Daily reminder that the British Empire will soon return
You lost 2 (two) wars to your former colony
>successfully destroy unoccupied town and burn down what wasn't even considered the nation's capital yet
We are not worthy
We willingly gave it up, lad
>implying Canadians didn't do all the work.
Fuck off, Britbong. You were too busy masturbating to pictures of Napoleon to be doing anything constructive in the West.
I knew Zimbabwe's education was bad but this is ridiculous.
>Daily reminder that the British Caliphate will soon return
So the British just gave the USA Independence even though they won the war?
If not Now, When?
amazing how the raj could have been an empire by itself
really shows the strength of the british empire
>"help yankees german economy muh monopoly"
>mfw america makes you give up your colonies after ww2
We were pretty fucking busy at the time.
>Tristan da Cunha
>Saint Helena
>The Falklands
I know I'm forgetting other overseas territories which will remain relatively unharmed when the Al Albion Caliphate establishes itself.
>We willingly gave it up, lad
To please your real masters. Brits have always been tools for the international kike. If the empire returns, it's because the jews want it.
>It's a "Canadians take credit for an act committed by the British Empire using British troops from the British Isles that weren't even stationed in Canada, before the concept of Canada as a sovereign nation even existed, because Canada was part of the British Empire at the time" post.
There was not a single Canadian involved in the burning of the White House, you fucking leaf. You gave us a good fight along the border, take credit for that instead. You know, credit that you actually deserve, and aren't stealing from your daddy.
Muslim Empire*
Top kek. The UK even tries to steal Canadian accomplishments.
It must be difficult becoming the colony of your former colony.
Canada existed you fucking morons there was 2 Canada's back then!
Speak English, Amerifat.
Canada let the USA live out the rest of their pathetic lives once we realized that most of them would die off in a century due to cardiac arrest from fatty diets.
Yes, as loyal British colonies. The concept of Canada as a fully sovereign or even partially sovereign entity would not emerge until after the war of 1812.
I'm terribly sorry that you didn't do jack fucking shit to the White House. You did a ton of raids on the border, impressive even, stop taking credit for a solely British achievement and take pride in your own.
>leaf posting
Not even once.
As a part of the Great European Caliphate
>mfw bumping into more and more right wing and UKIP supporters, and it's becoming a normie thing
>mfw former and non voters are coming out as ukip
>mfw white working class youngers are coming out in support of ukip
>mfw some people are even mentioning the kikes
>mfw newspaper comments are redpilled
>mfw Corbyn is making the left look stupid
>mfw labour is literally on a deathbed
>mfw cucks are shrinking in numbers
>mfw the cucks are talking of flocking to their social democracy paradises, Germany and Sweden
>mfw this country becomes even more right wing come 2020
>mfw less cucked government in 2020
>mfw this country try will be a less comfy for Muslims soon
>mfw the dying EU will take them
>mfw theres talk of creating a form of union with australia, new Zealand, Canada and Ireland
It's happening.
And even if brexit does fuck up (in which it won't), it doesn't stop our people from taking redpill like they already are.
Never thought this country could be saved, but Shit is different.
Thanks for being our guinea pigs during the 1950s and 60s. We loved experimenting Mexican drugs on leaves.
no fallen empire made a comeback. Neither will yours.
Not true.
Look at what the EU goal is.
Roman empire is pretty much within the bounties of what today's eu territory is.
>mfw theres talk of creating a form of union with australia, new Zealand, Canada and Ireland
the english wet dream. I can believe there is "some talk of" it. In your pub maybe
lol, half the time it's Canadians taking the credit for this. Other half it's the bongs. Who done it? Are victories that rare in Canada that they have to take credit for other's?
The concept of loyalty ever escapes the mind of the American.
I would join that union without a doubt, as long as we can have our own monarchy and parliament.
t.Proud Anglo-Irish non denominational Christian.
What no British virgin islands?
Look it up. I'm on my phone atm.
But it was posted here many times around February
>aloha snackbar chaps
Soon you won't be white either, Hans.
Let me tell you about Tower Hamlets, East London