YLYL thread

YLYL thread...

Except we describe the picture we would post

Other urls found in this thread:


>describe the picture we would post
A baby seal walks into a club...

A young girl squirts a hot fudge enema in the air that suddenly turns into cotton candy and pink unicorns with dildoes instead of a horn.

It's hilarious.

A strawberry martini with skittles and a bullet in it.
>Trayvon Martini

it's a banana with a smiley face holding its peel in the one hand, so hes essentially naked. i lose every time

A bear pools on the pope.

What's the pope doing in the woods???

A black guy getting shot by a white cop wearing a bananna suit.

A black half fox half woman wearing a gold dress pouring wine from a pitcher into a grail. She also has nice feet.

something whole hearted and funny

Some guy is walking when suddenly a fucking tire flies out from the road in the background and hits him in the head, making him fall on his face.

The Stevie wonder Atari advertisement;
“ If I could see, I would definitely play Atari”

Bernie sanders is holding a sign that shows a pie chart for how many times Tyrone fucked his wife in red and how many times he has fucked his wife in blue.

The pie chart is entirely red with no blue at all, and Bernie looks incredibly distraught.

A banana holding the peel like he naked

Naked banana

Man you fucked that up. You’re supposed to let someone else say nice feet

Fuck off cancer

Time magazine cover Madame President



Gookmoot laughing with Sup Forums burning in the background


this webm never gets old

Someone shitting their intestines out while popping hemmoroids and sucking off a cactus

Fuck i lost

Would post a screenshot of a pic of a girl with her boyfriend that is currently on their insta with something like "will love you forever" next to a pic of her sucking my dick yesterday

A long, detailed .jpeg describing Japans war crimes

I really really liked that description



reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight


A normal man and an extremely obese woman playing around on a springy piece of playground equipment together. The weight difference causes the man to be flung off the spring thing at which time his image is photoshopped into a video from 9/11 making it look like he was the second plane crashing into the second tower.

A conversation screenshot on which can be seen a dancing sponge with a hat video titled "The Physical Return of Christ" and a reply saying 'This is why we aren't friends'

Can I get a TL;DR on the image situation? The fuck I leave for a day and it all goes to hell

A picture of an Indian man with glowing eyes and the caption “bitch lasagna”

TL;DR it's fucking broke


Back to i funny

You left for a day and Chinamoot got butthurt, so now we can’t post images in replies. Thanks prick

Mook accidentally the whole thing

A dog throwing up


Fuck I thought I’d cropped out the watermark

Picture of a dog shitting


Another picture of a dog shitting

A greentext about a 45mm glock & wesson handgun

Ok so this is an old picture off an album cover and it has three people on it. They all look retarded and are Christians, so they named the album I Should Have Been Crucified, which is really amusing because out of context it sounds like they think they should be executed for a non-religious reason. Teehee.

Is this Sup Forums apocalypse going to repel the newfags

Yet another picture of a dog shitting, but the shit is liquify and tannish yellow.
>I call this one the mustard dispenser

A webm of Andy sixx's face contorting theatrically
>oh my

Possibly, no log threads and there was actually a decent civilized music discussion earlier that started as an ICP thread. Who would’ve thunk it

A doggo smiling with the caption "when a bitch sucky yo dicky"

Doesn’t work buddy

It's a picture of Tony Podesta looking distraught with a caption that reads, "When you tell the other cultists you only want ordinary cheese pizza tonight but Hillary Clinton is already going full meatlovers with the bonesaw"


But it's too late to resist, Scat God Sixxx is already slidding into your gaping mind

it's fucked

>Wojak doing aerials in Rocket League while everybody else drives on the ground.

A picture with a video upload by the teenage Sarah Nicole where she twerks in booty shorts, to which Tom Venables, a young man no older than 10, replies: I would berry my dick so far inside your ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur.

fucking madman

What has two legs, bleeds every time you touch it and screams a lot?

half dog

| | |
' | | -

I saw that image in a dream and requested it in a draw thread, but it doesn't exist. Meh. Impossible to describe properly I guess.

fuck i actually kek'ed

Could I get an explanation?

>be me
>carry gun around the house
>gf asks me why gun
>look her dead in the eye
>"motherfucking Decepticons"
>she laughed
>I laughed
>toaster laughed
>shoot toaster

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well fuck me

>I am undecided about abortion
>On the one hand, I support it because it is killing children,
>On the other, it gives women a choice.

its not as funny once you know the context

spiderman pointing at another spiderman.jpg

this thread is full of samefagging

>retard girl with her hands touching her pussy

A picture of a naked child

Why are images gone? Anybody know why?

cancer banana.png

Hiroshimoot forgot to pay the bills

>Random unsolicited gore/animal abuse post

Him: Is this a picture of you naked?
Her: OMG, take it down!
Me: I can't, I'm masturbating

a smol girl spred legs :3



bugs bunny up

bugs bunny middle

bugs bunny bottom


a nice cheese pizza

youtube.com/watch?v=x4p-SOSoyDo STREAM RAID

A webm of a black chick getting hit over the head with something blunt. She does the kiver until she eventually dies.

I do this not because it's funny, but because I'm a super edgy 13 year old basement dwelling kissless forever virgin with no friends.

thanks, Lori ;)

>shovel pepe
This is a good thread


Alright hear me out...

It’s a banana, okay ya with me??

It’s a banana, and he’s naked.. omfg right?

He’s holding his peel, and has this goofy grin and wink! LOL!!!

Omfg right?

But it’s a gif so when you click it it says if you don’t reply your mom is kill tonight. LOL!

Enjoy your b& pedo

A video of a child getting fucked

I really, really, really like this description.

I have a cycle that takes about a year and a half, I've been doing it since the late 90's when I started jerking off:

First I get a two-liter bottle, glass works better because it doesn't expand.

I spend months jerking off into it, several times a day, after a year and a bit it gets mostly full. I keep it in a cool dry place during this time.

When it's about 2/3 or 3/4 full I add some water to thin it out, a couple of pounds of sugar, and a small packet of yeast then stir it up.

I seal the bottle with a bung and a U-pipe with water in it to allow gas from the fermentation to escape but without evaporation

I put it on my radiator and keep it around 37C for a few weeks.

By the end, my bottle of semen is now a sweet, alcoholic sludge... Usually about 30 proof, like wine.

I either mix it with Coca-Cola, or dilute it with vodka to make it more alcoholic and can take days before finishing it.

I find that I come so hard and get really turned on when I'm drunk off my own man-slime.

You can even chill it in the fridge and have it like a thick cold yogurt if it's summer.

How do you dispose of your cum?

"Towel. I use a fucking towel."

Fucking lost hard, thanx user

>right click
>save as

Dentist: when was the last time you flossed?
Me: Bro, you were there.

wasn't there some kinda possibility of seeing tits?

a silly banana

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Banana thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Banana guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a fucking banana. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Bananafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS IMAGE." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.