Eww, it looks like a fortune cookie!
not to be a downer but can we get back to anthro?
Oops, I already made , I'll stay here though, but I'm gonna move to mobile since it's getting late. Keep this bumped!
Dubs commands!
Post what you like
as much as I would enjoy to keep discussing morals of animal fucking, alas it is time for bed as I have class tomorr- today
please don't fuck your dogs, kids.
>please don't fuck your kids, dogs.
You go to school? That sucks dude.
I actually love school. I've come back after being a filthy dropout and its the greatest decision of my life. Never been happier!
I mean there's better ways of making money but I don't want to keep you. Good night and don't be late tomorrow. If that's what you like...
Don't sound too sad, now.
Its not about the money. NatSci majors don't make a lot of money anyway. It's following the cheesy mantra "do what you love"
Okay I’m back. What’d I miss?
Ugh I did that and ended up working 60 hours a week in the hot sun at one point and still not affording enough to keep my electric on one weekend. All my food spoiled after 60 hours working minimum wage. I now have a business and don't work any hours a week. Zero.
Good luck with that.
I thought you were the one going to bed.
It makes me happy that artists seem to draw this more and more frequently nowadays
To continue he disscussion of beastality, another way I should’ve seen it coming sooner is that I started getting into human/anthro, then after awhile I got into anthro/feral, and within the last week I got into human/feral, then Thursday night I got fucked by my dog. Maybe the slippery slope theroy is valid after all.
I was going to bed since it’s late and am now on my phone instead. (Sorry for the spelling mistakes ahead of time, autocorrect doesn’t work the same on mobile) The guy who left was one of the ones disscussing against beastality.
>only person in the world I'm interested in having sex with is far far away
>don't have a dog
Yes it's very valid.
If you want to have sex with dogs as a substitute you probably shouldn't be doing it.
Btw, this is a much better pic of what Kaiser looks like. Just a more straight and wide snout (like a normal male, I’m pretty sure this pic is female) and bigger.
I don't like people though except for that person
Why don't you just focus on repairing your impression of people? What don't you like about them?
Hate to get really deep in a thread like this, but that’s a pretty clear sign lf love. You do know this person right? They’re not a celebrity or anything, right? Because if they are you’re fucked
Most people have very limited capabilities, and have almost no interests or knowledge outside of what they share with everyone else.
Yes, and that person appears to feel the same way.
Another pic close to him. As you can probaly tell, he’s huge. His rocket was even bigger. I looked up a bunch of stuff about beastality and diffrent fourms about it, and most people either start on purpose with a medium sized dog, had it happen all by accident and loved it after, or more like me, started it in the heat of the moment, not really thinking about it. I’m glad it happened, I just hope I don’t only stick with dogs, and that I eventually start getting attracted to people.
How many dead bodies are in your cellar?
Well then like I said, it sounds like love. I’m assuming you’re living with roomates or do you still live at home?
dog pumpers are NEETs. why ask?
I'm at home trying to decide who to live with.
I don't think that you should really be going with animals if your real desire is a person. It kind of seems dishonest don't you think?
Dammit why do long haired shepherds have to be such dreamboats
I’m legit trying to come up with a solution for this guy. I know it’s a bit personal but if he wants a slightly based suggestion, I’ve gotta know something.
Live with me!
commit yourself to an asylum. youre gonna end up on the news one day and not in a good way
I want a roomate to snuggle with!
nah, most of us are fairly well educated and work in cushy IT jobs so that we can work from home with our dogs or bring them to the office. I also own my home because renting sucks.
But I'm not gay!
you said you live at home, which i assume means you are a basement baby. dont lie to yourself
I am not him, there are more of us here right now
When you have a dog instead of a gf, you tend to have a little more money. And lots more time.
You have 2 solutions (if you wanna be fucked by a German Sheherd and have a very friendly and loveable companion to keep you company).
#1: Try to live with friends (assuming you can’t live with your love intrest) and get a big dog friendly house to rent. I know I live in a place with high property value so spliting a house between 2 freinds and myself is pretty much $600 a month, including utilities. If you live in a cheaper area, this is easier. Disscuss getting a dog as a pal to have home and to all have a little responsibility. Then go on craigslist and find a male, intact German Shepherd and get him. Pounds’ll make you neuter him, and most rescues will too. Once you get him, wait a few weeks for him to get comfortable and then let him go to town if he wants.
>assuming all girls are diggers
yeah you are a beta. i bet you have soy nips
How do you even get an IT job in this economy?
Every single job opening requires prior experience.
Apparently the number of people qualified to do IT work vastly outnumbers the job openings.
>tfw too inconfident to become a girl (male)
Dare to dream, broski.
That option is the easiest. No idea if he’s neutered but I found him from looking on a random craigslist for a few minutes. Pretty easy to find companions
Well you have to go to restaurants and buy things right? Kind of the same for dogs but much cheaper. No marriage either.
doggos are the best lovers. theyre just the right shape to really please a human cock, and they're oh so warm inside
Option #2 is a little controversial:
You try to find a roomate on craigslist saying that they have a German Shepherd. Let him get to know you and try not to clinge to him, no matter how hard it might be; the owner might get jealous of you and try to keep the Shepherd only with them at all times. Wait until they go to work or school and bam, let him fuck you.
I'm pretty sure my parents would know what's going on if I got a large dog.
Lie on your resume.
jesus looks like you could fit your hand in that
Used to love coming to those threads. What the fuck is wrong with y'all?
Have they any reason? Regardless, that’s why I said go with friends. Most parents are gonna want to have the dog fixed because that’s the normal thing to do, thank god my parents never neutered Kaiser.
So let’s go with the scenario that you live with your parents, and your not moving out for at least 6 months. Try to ask for one because you want more responsibility. Don’t say, “Hey, can I get a male German Shepherd and he needs to still have his balls” because no shit they’ll get suspicious. Say something along the lines, “Hey, me and my friends have been talking about dogs and it’s really made me want one, especially a German Shepherd. I want a more responsibility and I think a dog that I have to walk, feed, and generally take care of *wink* *wink* would be a nice thing.” Then try to find a dog yourself (like on craigslist) and hope they’ll be none the wiser.
Yeah im asking the same question.
Just wait it out lol
Yeah, last thread we started talking about feral yiff, then someone brought up letting a dog knot them, then I told my story (in detail) about how I let my 120lb German Shepherd fuck me last Thursday. Sorry if it’s nasty, this is my first time actually telling someone about it.
i don't specifically care what others do behind closed doors but the feral dog images are a little too much for me now however i don't mind feral mare though