Random images thread

Random images thread





























I am scared.


Wtf is this

I win

I feel all itchy




I want a dr pepper now

Who is this cute


they're endangered and people keep chopping them up

You know how great Trump is, but the NEWS MEDIA makes it seem like he's bad ? I mean, totally. That's what's going on. The news and social medial make the greatest president of all time seem like a bumbling racist idiot who cheats on his wife and plays golf all the time, and can barely read, let alone walk in a straight line.

WELL, that's the same news media #FakeNews that's telling you that eating Tide Pods is bad for you.

DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO THE LEFT AGENDA ! Eat those Tide Pods as quick as you can before Obama and his Jew Lawyers get him a third term and he makes it illegal because they're so fucking good !

As we speak, Tide is pulling them off the shelves so they can repackage them and sell them for 10 times as much, now that poor working-class Americans like yourself know how great they taste.

Remember when people said not to stare into the Total Eclipse, but #DonaldJTrump did ? Hell, yeah you do. That took balls. Big old man balls. The same kind of balls you'd need to eat a bunch of Tide Pods right fucking now.

Because you want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA and to do that, you're gonna have to eat as many Tide Pods as you can, before some Mexicans sneak across the border and eat them all up.

#BuildThatWall #NotMyPresident #TheStruggleIsReal #MeToo #ThanksObama #BlackLivesMatter #Hashtag



I don't see no cranberry sauce

My kinda girl


what are those?

Looks like Emma Watson, bud

That is fucking creepy.



Pyura chilensis


I was in that legendary thread

Congratulations faggot

I think it's the thin, black layer just below the middle.






i can recreate this do you want me to?


Vince would have a fucking heart attack



Jesus he looks like something off of fucking Twisted Metal




wonder what i got for christmas


Probably a segway. Gayer than a dildo anyway.


" I'm in charge now"






Multi Squib rounds.

The dumb ass firing the gun was too stupid to realize the rounds were not clearing the barrel and fucked the gun.

A squib load, also known as a squib round, pop and no kick, or just a squib, is a firearms malfunction in which a fired projectile does not have enough force behind it to exit the barrel, and thus becomes stuck.


I can't tell what's going on here. It's either a new socket rewired through an old plastic front or it just has nails running through it. It it's the nails I'm surprised the house didn't burn down. If it's new wiring run through an old casing then no big deal

Its an EXTENDO-SOCKET. Basically the latter but I don't think those are nails.

