.
So where did four fucking billion dollars just go?
So she's basically the female Donald Trump but without stupid hair
Donald trump has a slew of successful businesses.
This woman has 0 of those.
A lot of it never really existed in the first place and was based on fraud, the rest went back to her swindled investors.
>>Devotes life to running a business
Running a business implies providing a service or producing or refining material. She did neither of those. She told people she had a magic medical machine, that didn't actually work. Then she got hit by assloads of lawsuits due to botched lab tests that probably put lives at risk.
>Paying your investors back before yourself
Shit nigga, that's not how you run a scam! Women can't even cheat properly.
She was a figurehead for a high profile pump and dump and she will get rewarded. Everyone in this game knows how this is supposed to be played, she whores herself out and the pimps pay her her dues in the end.
If they didn't reward her then in the future it would be harder to do these kind of scams without ever having to actually talk about the scam and rewards ... and deniability is such a wonderful thing.
This scam went on for a long fucking time. If she doesn't have at least a few million stashed overseas shes a goddamn retard.
She'll need it since she's being banned from ever doing anything related to medical equipment ever again and no one will ever go into business with her or even hire her after the shit she put everyone through.
These numbers are stupid, she could never cash out those billions because they don't exist. In reallity she just lost her company
Wow btfo
btw why did nobody look into see if her company's claims actually held up? was it just listen and believe?
That's small time thinking, that's how you get caught.
Sure she will have had a nice salary, but the big money will come in favors from the more anonymous investors who dumped in time.
>trust me, I'm rich and white
It was all venture capital funded, as I understand it. So they probably gave some presentations to investors, powerpoint and the like, and then got the funding secured. Then failed to deliver, hard.
>A payment of 0.04USD has been applied to your PayPal account.
Reminder that hillary paid a million dollars for this.
She literally said : "MUH trade secrets" and everybody soiled their jimmies, gave her a few billion, and went back to shopping at Michael kors
this. I mean they should at least hire competent shills, these faggots on pols are retards! hahaha
That would have been sexist.
women deserve death
posting obligatory real American genius inventors
she's fucking a white female
God she looks like an insufferable cunt.. I hope she goes to prison.
This is my canary, I've been closely watching Theranos for over 2 years now. The stockmarket crash will come this year 100%, anons you will have the opportunity to turn as little as 10k into 500k, get liquid, get cash, learn how to buy stocks. Invest in MINING, OIL, GAS. This crash will wipe out major pharmaceutical companies and investment banks and panic will set in and decent performing energy companies are going to get hammered to pennies on the dollar. Stay safe friends, I've been waiting 15 years for this.
I think she's Kissinger's niece or something.
When will you idiots finally wake up?
straya, how do you do it?
Did you scramble your brains on huge amounts of acid, fake acid, and 2c-x over a decade of going to shitty aussie music fests in order to allow yourself to synapse these associations?
God damn I love straya.
He's not totally off base, but I would wait for the crash and then buy up energy stocks and cheap real estate.
Is there anything worse than the Anglo """""""female""""""" horseface
his voice immediately made me want to strangle him
the words made it so much worse
Forbe's valuation is based completely on her 50% stake in the company. She will have been drawing a large salary for more than a decade so she is still probably way richer than most people despite her stick being worth nothing.
Anybody suprised ?
God damnit Australia. I'm not sure if you're shitposting or not....
Hotter than Mayer desu
I've discussed this with people before, not this specific case, just rich women in general
>"If you look at the top 50 richest people, the few women in it have all either inherited the money through being an heir, took the money in a divorce or been gifted it"
>"Yeah, it's pretty hard for women to make money considering we couldn't have bank accounts until the 1970s!"
>"So there hasn't been a single self-made male billionaire since the '70s?"
>"Ever notice how they're all old white men?"
>"I haven't. I've noticed many are Jews, but I don't think that's "PC" and I don't want to be a Nazi :^). Is Mark Zuckerberg an octogenarian?"
>"No point in discussing it if you're gong to be racist"
Seriously just check the list. The last time I checked the top 50 there wasn't a self made female in it.
Have my own Theranos story.....
>Be Assistant Manager at Safeway
>Plans are adopted and implemented to revamp our Pharmacy's
>Over a two year period Safeway corporate remodels the Pharmacy's and builds a small hospital type room adjacent to the Pharmacy.
