>Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsisexual
evens fap to female
odds fap to male
dubs fap to both sexes
trips go to bed
quads quit Sup Forums 4ever
Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsisexual
Levi Moore
Jacob Johnson
Tyler Young
off to a good start
Levi Gutierrez
John Hill
Having sex with guys is pretty gay. I think bisexuals are faggots.
Dominic Phillips
Andrew Nguyen
Nice cock, fake tits, easy choice
Jacob Torres
Bisexuals are bisexual, but they won't disagree that homosexual activities are any less homosexual just because they are bisexual. Most bi guys I know usually prefer women in general. Myself included. It makes more biological sense than being only gay, anyways.
Zachary Wilson
not this thread again
Alexander Allen