there are people who think this is wrong
There are people who think this is wrong
financially it's retarded that's for sure.
Might as well, if we are going to alienate the entire fucking world with an isolationist agenda and shit foreign policy.
honestly not giving mexico any foreign aid for just two years solves this problem
>2000 miles of 30-foot-high wall
stupidest fucking idea
I think it's a start - build a wall all around the US, and just stay in there, safe.
Just leave the rest of the world alone, please, we beg you.
6ft deep to prevent tunneling...
Drug tunnels are over 40ft.
It worked around Berlin.
Oh, wait.
Yes it's wrong.
lmao if you really think the world would be any better without the us
That was half a city.
We're talking about a country.
Read a bit of history.
It would. Please, just stop trying to ruin the world.
that shit looks expensive and marginally effective
just put landmines everywhere nigga
some druggo digs under that and they're buried
It definitely would...
Same 3 guys in the pic will be bought off by cartels giving them blueprints and acces to all possible codes of entry, and when to use them. You are a world class mongoloid if you don't realize your president is a fucking moron.
thanks for reminding me that this website is full of retards
Whatever you say dude, just please leave the world alone.
2ooo miles and one foot. Wall now useless.
tall ladder plus rope?also, how does 6 feet prevent tunnels exactly?
the cartel business isn't looking so promising right now.
that's all I can say
the US brought you the modern computer, the internet, smart phones, countless break throughs in modern medicine, almost all of the worlds modern conveniences (heating, AC especially) but yeah duuuh dooo doo amerifats are whats wrong with the world, please kill yourself
Honestly. Let's just stop all foreign aid, all natural deterrents in countries like South Korea and Japan. Lets no longer help NATO, give aid to African countries. Come on US, lets just go home. Fuck Earth. The shitty fucking world, with shithole countries and governments, who have already betrayed themselves to foreign immigrants...Russia literally looks better rn than any other fucking pos country in Europe or anywhere else. Slavic countries literally are more welcoming than Britain with it's hoards of muslims and sudanese. fuck honestly lets just go
yeah, lets stop being push overs and giving away our lunch money to all the little bitch countries that cry foul if we stop aiding them.
I know, that's what you're told every day by your propaganda/media machine. It's fine, believe it if it makes you feel better - again, just please leave us alone man.
There are people who think you can dig a tunnel from Tijuana to San Diego, but you can't dig it 8 feet underground.
Conceivably the same unthinking morons who think the illegal immigrants are coming here on foot, instead of flying here and simply not going home.
YES! This! Please do it! Close of your borders and tend to your own problems and leave the world alone. Please!
The great wall of China was built with no power tools and primitive technology. Fucking moron.
What's so bad about asking people to enter our country legally? Do you really want criminals to flood in?
Get a job you goddamn hippie retards.
no one tells me this, its just a fucking matter of a fact you absolute idiot
>It worked around Berlin.
that wasn't a wall. it was a whole solution. minefield plus towers plus patrols plus tank ditches plus shoot on sight. and a wall.
Objectively. Familiarize yourself with US Foreign Policy.
Illegal immigrants are 3.4% of the population. explain to me how the housing collapse,
wage stagnation, and the slow death of the middle class are somehow caused by only 3.4% of the population.
seriously. The flu affected more americans this year and i dont see any of you assclowns racing to fund a cure. Rich assholes have convinced you that somehow, through meme magic, 3.4% of the poorest americans are to blame for 50 years of rich people fucking the poor.
Yeah... that should stop them from wanting to come here.
>that's what you're told every day by your propaganda/media machine. pot calling kettle a nigger
even after Mexico gave aid to Texas after Hurricane Harvey and Irma?
i hope you are good at learning new languages because no matter where you live its would probably get steam rolled the next day if the us wasnt here
a fucking grappling hook and a ladder still wins. fucking shit. did trump learn nothing from southpark! Mongolians are gotta come wreck a city wall
Because those of us with brains realize it won't stop jack shit. They'll just find a way around it, along with digging deeper tunnels. Not hard to do.
All it does it make it a bit harder to find a way through, but it won't stop anything.
Don't bother with facts and reasoning. Trumpfags don't listen or care.
And you're free to believe that.
Just leave us alone.
>honestly not giving mexico any foreign aid for just two years solves this problem
"Foreign Aid" to Mexico is stimulus for American business. A huge chunk of the aid given to Mexico is just shit that the U.S. government buys from U.S. companies to donate to Mexico -- weapons, machinery, agricultural goods.
And 2 years of aid to Mexico wouldn't come close to paying for this wall. You'd need more like 20 years of aid dollars.
The real problem, of course, is that the wall itself doesn't solve any problems. Most illegal immigrants arrive by plane with a legitimate visa.
amazing, the pacific ocean is only 200 miles
You fucking idiot, it will be a double wall with a space in between with sensors and shit like any decent wall. See Israeli border wall.