>Room comes complete with an examination room, bathroom, waiting room, front desk and a Flat Screen TV on the walls.
>No one knows what this room is for, not even the Managers or Pharmacists.
>Everyone keeps asking what the fuck is up with this room that never gets used.
>Find out after the article in the Wall Street Journal is published about Theranos, that one of the head corporate guys partnered with Theranos and wanted to build "wellness, positive-life" centers in Safeways. He spent over $500,000,000 of Safeway's profits, almost all of Safeway's profit to do so.
>Find out even before they spent this money that to prove Theranos effectiveness they all took blood tests, half of them were wrong.
>Still spent all that money on useless exam rooms inside Safeway.
>Sold Safeway to a hedge-fund company called Cerbus.
She made billions by peddling grade A bullshit
What have you cucks accomplished in your life?
That's how it should be desu. Women are meant to take care of families. This is the same reason why even though Google and everyone else is pushing as hard as they can to make more female programmers they will never actually succeed. It'd be like teaching your dog calculus, it's just fundamentally beyond them in a way no amount of effort will ever remedy.
Sweden, can you get even get more desperate with your attempts at bashing the God Emperor Donald Trump?
I've presented products to venture capitalists before, on behalf of my company.
It's not just "hurrr here's an idea! YAAY money!"
Ours is a medical company, so each of the major investors had doctors, who ruthlessly tested and tried to tear our product apart. According to our provincial guidelines, any medical equipment legally has to be at least 98% accurate (off the top of my head). Even though it stood up to all their tests, most of them still decided that they wouldn't invest in it until it was peer reviewed, which wasn't going to fucking happen since we would have to reveal all its inner workings.
How this bitch got away with it, must have been some God-tier deception. Or just plain old corruption.
What did this dumb cunt do? I can't find it on Google
Ask your wife's interracial son to help you since you are too dumb to simply google search "theranos"
Hahaha! Cuck memes! You are so "in" right now dude
It's interesting how HARD the MSM was pumping this turd
I wonder how many other SV companies are just as crooked... Tesla come to mind of course. Interesting that a bunch of these scamsters became billionaires under obammy...
She was a fraud from the beginning
How can investors be this dumb. They really thought a 19-year-old, studying chemical engineering (large-scale industrial production of chemicals) for 1 (ONE) year, somehow knew some revolutionary new technique for running blood tests on smaller samples? It's not even her field of study. She had obviously never done any of her own research on it. And yet, she knows this new secret first, before any actual professors or doctors or established corporations discovered it in their actual research labs? No fucking way. They deserve to lose all their money.
Yeah not only that, but read about dr gibbons
He killed himself because of this cunt
It's the fucking turtleneck, bro. Americans are highly impressionable people who judge others primarily by their outward appearance: so in this case she just looked like "the next Steve Jobs" and boom! $4.5B net worth. How can you be a PROUD STRONK MURIKAN and not know this?
I think it's this new trend of trying to change the world and do good and all that BS buzzword crap. From the interviews, she just constantly goes on about the benefits of being able to run bloodwork on a micro sample. And she's right, it would be amazing and help all kinds of people. But she never actually discusses the science of it. Just the feel-good PR shit. She sold it to the right kind of audience I guess. Liberal Commifornia hippies. If she had pitched it to someone with actual biochemical knowledge, I assume they would've immediately gotten straight to the scientific details and exposed her right away.
Founded a company around a new blood testing machine. After they already made bold claims and gained a foothold in the industry, it turns out the machine doesn't work
The fuck did I just read
Thanks user
>Americans are highly impressionable people
delet this
>Americans are highly impressionable people
We use to not be. Unfortunately you're right.
Her lead scientist (who was her professor and dropped everything to start the company with her) killed himself when she asked him to keep publishing fraudulent data. Not even joking. This was a massive money laundering/pump dump scheme, based on the people involved I would say it's to position assets for a massive terrorist attack or to start a hot war in Asia.
How do swedes show their face on Sup Forums?
I'm sure she still has some money of her own. Maybe it's "nothing" compared to her estimated net worth before, but if she has less than a few million dollars, I'll be surprised.
probably bubble mentality theres a lot of shit that gets funded when investors see their peers making bank
Her business concept was literally a female status party fantasy.
depends on how much money she owes after the lawsuit.
If you make billions of dollars doing something illegal, do you get to keep that money?
Even if it is offshore, that won't do her much good when she's rotting in prison.