When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex. Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities . It was over before it even began.
Life is all about being YOUNG and cool, a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars, seeing her priceless face as you first enter her pure pussy, moaning your name when her parents aren't home. Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about
Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin gf under the stars. Penetrating her for the first time. Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over. You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.
Levi Perry
Damn nigga your depressed life is not about all that! just take somemore drugs, then everything is ok (:
Jeremiah Morgan
t. loser
Mason Stewart
you wanna try not posting this every fuckin day?
Ian Nelson
when i was 15, i was playing video games every day with my gf, before and after we had sex.
jocks were cookie cutter faggots who mostly had daddy issues
Blake Garcia
Blake Perez
Julian Powell
Lol football. Want to get mountains of pussy. Play guitar and play in band be mildly attractive. You will drown in the pussy
Joseph Ramirez
Me in High School: >Football Player, but not athletic (benchwarmer) >Actually a Punk Kid >Hung out in the A/V classroom watching Netflix and playing Diablo III >Gamer, closet Otaku >Straight Edge >Heavyset >Lost virginity at 17 in my car >Had a hidden knack for acting (theater)
Me now: >21 >Comm Media Major >President of Anime Club >Producer of Campus TV show about Vidya (Think X-Play or Attack of the Show for gaming) >Lots of Friends >Diverse Musical Taste >Still dress Punk and have Punk mindset though >Smoke cigars >Drink to get drunk, but only every so often-- not an alcoholic >Still Heavyset >Slept with 7 people, with a 7.9/10 gf for over a year
Pretty happy.
Tyler Turner
Me in High School: >Football Player, but not athletic (benchwarmer) >Actually a Punk Kid >Hung out in the A/V classroom watching Netflix and playing Diablo III >Gamer, closet Otaku >Straight Edge >Heavyset >Lost virginity at 17 in my car >Had a hidden knack for acting (theater)
Me now: >21 >Comm Media Major >President of Anime Club >Producer of Campus TV show about Vidya (Think X-Play or Attack of the Show for gaming) >Lots of Friends >Diverse Musical Taste >Still dress Punk and have Punk mindset though >Smoke cigars >Drink to get drunk, but only every so often-- not an alcoholic >Still Heavyset >Slept with 7 people, with a 7.9/10 gf for over a year