So Sup Forums what do you think about Steroids. [Video Related]
This guy claims that everything we know about steroids is wrong and crap. Is he right?
So Sup Forums what do you think about Steroids. [Video Related]
This guy claims that everything we know about steroids is wrong and crap. Is he right?
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body building is degenerate and insecure act of weak human beings who need to prove themself to public approval.
I want to take them but I'm only 21,5 and scared it might damage my health
Yer he said in the vid that roids are "fighting back AIDS" and that "They're really, really good"
I don't think i can believe this crap.
Things that steroids actually do
>backne lots
>shoulders will get big and look stupid
>you sound a bit lispy
>roid rage like your a todler and someone stole your toy
>your bench will to through the roof
>you will deflate when you're off them.
You can do all the following with a good diet and dedication completely natty there is no reason other than laziness and mental disorder to roid.
>bench 140kg
>squat 200kg
>deadlift 300kg
>ohp 100kg
Run 100m in 12secs
>skinnyshitter that never took them has an opinion on them
I am not involved with the fitness culture but he is full of shit
How much do you weigh?
If the visibly grotesque videogame character body is your thing, then go for it.
Don't complain that only bar sluts who look good in dim lighting go for you though.
Yes you're lifting for women.
Even if it doesn't cause health problems it pushes you passed your natural limits, and that would be a good thing if it lasted forever but if you stop taking it you wont be able to preform on the same level. This will make you feel weaker and you will rapidly decline back to your original limits. But it gets worse, because your body became dependent on it you will no longer produce the same levels of testosterone you did before you took the drug. So not only will you get weaker than before you started taking it but your test levels will go down to neckbeard beta male levels. So unless you can afford to take it until the day you die should probably take a pass on it, or only use it for short periods of time when you need to preform above your normal limits.
Zyzz disagrees with the skinny shitskin
Steroids are degenerate and harmful to your body. If you got too much testosterone from taking steroids, the excess will turn into estrogen, and you will get a nice set of woman nipples/tits.
I want to try them but i dont know where to get them. I think i have low test because i can't build any muscle(yes i eat alot and train even take weight gainer). I think i have Klinefelter's syndrome. Are prohormones ok?
The only thing that you should ''think'' about steroids is that they should be legal.
It's legal for a woman to kill her baby. It's legal for anyone to get drunk and drink themselves to death. It's legal for a man to chop his balls off and claim to be a woman.
Whatever you think about steroids, they should be legal.
Actually, if all white men were given small doses of steroids we would save the world.
We should invent another imaginary illness and force kids to take steroids saying they have a testosterone deficiency. Black kids couldn't receive it because their test is higher.
If you have low test you can go to a doctor.
I dont have insurance.
It will. I know its enticing to look swole as fuck really young but don't do it. Wait until you're in your mid- late 30's or 40s to do it and you will get a ton of benefits.
I would consider it if I knew the source was safe.
And if it was legal in Norway of course.
Can't you go to a doctor anyway?
Just go to your GP and ask what's up. They'll check your blood to see how much test your have and prescribe testosterone.
Is Murican healthcare really so fucked that you can't even visit a doctor without being afraid of being billed? It's just a fucking check up.
Confirm whether or not you have low testosterone and then you can decide whether or not you can afford the therapy. It really shouldn't be that expensive.
Right here we don't have any insurance. In Latvia we have a pure Capitalist system. You go into the hospital, you give them like 10 bucks and they check you, then they prescribe you medication that doesn't cost that must either. Pure capitalism. Don't have to worry about huge bills, don't have to get taxed 90% for it, just capitalism.
>>shoulders will get big and look stupid
thats probably because of people exercising those muscles
you realize that steroids do nothing if you don't exercise
Nothing wrong with steroids
Take a look at these degenerates
Spoken like a true natty
Top kek
Stopped watching there
steroids are only illegal because propaganda and they make even betas too manly for easy control
calling bullshit on your stats, our Team is regulary at European Powerlifting Tournaments, theres no Chance that you achieve all this stats natty, breh
>10 bucks and they check you
Its 75 bucks for the check up and plus extra fees for the blood work. Blood work usually cost 200 dollars.
