Can we get a feels thread?
Can we get a feels thread?
Aaron Robinson
Other urls found in this thread:
Cameron Gomez
I stubbed my toe, hurt my feelings
Joshua Reyes
>Sup Forums image posting machine broke
Kevin King
damn that hits me hard
Asher Gonzalez
I have no decent friends
Makes me sad
Alexander Morgan
Don't be sad. I'll be your friend
Colton Martinez
I think that I´ve depresed since two years.
It´s a thought because It´s not diagnosticated
Jayden Howard
basicly feel like shit
Blake Jones
Same. Every 'friendship' I ever had lasted no longer than 2 months. Now when I think about it, I have always been 'friends' with people during their hard times. After their problems were over it seems I was no longer useful for them.
Jack Ortiz
I know how you feel