Need some advice Sup Forums

Need some advice Sup Forums

Someone wants to kill me, yesterday night they tried kicking down my front door. I was ready with a knife on the other side but he left. He was insanely angry

My wife was scared shitless and wants to know who tf he was. I need a reasonable excuse that makes me seem like the good guy. Maybe a misunderstanding or something

Help a Sup Forumsrother out

what did you do to make someone want to kill you, first of all

got his fiancee pregnant

Sounds like you're a piece of shit. Hope he gets you.

Good luck Sup Forumsrother

i am for cheating on my wife but i didnt know she was with someone, im more concered with my wife not finding out the real reason

Kys cunt, you deserve it

does he have proof that can convince other people? can he reasonably obtain proof?

if the babys born then yeh but until then no, she told me she had the implant. Im not too worried about what hes going to do but i dont want this to break apart me and my wife which is why i need an excuse to not make me look bad

>cant call the police

I'm lmaoing at you burgers all day

If he knows where you live then she's going to find out, just come clean yourself and embellish the parts where you were an asshole.

ur a fagget deal with it

if that does happen then ill come clean but until then im not risking it. Im thinking of just saying I crashed into his car or something

do you know if she's keeping it?

im hoping she would be smart about it and abort it but im not 100%

>got his fiancee pregnant
>dont want this to break apart me and my wife

lel yu dun goofed

also I am sure you are white 20-30 yo, am I right?

so you're not worried about having gotten somebody pregnant? You're not worried at all about that child that his father wont love? Imagine how troubled he'll be without ever getting to meet his or her dad. I'magine how much you're gonna be fucking over that kid, the mother and your own wife who you'll be lying to for the rest of your life. All for what? So you could fuck some bitch on the side? please remember this every time you look at your wife, every time you hear her voice. Think about how you have a kid running around this world who you've deprived of a father and a fair and loving upbringing. You are such a worthless piece of shit user

Come clean before it gets too bad. Gonna have to face the music sooner or later. You'll save yourself a lot paranoia and sleepless nights. Also, you're a POS and deserve what is coming.

If you can’t stay committed to the woman you loved so much you married her, at least tell her the truth.

Or grow a dick and accept your fate

you could always say you have no fucking clue why he's so mad, and deny if he ever says why

Here's the story, you dated his fiance a long time ago and she's been trying to contact you in a creepy stalkery way. Madman found out and gets jealous, thinking you're leading her on. If madman ever accuses you of cheating you can say he's paranoid, and if the fiance goes along with it you can say she's jealous that you've moved on without her.

You need to invent reasons for them to both be liars trying to sabotage you while your girlfriend is on your side.

Rot in hell you fucking scum, please don't have anymore kids too cuz theyll turn out little fags like me from all the abuse someone like you will give them, fuck off and die scum

id always look after any kids i have, its just simply best if this kid wasnt born, plain and simple.

lol what did you even tell your wife at the time? Were you like "Oh shit I wonder what this attempted murder was about but honey I really gotta run" and then you left? This is so confusing. What have you told her so far? Also, if you truly love her, why are you sleeping around user?

nah thats too suspicious
thats decent i can go with something like this

I hope that guy gets you, you piece of shit. You reap what you sow.

i just said its a long story, let it calm down and ill explain. she said i have a couple days

ok, but what about your wife? Are you gonna lie to her for the rest of your life? Why did you cheat on her? Will you ever open up to her about the abortion you had while you were married to her? Do you even feel the slightest bit of guilt for cheating on her?

also it was a stupid one night thing we was drunk, no exuse but thats what it was

My father cheated on my mother for like 3 years around the time I was born, he wasn't a good or smart man either, similar to someone like you I'd say, I found out after years of nobody knowing, that fucker lives in this house but he can't look anyone in the eyes anymore, every one of his kids slapped him around for his shit

"ok user, take a few days off to work on your excuse, I'll just be making dinners in the mean time." Are you dating a tard OP? Is that why you chat on her?

