Atheists claim to be ruled by logic, yet they can not even define their own belief system

Atheists claim to be ruled by logic, yet they can not even define their own belief system.

Check mate Atheists.

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Definition of atheism
1 a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

2 archaic : godlessness especially in conduct : ungodliness, wickedness

If you do not believe God exists, then how can you use his presence in your definition. LOL your words eat themselves.

The only belief you need... is to believe in yourself.


I think they define their belief system in the lack of it.

I cannot produce a green card because I don't have one.

How can you put so much autism in a bait this small.

Then how does Atheists explain how life got created?

How do you explain how God was created?

Because words do exist?

Read the Bible, God always existed.

You still need logic for there explanation to make sense.

We currently don't know. There's nothing wrong with saying I don't know.

Who said you don't need logic?

Why do you keep spamming this post, "religitard"?

Is it to Rustle Jimmies, or do you really care about converting people from the asshairs of the internet?

If you don't know you have no proof God didn't create life.

Because it is illogical that Atheist would use God in there argumentation if they don't believe in God.

Oh? And why is that? Why wouldn't you use words to describe a definition?

I don't even believe in a god, why would i credit them with creating life?

Like, I wouldn't talk about Einstein's e=mc times two if I didn't think einstein existed.

That's a question scientists have been wondering about and trying to find the answer to for a very long time. They don't have answer.

The flip side is some people believe that they do have the answer and the answer to one of the most difficult questions was figured out alongside other difficult questions like: how to sanitize things and how to pave roads. If you think the creation of the universe was figured out alongside the people who figured out to make condoms from sheep intestines, that's your dig. I'll hold out longer though and wait for a real answer as opposed to the sky man who conveniently doesn't talk to us anymore.

because you can't prove otherwise. You have no better theory.

But you just did.

Why did you do that? Why would you do that?

it's sad that people today still believe in bullshit myths and don't realize all that dumb religious shit is made up

If you don't think the Bible holds the answers, then how come the Bible gives a perfect explanation on the creation which science cant disprove?

Yeah, but I believe einstein existed...

You just didn't for your example though.

Why did you do that? Why would you do that?

I can't prove it positively that a god created life either, not without resorting to circular logic. I'm not going to just accept a bit of a belief system I don't believe in.

I could say the same for life then. Using the same logic, life could have existed forever in the same sense God existed forever

My example was that i wouldnt do that if i didnt believe he existed. and that it would be illogical to say it if i didnt.

No, nothing can not be created from nothing lol. Thats stupid.

but you just did. Again.

Why did you do that? Why would you do that?

yeah, but if you have no better theory yourself how can you say someone else is wrong?


Science hasn't disproved yet, don't say can't, that's terribly near-sighted.

Anyone can take any book and turn it in history. They may find our tooth fairy books in 600 years after The Real Great War and not have science able to dissprove it because science never could prove who created the tooth fairy.

We don't accept many fairy tales as truth, but a few got through the holes. Many fairy tales have truth nuggets inside the story, without the story having to be true itself.

So what created God?
>insert photo of Patrick Starfish putting hook into mouth

>Can't explain, must be God

I'm a believer and still think this kind of logic is completely retarded.

God has always existed. His existence extends endlessly in the past and in the future. There was not a time when He did not exist.

It doesn't.

That's not an answer.

You're just repeating yourself.

So your answer must be, you have no answer.

Why then? Because you can not see the difference between words and ideas.

One does not have to believe in the idea of a word tobuse the word to describe it. Just as you so simply used the disbelife of somthing real to describe somthing, we can use the belife in somthing notvreal to describe somthing.

thats not what im saying, im saying if someone has no better theory than a good theory, they can not say the good theory is wrong

If you think an idea is wrong, you can not use that idea as an argument. lol.

You just used the logic saying that nothing can be created from nothing. But now you're telling me that God has been around forever and was created by.... nothing?

it does

yes, im talking about life, you are talking about God.

Abiogenesis is a better explanation even if it hasn't been recreated in a lab.

>Atheists can't define Atheism?
That's like saying that Christians can't define Christianity or that Muslims and define Islam. Also this meme is stale. Lurk moar!