Steroids can destroy your normal hormone production, take them long enough and you can't manage without.
>Yes you're lifting for women.
When you start. Eventually you just start enjoying it. Thats why you keep doing it when you're in a relationship
>be man
>want to fuck dudes but not be called gay
>want to get peepee cut off
>go to doc
>get estro
>be man
>want to have bigger muscles to impress ladies
>go to dealer
>spend 20 years in prison
how is this okay pol?!
doing nothing on steroids actually builds more muscle than working out 3 times per week without them.
Actually read the relevant studies before pretending to know things next time.
growth is hormonal.
>shoot up a dozen times in 20 minutes for a single workout
>that gut
spotted the nu male
That's the price you pay for living in Socialism. Don't believe the lies. America is 99% Socialist.
In Latvia it would cost 50 bucks tops. The free market is so much better than government and taxation at giving people healthcare.
The cost of healthcare in America just doesn't make sense. It's pure corporatism. They're jacking up the prices just because the government is on their side.
With these prices you could set up your own company and give people cheaper treatment, but I guess the government wouldn't allow that.
Your lifts are all over the place.
The gut has absolutely nothing to do with steroids. That's growth hormone. They're also using synthol, which isn't steroids. It's just an oil that makes your muscles swole up.
This kind of a video is exactly why no one has any idea what steroids are.
Steroids aren't some magic stuff that make people into bodybuilders. Steroids are the stuff that makes you produce more testasterone.
They actually don't allow it.
Here in NY a few years ago a doctor named John Money (i think) started providing basic care to people for a flat monthly fee. The state said only insurance companies could do that and gave the doctor an ultimatum to either raise his rates or close down.
Use and abuse two different things. Ingorance is probably bliss when it comes to juice. You'll probably be like a former heroin addict, forever craving the confidence and strength you had while you were on.
>The gut has absolutely nothing to do with steroids. That's growth hormone.
Oh, that's makes it totally ok now, you're convinced me.
>Steroids are the stuff that makes you produce more testasterone.
Until you go off cycle.
I like how you're trying to stick up for roids, but with every post just the reinforce the notion how fucking retarded you roiders are.
> 140 bench
> ok...
> 200 squat
> maybe..?
> OHP 100kg
> hmm, wow
> 300kg
> hmm, elite level
admit it that you just made these numbers up
Are you fucking retarded?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Was anything I said not factual? Answer that before you start going full retard.
I think all the pins are messing with you head bro, i can't even understand what the fuck you're saying.
Nobody gives a shit about you pointing out what kind of shit these guys pin - anabolics, HGH and topping it off with synthol (lol what an athlete)
i'm saying it's degenerate garbage and that these guys are closet fags who won't make it past 50
you got roid rage son, calm your acne-ridden tits
He looks Jewish and he didn't mention any positive things about taking steroids
You can't understand me because you're a slav subhuman struggling to speak English.
I've never done steroids.
You're such an insecure loser you get mad at bigger guys and you won't even listen to reason.
Steroids, growth hormone or synthol, it doesn't matter to your, because you're jealous of all of it.
Latvia bringing the BANTZ
That's harsh. He's probably just short with an ugly face.
Fuck off, faggot. I'll do it the hard way.
>You're such an insecure loser you get mad at bigger guys and you won't even listen to reason.
You really shouldn't throw the word insecure around while flying the flag for people who are taking anabolics and hormonal boosters to be "bigger guys"
>Steroids, growth hormone or synthol, it doesn't matter to your, because you're jealous of all of it.
It doesn't matter to me because i'm not a retarded degenerate who's gonna croak in 10 years and have something else than my body going for me.
seriosuly bro you sound triggered as fuck though, you've got some issues.
bodybuilding in general is stupid, steroids are one part of the stupidity
Only use them if you plan on being on them forever (or TRT), coming off sucks and you will have lower test after you come off than you had previously.
You will get acne only if you don't control your estrogen levels.
You will get huge
You will get strong
You will feel great 24/7
You will masturbate 10x per day without fail and still get boners
You will have more female attention
If your diet is on point you will look good no matter how little effort you put in the gym
>5'11 65kg-95kg
"you dont move your glutes much"
fucking plebs dont work their legs
How are you supposed to lift more than your weight?