somethings are better left unsaid, It was an accident and no ill never tell her if i can tell it. It will just make it worse for everyone, and yes ofc i feel very guilty

Make a lie that he's some old friend turned full psycho you knew.
Don't forget to say he's a pathological liar and should be in a padded room or smth.

is it the only time it happened? Are you sure you're happy with her? Are you happy with yourself?

its easy to say out of anger but in reality you dont know me and i dont know your father. We are nothing alike

something like that could work but nobody wants to kill someone for no reason, there needs to be something ive done or a misunderstanding
yeh its the only time in 11 years, im happy with her, dissapointed in myself that it happened but apart from that, its fine

Sound exactly like my father, all I'm saying is that this shit will come out eventually no matter how much you try to hide it, your already mentally weak hence this situation, if you were smart or had some sense, wouldn't be here

I'd honestly be thinking more about this kid, he could really be a problem in the future, I hope at least

was she asleep? passed out?
or just a whore?
i mean people here seem to be missing one thing. you're a piece of shit, sure, but so is she.

thats fucked up but if i were in ur shoes OP, id move or at least get door stoppers, better security and or a gun/pepper spray

I'm still dumbfounded that she has given you a few days to put your story together. Is she not suspicious in any way? Also, yes, you should feel guilty, and I hope that these memories haunt you whenever you're in the same room as your wife, or even thinking about it. You might think that some things are better left unsaid, but watch as the guilt slowly eats you up from the inside like a tape worm. Watch as you learn to pretend to live a happy life with your wife how hollow you will truly feel knowing that your wife, the person you love the most in your life, is living a lie. Who do you think will win the race; the man who wants to kill you for fucking his wife, your wife when she finds out, or your own guilt? I hope you do some deep thinking, some meditation, and do what's hard but right. Of course, you've already decided the rout you'll take

Its really out of my hands, its likely she will abort it but on the off chance that she doesnt ill have to deal with it. My wife will obvs find out i cheated but i cant abandon the kid to stay with her, hopefully she will understand but i dont blame her if she leaves

just tell him to calm down and be a good father for your kids

just an average girl
Yeh im gonna carry a weapon on me at all times just in case now
She knows i have a dodgy past and is used to stuff like this catching up with me so shes understanding. Your thinking about it too deep though

Offer to pay child support or adopt the child, leave your wife and marry this mans fiance

it might calm him down to tell him how good his wife's pussy feels

mabe you could come clean about it: tell her it was an honest mistake you made when you were both drunk and leave the rest up to fate

my thinking about it too deep? I think that the fact that you are taking this whole situation so litely is proof that you are just like 's father

I'd suggest making up for it. Tell him you can make him pregnant too.

So OP, how would you feel if somebody tried to kill your wife and then you found out that your wife got some dude pregnant?

How do you know this human soul deserves to go to Heaven before leaving the womb?

confront wife, meet prego fiance husband and get attacked acting calm, record it and sue for fat cash, use money for divorce and move and go live somewhere nice, forget everyone, they will love u when ur gone and dont come back

offer to get him pregnant too, so they're even

Femanon detected

tell him he needs to take responsibility and be a good dad

I wouldn't kill you but I'd beat you until you begged for death.

Your saying all this shit, yet your here trying to hide it, stop being a dickhead now, or you will fuck yourself up

lol, how to tell the woman in the audience

tell your wife you found a surrogate


Sup Forums 180 degree spin:
>kid earlier creates thread how his gf fucked his dad, and blamed it on OP's imaginary herpes
> praise father for cucking son
>call OP a loser

>dude tells he cucked another dude
>kys you deserve it

/thread tbh, wp fanon

Offer him the impregnation of your wife to even it all up, if that won't do it, offer him the chance to inseminate you as well, possibly while your girlfriend and his fiancee watch.