So you're selectively choosing when and what your logic can be used on. You sir, are retarded at debating


>lurk more
>cant reply to a thread correctly

Well, of course they can.

Lol, that doesnt explain how something is made from nothing.

Not at all. It's just that I have proof God always existed.

no, that would be retarded



The bible isn't proof

Yes it is, many respected scholars believe in God.

No, it wouldn't.
You can always renounce a theory without having "a better one".


lol, no you can't because you arent offering anything or disproving anything.

If God hates gay people then why did he create OP?
Atheists 1, Godfags 0.

Many respected scholars don't. Your point

You're telling me that in order for life to have started, it needs some type of God to make it happen.

But please tell me how God had to have 'started.' Because right now, your only counter argument is that God has always been around, and your only source is an ancient text that holds no scientific credibility

Slimeball atheist scientists teach students that the disgusting immorality of outlawing sex with anybody over 13 and encouraging kids to already be sexually active by the time puberty hits will cure cancer from existence.
These vile science worshippers believe that curing cancer is more important than having morals!

dude athiests (sic) were defeated by the fedora meme a long time ago
also they have bigger fish to fry than the theists: the SJeWs trying to turn their movement into a cuntfest - and succeeding

What? This isn't nothing, there's chemicals (the basic building blocks of life) and sunlight. It's been proven that organic chemicals can be generated this way. Also, you "can't creating something from nothing" but god always existed, ok.

the dictionary lies as in all things ideological

If posting images doesn't exist, how did you post this?
Is it a miracle?

Religion fags don't believe in science. What's the point?

Atheists have no belief system. They just lack believe in God.


atheism and its definition were created by the church and its followers to describe people who dont care enough about superstitions to even bother asking whether or not any deity exists. its like saying im (blank) because i dont believe in bigfoot even though i dont even care whether bigfoot exists or not. on earth god doesnt exist other than in our minds, its just us and what we believe, but in the end of the world, after we all die, our beliefs and gods will die too.

tl;dr? atheism was created and defined by the church to describe people who didnt believe in their god

>coming from a Levayan Satanist. :/

You honestly think respected scholars would believe in the Bible if it wasnt true? I read about an Atheist who became Christian after reading the Bible.

The Christian is able to post images but all these atheists can't!
They want to but can't!

I know in my heart the Bible is true

Dude you can't even define sasquatch.

Ok I lol'd

I know in my heart the bible to be untrue

God may 'exist' purely in naming him (if you say so), but the atheist argument more appropriately says God lacks actuality.

So you are claiming that, as long as I don't have my own explanation, I have to buy your bullshit?

This is nonsensical. You have no idea how science works.


your wrong

Merriam-Webster dictionary sez:

Definition of atheism
1 a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

Atheists 2, Godfags 0.

Honestly Satanism looks pretty good in comparison to Christianity

Many people would also believe in the bible if it weren't riddled with inconsistencies and there was any significant physical scientific evidence to back up anything that the bible says

you've been posting this very same thread for a year now aren't you getting tired

You can't know in your heart that something is untrue. You can only know in your heart that something is true. Try again, loser

Obvious bait.

I wanted to know if the Bible is true, so I asked God for a sign. Then the first night I read it, I felt the conviction of God.

And if this is really the user I've been talking to for a half hour, thank you for finally admitting your argument is invalid.

You can believe whatever you like, man, but you can't expect non believers to buy into your shit because your reasonings come from a book that "in your heart you know is true"

No, you're wrong, grammatically and in your life choices

If you had been raise to think the Quran was true you would also know I'm your heart of hearts it was true...thats called indoctrination

Science is perverted and immoral evil.
It has no place in schools or government.

A belief that there is empirical truth in the universe and that it can be known and explained through natural processes, mathematics, and physics.

A year? Lol welcome newfag

You shouldn't trust your heart, its just a muscle pumping blood and doesn't think about anything.

It's a fuzzy pumper


Oh you got me good there. I'm just going to go kill myself now

You just got to have faith son, I have faith the bible is a lie

Change "science" to "religion" and you'll be right.