Steroids used in that video:
Things which are not steroids used in that video:
If you continue confusing the two people will not take you seriously when you spout your opinions on steroid use. Please educate yourself so you can avoid such embarrassment.
I'm 6' 105kg at 11%, this user gets it, except I cycle on off and use non shitty cancerous pcts, don't fall for the nolva/clomid meme, HCG plus an estro blocker will have your test fine in 6 weeks
Read your own posts. Do you not realize how jealous you come off while posting this shit?
I am not exactly for the use of steroids either, but you can't even have a conversation with me because of how triggered you get because someone is ''defending steroids'' by pointing out that HGH and synthol are not steroids.
Talk about fucking roid rage. All I did was point out that synthol and HGH aren't steroids, and you go full aspie. What the fuck?
You go on about how they'll have nothing but nice bodies. That's just pure jealously. It's not their problem it's easier to get heroin in Russia than steroids.
Your blood pressure will go up, even with regular cardio
You WILL accelerate baldness if it runs in your maternal line
You will accelerate beard growth as the excess test converts to DHT, same with if you take steroids that are DHT derivatives
You will be constantly warm
Doing "just one cycle!" will not happen, know this before you start, you're here for life.
Men will respect and like you more (also be prepared for constant male compliments and people pestering you for gym advice)
Even when you get in sickening shredded shape, it won't make you happy and you will only gain superficial pleasure from it.
>not just reading evola and becoming an aristocratic NEET
Steroids are kind of pleb tier desu but it is pretty fun being eh big guy
Did you see the thread about Elizabeth Holmes being a fraud? The insane price of blood work and the requirement of two doctor visits is why so many jumped on her bandwagon. Blood work shouldn't be anywhere as expensive or difficult as the doctors' associations have made it. Can't even get my vitamin d levels tested without a doctor hiving me permission.
>muh jealous
>no u
Man oh man, you're fucking nuts, Latvia. You need to invest less time and energy into exasperating over meanigless shit.
>You will never have a amazonian gf to accidentally crush you to death while you cuddle after having the most passionate make up sex after you she finds your boipussy and futa collections
You can go to a doctor and get TRT just by talking to him or go to a psychologist and get test, so you are wrong.
Its controlled because you can fuck yourself up if you don't do it right.
Medical tourism is becoming popular for upper middle class people in the US. Fly to Costa Rica, get dentistry or medical work done for ten percent of the cost in the US.
You're talking about doing illegal steroids in your mom's basement without any regulation.
You only suffer lower test production if you abuse steroids and shrink your testicles while doing it like a retard.
You are not going to get acne unless you overdose
You aren't going to get huge/strong unless you overdose
You will not look great, period
You're just a manlet who juiced like a retard. If I were to do steroids I'd increase my testosterone levels just slightly. Make sure it's not fucking me up while having noticeable gains.
I've been doing steroids for 2 years now. You're fucking retarded if you can't easily find a website that will just ship it to you. I didn't even have to go through that darknet shit either.
>thats probably because of people exercising those muscles
Your shoulders have more receptors for steroids/testosteron to attach itself to it than other muscle groups. Thats why you can identify steroid users by their shoulders very easily.
>you realize that steroids do nothing if you don't exercise
>hormon therapy does nothing if you don´t believe strongly to become a girl
There was a study done on people that have never lifted. One group received testosteron, the other group just started lifting. The testo group got more muscle gain in the first 2-3 month or so and the study stopped there. Having more testosteron in you blood will change your body composition, even if you don´t do sports.
>bench 140kg
>squat 200kg
>deadlift 300kg
>ohp 100kg
Maybe if you have rare lucky genetics, so less than 0.1% of the people that actually lift. After 5 years of lifting, I´m sitting now at 135kg bench, 160kg squat and 190kg deadlift, weighing 98kg @ 15-16% bf. Though I have never done strict powerlifting nor did I have a trainer.... homegym for lyfe.
An old "friend" of mine competed in state or national championships, squatting 190kg without a belt, 220-230kg with belt. But he also weighed 120-130kg.... so fat as fuck.