Needs to be 2 walls. With a minefield between them.
>Two years
USA gives Mexico about $420 million per year in economic and military aid. The estimated costs of the border wall have ranged from $6 billion to over $20 billion.
hey you leave him alone!
Or I wont leave you alone
>t. ameri-doodoo fat
Isn't this your exact argument on guns?
The criminals you actually have to worry about aren't walking across the border.
Throw away your phone, especially if it has wifi. Take the electric starter motor off your car, or just throw the car away if it was built on an assembly line. Disconnect the AC power to your house and throw away any radios or televisions you might have. Throw out your refrigerator and microwave. You can keep the electric stove, that's Canadian, but it won't help without the AC power you've already disconnected.
Then tell me how good life is.
In other news, sales of 30 foot ladders skyrocket in Mexico.
I know that you lot don't speak more than one language, but we, outside your insular culture, speak severeral, because it's nice to be able to communicate with other people - to be able to read history, and news from more than (biased) source. To think critically in more than one language.
You'd not know this, but it's okay. Just leave us all the fuck alone, please.
you know what would pay for the wall? a 5% reduction in the military budget. seriously wtf are we paying for? We could pay for it at one time if we didn't aid Israel which the Zionists have 60% of the US supporting because "MUH CHOSEN PPL"
parroting the same words over and over isn't an argument, just means you have nothing to say
i mean you do have a point.
>criminals flooding in
>muh white power struggle
>them immigrants of which my ancestors are
>learn english or get out
>t. trump-tard
I'm not arguing with you, I just want you to leave us alone. Please!
>it will be a double wall
Again, like foreign aid, the military budget is really just a government stimulus program. Israel doesn't matter. Congressmen want more defense spending so they can say they brought more jobs to their home district.
bumping this post among a sea of whiny retarded faggot Sup Forums activists
Thats a nice start and then when you add in all the aid to shit hole counties less money now to the fucking UN well we can have that thing built even bigger from the money in just a few years.
nigga this is america! I'll internet bully your butt into the dirt just for the pleasure of hearing you say "leave me alone"
so essentially "i dont care if someone else takes my land and liberty away, I can still speak their language you bigot!!! "
if you can't even run a wall that small, how you gonna run a big ass one?
was with you until this cringey shit, go to bed kid
And there we have the problem.
That's a great idea if you assume all that foreign aid does absolutely nothing and that we can withdraw it without any consequences.
>leave me alone
Doing this to your only friend.
Biggest strawman in this entire thread, what a faggot you are.
Gringos believe that people literally jump the wall, they use tunnels or the fucking river
First of all it is common sense if you know anything about serious walls. But here you go:
ive already came multiple times from this thread
Nobody's taking anything from anyone, you poor brainwashed fool. You can't understand english either it seems, no matter, just stay safe in your own country and leave us the fuck alone.
I pole Vaulted
I'm not the triggered spaniard, faggot. You literally believe youre an "internet bully" you are objectively 15 years old or younger, either physically or mentally. So once again go to bed pussy.
is not is
I'm not going to run any wall.
I'm just saying please build one and stay behind it.
Question is what do we do after the wall is built and there is still drugs and crime in America.. build another one?
checkmate liberals
>im not the triggered spaniard
>triggered anyway
i wish i could indulge in whatever koolaid you guys are drinking, sounds nice to be this unaware
what's to prevent a mexican from vacationing in canada and crossing the border from there?
You really think the governments that receive that money actually use it for what it was suppose to be used for...hell no nigger they take and divide it up and move and just let someone else take over and then its their turn to get rich
Is good to have a wall in the days of avionics.
Couldn't someone just dig deeper than 6 ft? It's a nice wall though I guess.
Let them build military bases in Japan and Germany.....oooops
>talks about the first irrelevant thing in the comment because he's a passive faggot even on anonymous imageboards
Yikes. Mustve been a rough week of middleschool.
>build another one
around Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, Atlanta and Memphis
wrong to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer money for something that will barely impact a problem not related to border crossing? lolok
Do all stupid people speak in vague irrelevancies when they have nothing to add or is that just a you thing?
The walls will continue until the country is crime free.
We don't take kindly to Mexicans here either eh
I know, the yanks are everywhere man!
I am not sure with what's wrong with a line of Claymore mines deployed in depth with appropriate warning signs?
There's no taxpayer money involved. Mexico will pay for the wall.
literally everything you nonthinking retard
Of course, we must be crazy.
But seriously, just leave us alone. Build the wall, be safe behind it, let the world take care of itself.
gee sounds a lot like you've been saying, loser.
thanks for making my point
They are not talking about the mines, drones,ninjas etc that will be used to hold back the beaners.
You didn't even type a coherent english sentence there bud, the only point you've made here is that you are a supremely incompetent faggot.