What does Sup Forums think about this scumbag

What does Sup Forums think about this scumbag

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He is a heretic and a wolf in sheep's clothing.


He is literally the Antichrist preaching counter to the Bible and the Holy Mother Church

This desu

Why does he kiss sand niggers ass wasn't he supposed to crusade them to death


ISIS is pretty much Jesus - Pope "Kill all whites" Francis

He's like that religious guy from game of thrones.

not my pope

A traitor to his own church
I miss based pol, Sup Forums


He is probably the son of a rabbi.

I miss him Sup Forums

I miss Benedict desu, but JPII was based as well

Pic related was the last Pope, all since have been heretics.


I have close ties with the Vatican.

This man is a traitor and should burn in hell for his sins. He is quite literally destroying the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

I'd shoot him, but then again, I don't want to make him a martyr.

There will be a day the Lord will save us from this Merkel-tier bastard.

>Openly inviting hordes of muslims in Christian territories



antipope heathen trying to make the church hip and lit


What's his deal?

Is he a crypto-jew? Or just a butthurt argie marxist?

He represents the values of christianity accurately.

as a Pole and cath, i would burn this fucking heretic. Next pope from poland, italy or portugal or we invade


>What does Sup Forums think about this scumbag
he is universally loved by most everyone in the world. naturally Sup Forumstards, being the special snowflakes they are, hate him

I for one think he's genuinely a nice guy and will attract many more people (back) to HRC Church

he just does not understand europe.


He is a good goy.

At a time when the Christian church needs a strong leader the most, they make this literal cuckold faggot the voice of Christianity to influence all of us to die out to lecherous Jews who are now realizing theyre dying to the parasite they unleashed on us.

Whites were so close to creating world peace amongst themselves but the influence of Arab, Hispanic, Niggers, and Jews will make us suffer for so long. Society may never recover.

The bastard wants all Christians to turn into martyrs, not knowing we aren't all fully prepared to lay down our lives without a fight.

It may be a cuck religion, but damn it Europe put some honor into it and God forgive us for protecting our loved ones.

How to stump the pope:

Ask him where the bible states there needs to be a pope

"Tu es Pierre et sur cette pierre je bâtirai mon église"

I do not care at all. He is a pope, of course. But I don't have to listen to him especially when he's wrong.
>inb4 "MUH infallibility!"
It was used TWO times since 1870. And even if Francis used it, and speaked against Magisterium of Church then it does not count.
So yeah, I don't give a fuck. We survived worse popes. So have faith brothers.

The whole thing is such a mess

This is the only kike on a stick on offer

The truth of the matter is that we'd probably all be fucking little boys on a bus if given the opportunity

muh matthew 16:18

>Holy Mother Church

Spotted the Mother Earth cultist.

>tfw Christfags are sperging out while being heretics
Feels bretty good

Germans advocating for Hitler's Pope.

Color me shocked.


So this is what other Christians would say about this:

,, Implying Christ would be bothered by his mad cows disease ''

>False prophet of the Whore of Babylon.
>Represents Jesus.

Pick one.

fucking hate him

catholic church was the last bastion of conservatism and this faggot turns it into a liberal abortion gendershit fuckfest of cuckness

there is nothing left, our whole society is turning into a pile of shit


God, I hate bosnians on Sup Forums so much. every comment by these fuckface idiots is just REEEE

>The last Pope from Prophecy that would destroy the Church was called the "Black Pope"

Sup Forums was right again

Same faggot.

Get a life, loser.


Well, just trying to be a good catholic.

>We survived worse popes.
Who could be worse than a Pope continusously flirty with communist ideas, and abondons Christian refugees in favour of Muslims migrants upon hearing that they're Christian?

He is the black pope.
Satan's second hand.

Is he actually the anti christ trying to see how long he can fool the faithful?

Well we tried to kill the pope once i hope we try again

He's spooky

Mad cows disease is laughing or eye blinking when not intended. Most people have some of this.

I wish they would just kill the high sparrow. Getting tired of his shit.

He needs a helicopter ride

Wonder what he has to say about this

He hasn't said a single thing that goes against established catholic dogma, he opposed the ordaining of women, homosexuality and abortion.

/pol, however, is a board full of hysterical retards and pseudo-christian LARPers who are unaware that there is more to christianity than crusades, screaming "deus vult" and slaying muslims. You fags probably know more about Crusader Kings 2 than about the Bible.

Proof that Avignon papacy should be restored.

t. an atheist who knows nothing of christian theology or tradition

>implying tradition followed Christ's values

>We had a guy that did exhumation the previous pope and then throw a trial on him
>We had a guy that change China from one of most prominent mission to an antichristan state
>We had a guy that make a party with like 500 prostitutes to his daughter and son. In Vatican.
>We had a guy that used almost all of papacy money to make his private house fancy. Also, a literal padophile.
>We had a pope that choped three cardinalsand slept with his own daughter.
>We had a John XII. Just... Just read about him.

And we surived.

2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

> there is more to christianity than crusades

Yes, the cuck part we conveniently ignore. Father, forgive me.

and who is "our" here?

After my mom died I tried to be even more pious then I already was, I shouldn't blame anyone else for my lack of faith but he literally shut the nail on my religious beliefs.
Huge cunt faggot tbqh.

Catholics seem to have a selective memory for only the cuckish hippy version of jesus not the badass who whips people and advocates pushing peoples shit in who fuck with you. Oh well the catholic church will die trying to convert muslims, and the true church will persist and fight