No point. Shooting any amount of test will shut you down and shooting low amounts (
>confirmed for zero knowledge of how steroids work
If you are using anything synthetic you will be shut down even if you use the same amount that will give you your current levels. OFF is OFF. Steroids are not illegal in the UK and are very commonly used recreationally. You will get huge and strong even if you did just a TRT level (overdose lol). I only once went over 500Test E / week because i didn't feel it was ever really necessary. Your testicles will shrink if you use testosterone in any capacity.
Watch "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" faggot. Steroids are a drug like anything else, they can be used greatly but they can also be used improperly if you're a jackass.
Holy shit, now i see what got you so fucking assblasted. You're an insecure fag who just WANTS to roid, which is why you invest so much time about being an autist about this topic, but you're actually AFRAID to do it at the same time, cause deep inside you know it will fuck you up.
So that's why you get mad at anyone who points out how retarded that is.
Wow, man, that's really fucking sad.
You're just talking out of your ass.
So basically what I wrote?^^ But looks like there are more than one study regarding that by now...
Yeah, plenty. Most evangelical natties are just delusional.
I need to start lifting again, I've turned into a fat fuck over the past 2 years of working in an office and not exercising. Despite losing a ton of muscle I'm still really strong and can still lift heavy weights but I have no endurance, I get tired really quickly.
I've never touched steroids and probably never will but my dad used to take them back when he was bodybuilding and he was huge. He's in his 50's now and he seems to be fine.
Nice projection, but wrong. I don't want to roid.
You're really pathetic. You wrote such a weak response I just thought I won and didn't respond, so you find another post I make to reply to that. Such low energy.
>Mexican intellectuals
>You wrote such a weak response I just thought I won
You're living an unexamined life.
How are you going to get steroids in the happening?
Enjoy your new tits.
Holy fuck thats crazy, thanks for linking
I really don't know what an examined life is. Whatever it is, I think it's better than being some butthurt slav who gets mad that people who use steroids are bigger than him.
Drugs are cool. Try them if you want, or don't.
>No nolvadex/clomid but use estrogen blockers
Wtf do you think Nolva/clomid is? The only other one is Caber. If you don't use that shit you'll get gyno quick
This is a joke, right?
I played rugby to a decent level (top university team, competitive lower league) and about 2/3 of the players I knew took some sort of steroid. The vast majority of forwards, and about half the backs.
I did, though I did a lot of research and spoke to various impartial medical professionals. I also combined it with varied exercise, an excellent diet and good sources of performance enhancing drugs. They didn't make me a better player, though they did allow me to play with less effort. I wouldn't ache as much after games, I felt slightly more resilient. My personality didn't change, but I think that's more of a myth than anything. I was a lot stronger, a lot.
They're another tool in the box, basically. They aren't a quick fix, and they do have their downsides. They can be abused and they can harm you, especially if poorly administered. If you feel that you would benefit from PEDs then go for it.
Clomid is the fucking worst. It's worst than actual Steroids themselves. Atleast Steroids never wanted made me think about killing myself.
No user, you're just retarded. Different exercises let you lift different weights. 300kg Deadlift is quite a bit, but nowhere near maximum human potential, and probably less impressive than a 4.5pl8 Squat. All these numbers are achievable fairly easily on roids and without it for most people if they train for a decent amount of time (5-10 years), consistently, watch their food and their sleep, and run good programs.
Yeah but the original guy is claiming it's easily possible natty for everyone.
A 300kg deadlift is probably out of the reach of most roiders tee bee aich.
I have naturally high testosterone so muscle building is pretty easy for me. I also dont want to fuck up my body. Ive got great genetics but the only down sides is an addictive personality and curly hair. Also cant grow beards well.
I bet you are fat
Whenever I see gay shit like this, I really wonder why I keep coming back to Sup Forums
Hows it gay? I was implying sex with a woman faggot.
is scott hall your dad?
Your dad is Scott hall?
You're completely clueless.
>"after she finds your boipussy and futa collections"
>accompanying this homoerotic weeb shit with an anime picture
>not gay as fuck
HOLY SHIT is that Obama's Indian cousin?