Op your just a rehab, people like you don't understand logic and reason, your threatened right now because of your own actions, and your too much of a pathetic escuse of a bitch of a man to face the consequences for what you did, I have a feeling though that your wife is just as dumb as you right now so you probably deserve each other, but she'll get sick of it eventually

Tell her your dick crashed into his fiancée's pussy and her non-pregnant status was a fatality.

no reason? Say he fell in with a bad crowd and doing drugs, so he's not all there - told you he should be in a padded room

And u live somewhere u cant just abort it or what? Ppl are unfaithfull and its not any legal grounds for him to kill you. seems like u can just poodle to ur eife and admit, tell the fiancee to abirt and call the cops on the cuck. Its not rocket science...
If u really dont wanna tell ur wife the truth make sure u use a believable lie, something that is negative for you. something one wouldnt lie about..

Your just evil

nice nigger you got your wife mixed up with some (justified) violent nut because you had to get your dick wet

I will be generous and grant your wish: may this dude stab you 101 times and leave you to bleed out in a gutter, cold and alone. Your wife will thus never find out why he was so mad and you will have your wish.

You seem to think we are living in the 5th century. Adultery is not illegal, and does not come with a punishment of brutal violence. Perhaps you should move to Pakistan or Russia?


holy shit just stab the cunt, you pussy.

Not illegal, but one should always be ashamed of cheating

Fake and gay. I seen this thread the other er day

Im talking about you being retarded and mentally show in generally, I mean you keep up in these situations throughout the years, also it's not illegan but people do talk too kindly to that shit, stop trying to justify being a bigger retard

So op, are a nigger?

Hope he gets you without legal repercussion

Hope the slut gets ruined after this just for cheating

Go to the police, make a statement, file a complaint of assault. Suggest additional charge of intent to do bodily harm.
Take pictures of your door, there should be damage.

I know about snitches is bitches, but dead is dead, and you don't want to go there.

You'll have to move, soon enough.

My God... what the fuck is the world coming to? I hope he does kill you, one less dirtbag bringing society down.


next time he shows up tell him he owes you $500 for the sperm donation

shit I don't even like breeders, I'd fucking kill you

HAHAHAHAHA excuse to make you look like the good guy. Sweet jesus man. he's going to kill you.

I hope he kills you lol. I would too

yeah i hope you die lol. if you do please post the article for the lulz. then i'm gonna come to your house and fuck your wife with your toothbrush up my ass

She ain’t evwn pregnant bro, she just said that so you’d leave your wife. Better settle down with the mistress.

Go to the police and explain everything, at least they're on the case while he murder you (wich you deserve)

>Not being mentally show in generally
>Not a single fuck is given because it's all not illegan

Imagine you drove over someone's dog, accidently, but you know in your heart that you could have stopped but you did it cuz it was legally sound, now I'm imagon that dogs owner finds out and decides to hunt you down, and then your friends just think your a dick head cuz of the whole ordeal, it's these aspects of life where the law doesn't matter, thats what your getting yourself into with this shit, the judgement of people and not the law

Just rig your front door to "give" when he kicks it, then stab him to death inside your home.

You have no obligation to retreat from your home, and you're entitled to use force proportional to the perceived threat to defend yourself. If he makes a credible threat to kill you, you can kill him to stop him carrying it out.

>making someone jell is equivalent to killing a living creature

Kill him first. You already are a bad person.

The fact you hid in your Apt and didn't face him tells us all what kind of pussy you are. Hope he kicks your ass unconscious then tells your bitch why before revenge fucking her over your pussy ass.

Enjoy dying ya fucking shit cunt

Get a shotgun, OP. He comes in, you click the button, and he goes away forever.

I will give you points for actually wracking your remaining brain cells to come up with all that drivel, but it is illegal to kill a dog, if it can be proven you ran it over on purpose.

And as the other user said, hurting someone's feelings is not the equivalent of murder, even of an animal.

OP, I hope he sticks you like a pig.

tits or gtfo

>Someone wants to kill me, yesterday night they tried kicking down my front door. I was ready with a knife on the other side but he left. He was insanely angry

let me guess:
- you're a nigger
- he's a nigger