"Shame on you" Libertarian John McAfee rebukes libertarians for being too white and all men


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Is this the guy that provides me with my antivirus?

>black people are not libertarians
>It's white people's fault!

shouldn't he be saying shame on black people for not being libertarians?

Fuck Jon McAfee

If John wants to shove identify politics into the future of the Libertarian party then fuck the Libertarian party.

whats his twitter again?

i gotta make sure to unfollow him

also, does he look high or drunk to anyone else?

He's kind of right.

No political party in history has managed to gain relevance without the support of women.

Look at Hitler, he only finally started gaining major traction when he started moistening women's panties.

Yeah! That's Gary Johnson's job!

The dude is a drugfucked asshole, who cares what he thinks?

Are you guys fucking mentally handicapped to not see that he is speaking sarcastically?

>Gary is a total anti gun faggot
>McAfee an sjw
Why didn't Austin win? Not that I would vote for him over Trump. He was clearly best tho

He started the shit
It's been like decades since he was involved with that though
Now he's legally insane and shit post irl with his nigger ex hooker wife

but that would be racist

>lol hes only pretending to be retarded guys i swear

John McAfee was trolling them.

Considering they just had a fat guy get naked and dance around on stage, I think they deserved some kind of rebuke. Jesus christ you fucking, weird nerd. That's not how a political party that wants to be taken seriously behaves.

He's always high, my man.

the lolbertarian party will always be a running joke

Because it's not a libertarian party. It's a tool the political establishment uses to keep libertarians under control.

Holy hell senpai, I would normally call people crazy for statements like this but...

If the shoe fits...

Top lel John McAfee is a murdering drunkard.

But it's fucking obvious that he is pretending you dumb nigger. You have to be one dumbass motherfucker to not see it. Watch the fucking video, better yet watch any Mcafee's videos to understand what he is advocating.

Do you actually like Trump because you are incapable of understanding anything else beyond direct statements?


Man, why doesn't he blame the Black Panthers or the NBA for not being inclusive enough? If white people are somehow not feeling the need to join these organizations, clearly the organizations must change in a way to more appeal to white people until there are a sufficient number of whites in there. We should also take a look at foreign governments to make sure enough white people are in their cabinets, I have a feeling there often aren't. I mean, the Western world can't be the only inclusive society, it needs to spread globally, right?

this is why i'm not a libertarian, despite agreeing with them on quite a few issues. their stance on border security is fucking stupid as well

Lol I watched the whole thing. He is definitely not joking you faggot.

Libertarian party went full cuck this election cycle.

Trump killed two parties with one stone.


Good job lolbertarians I sure hope one of you guys doesn't prance around in your underwear in front of a camera that would be embarrassing

Relevant for those that have McAfee Antivirus.


Shit like this is why I am not voting Libertarian. Nothing but LL cucks, fucking pathetic. I never thought I would get behind Trump but so be it


But look at my tities


Libertarian values are antithetical to the Sympathetic Sex

Man, Libertarians are fucking weirdos.

This, Women shouldnt be allowed to vote desu

His wife is black so I think he is more sympathetic to minorities and women.

"Jews are the ransonware of society" - John McAfee

>No political party in history has managed to gain relevance without the support of women.

You mean appealing to feelings and disappropriately taxing men while giving most resources to women?

Giving women the vote is the worst and last mistake the west has ever made. They will continue to vote for their own interests and they will continue to avoid their responsibility to reproduce for the sake of their nation and race.

There is no fucking way around this then, you are mentally retarded.

It doesn't matter if she is nigger or not, to think that libertarian, McAfee of all things, would advocate some kind of affirmative action is beyond retardation. If you didn't notice that lolbertarians love sarcasm, because it's their only coping mechanism with retardation around them, you didn't watch close enough.

>Affirmative Action

Retard confirmed. No one said anything about AA, you did.

We get it, your personal Jesus has flaws and you don't want to admit it. Just please stop spewing your stupidity hear. McAfee is a cuck, simple as that.

>their only coping mechanism with retardation around them
you mean like this?

>defending mcCuckafee this hard

>No political party in history has managed to gain relevance without the support of women.
Holy shit. Why would you say something so obviously wrong? As though to say that the Federalists and Anti-Federalists only existed thanks to women.

I think you meant to say that no pointless political party in history has managed to gain relevance without the support of women.

this isn't a joke
John McAfee is almost always high on something

It's pretty obvious.

I hate the fact that the libertarian party has turned into drughead central. Yeah they are pro-legalization but it wasnt because they thought drugs were moral or okay.

The libertarian party is such a joke
They're barely fucking libertarians

This guy was on Milo's podcast recently. He's a total cuck on race and said the Chinese refer to us as barbarians because they have a longer written history, he said "if you think about it, it's true."

So this guy thinks western Europeans are barbarians compared to Chinese.

Why are libertarians such cucks?

Classic liberals aren't cucked.

These pseudo-libertarians who have taken over the party are cucks.

Athens, Rome and damn near all of civilization till 1920 would like to have a word with you.

>destroying your main base of people who do vote for you

>said the Chinese refer to us as barbarians because they have a longer written history,


The Chinese have massacred each other by the millions throughout their history, but because they've been doing it longer than anyone else this is supposedly a point in their favour.

>Rosen Center