Just got some notifications about a shooting in the Engineering buildings. Wonder if it's related to Milo.
School Shooting at UCLA
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Oh getting the popcorn. Hope it's a black shooter, or at least a bernie supporter
First for Supreme Gentleman 2: Electric Boogaloo
Can't find any info besides the two alert texts. I don't really want to head over to Engineering to find out.
>mfw it turns out to be some betamax BLM sympathiser pissed off that Milo was allowed to speak last night
I'm here at Powell Sup Forums bro
I always hope the shooters are black or leftists.
gay and fake; mostly gay, also fake.
Don't know why they'd go after engineering if true. I think that building has the aerospace and EE departments.
Please be some BLM wacko, we need a few more incidents like this to forever brand them as extremists to even the normies.
Le triggering
>deny entry
Fucking racists. Everyone knows walls don't work. We should be building bridges to the shooter instead. Once he realizes we're all unarmed, he'll put his gun down and stop.
Nope, got it too.
Apparently they are evacuating Boelter
>Gun-free zones
i'm praying it's a nigger
wonder why u guys arent top shooters at the olympics. u definitely got a passion for it
I'm not convinced.
your whole country is a gun free zone you muslim faggot.
This. #ShootersWelcome
Can we really afford another drowned baby shooter?
We're not?
Damn shame...
Please be BLM dindu or Muslim.
>all these shootings in blue states with heavy gun control and in gun-free zones
Will they ever learn?
>Northern Ireland
>gun free
Fucking idiots though, why shoot up south campus. That's all the engineering majors...
impossible, guns are banned in california!
What not a musloid BLM-dindu?
those are all true
They actually are the Olympics' top shooters. More than twice as many medals as second place.
Bump for happening.
Hopefully it's going to get pretty comfy in here.
>That's all the engineering majors...
Shooter is probably a homophobe
yeah it's the aerospace and EE depts. I think it's probably someone who went unhinged because finals.
you're an edgy one
look where you are
Just had knee surgery this morning. Gotta stay in bed all day. Popped pain killers. Getting real comfy right now
it's not edgy it's red-pilled
No he was last night
I don't care who did it, I'm just glad it happened. fuck UCLA
Couldn't happen to a better 'school'
1 in every 5 people has a legally obtained firearm here. We're the only place in the UK that allows the owning of handguns (of any calibre) and the only place that allows guns to be obtained solely for personal protection.
That's not counting the innumerable amount of guns and semtex and SAMs stashed across the country by the IRA either.
Well RIP in peace, OP. Try to think of some good last words.
Hi there my Trojan friend :^)
nignogs hate stem
you expect me to believe something coming out of the mouth of a cucked britainer? why are you even posting on Sup Forums, shouldn't you be stopping the gang rape of your daughter?
wow lots of usc in here
Shit, they're onto me.
There has never been a case of a muslim gang rape in Northern Ireland. Feel free to educate yourself, although I know I may as well have asked a Jew to spend some money, with how adverse you lot are to education.
Fucking nice.
What's the scenery like in NI? I wanna come visit.
>get shot
Congratulations you are now an additional 100 thousand dollars in debt.
education is literally a liberal code word for "jewish brainwashing" You 're literally so cucked you think education is a good thing. fucking britain, lmao.
>alarm goes off for work at 5am, raining way too hard for work
>check the chon, see happening
>boss replies to my text confirming no workies
gonna make a cup of yummy hot choco, heat up some pasta and pray this is a comfy happening :^)
This one might be Asian.
Did Milo literally trigger them?
It's Ireland. Rolling green hills, a few "mountains" peppered throughout. Lots of old castle ruins and such.
It's okay to be jealous, mongrel. Many are.
We are, by a mile.
Gid gud commie faggot.
An active shooter in a gun-free zone. Wew Lad
jealous of a britainer? hell no, you suck nigger cock and let muslims rape your daughters.
>good good.
Fuck I love this country
Please be a neon haired landwhale
98.3% white. 2000 muslims in the entire country. That's it mongrel. Let it all out. Your envy feeds me.
This is the price to pay for freedom
Probably some asian engineering student who lost it cause the sjw bullshit fucked up his study time.
The shooter's going to be an active alt rightist with a Facebook profile full of Trump hats and yes check'em
would make for an easy target
Come to Belfast and get ripped off by some ex paramilitary goon driving a black taxi
Or hit the bars and watch the bouncers kick 7 shades of shite out of anyone that looks at them funny
Magical place
It's a SJW false flag
They want to shut Milo down big time
it just hit the news channels
legitimate happening
And I'd pay it all over again, and then some.
>shooting in gun free zone
>shooting in one of the worst states with some of the strictest gun laws
Tip top kek
>implying they even need to look at someone funny to get their shit kicked in
>"ex" paramilitary
Milo triggered them too hard.
Is it a muslims?
If it's not what should we label him?
Muslim sympathiser sounds good
your jewish lies are at it again
Top kek is this because of Milo?
feminist shooting up "STEMlords" due to milo being able to host an event without it being shut down by whistling and finger clicking
that or a false flag by someone supposedly pro-milo, in order to use as ammo against milo, trump, and anyone who questions the new left in general
if it's the latter expect this to hand the election to hillary
Yeah. I saw it on Fox News.
Keep that envy coming. I love it.
Any chance it's a black guy?
Wew I was in Boelter this morning, have class in Engr 4 at 12, guess we won't be having that
you also love the idea of raising nine brown grand children because you are from britain.
Shooter is wearing black pants and a black jacket
Two people have been shot
Probably some r9k fag shooting a Stacy
A fucking white male
OP can mod now!
The Leftists won't go quietly. They will be like cornered animals and this is how they choose to die.
Mmmm, keep it coming, mutt. 60% white. 60% top kek
>black guy
>engineering dorms
Probably not. Lets hope for someone extremely asian looking.
Are there any live updates?
I just came here to shit post under this awful flag since I'm in Cancun.
t. an american.
Eh probably nothing. Its always nothing.
a muzzie just said it was a white male. two confirmed kills so far