Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums

The missing syndromes

Force Quit

The missing chromosomes

band od what??

The Extra Chromosomes

Future Traps

Cuckslut 8


the columbine victims

Gran Autismo

Insane Faggot Posse

I actually like that one.

Yeah we get it they look like congenital retards

the REEEEEjects

Not Slav, sorry.

Hey you know what, if you guess our country right can get one of my gf's nudes

The circle jerkers

Awkward Frog

The unfuckables

The Columbine Experience

I'm betting on emo-post grunge band

The Jeans

The extra jeans

underrated post

Boys with Toys

Young Holes

Cucks R Us
Aids Infested Niggers

I'm so Edgy I mix strawberry sirup with my Pepsi

Tide Pods
