Any updates on Alex Calder?

Any updates on Alex Calder?

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wanna hear his side of the story

He fucking killed himself.




What happened?

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the Captured Tracks shop tomorrow.

- Alex

Well I guess that explains why I got a refund on my pre-order of his album.
Seemed like a really nice dude, too.


Who and what happen?

nice shoop

Except I know one of the girls personally(that's right there's way more than one) and no it's not an allegation-the label is already offering to settle- not to mention mac demarco took photos ,why do you think he flipped on alex so quick? Unlike you it's not just a news story to me , this deeply affected someone in my life,and no she isn't lying and has no reason to. Calder is a creep and he's done this multiple times-just finally catching up with him

What did they mean by this?

Wait did something actually happen


>slut fucks guy in a band
>realizes guy isn't particularly famous
>cries rape

Pretty mich this. Is asking to get laid a crime now?

Thats the most frustrating thing about this. We dont know jack shit about what the allegations are. A dick joke at work is considered sexual harassment and there are different ways for sexual assault.

Did Alex wait behind the bushes and try to grab her pussy forcefully? Did he try flirt with her but she rejected him? We just have no clue and that sucks. People's nowadays have varying degrees of what is considered assault.


audible kek

After reading that Ducktails article I'm pretty sure I've done some questionable things when drunk. Nothing like finding her a girls number, address and taking her to my parents house. But more like, making a move in bed like he did with some of the girls.

take a picture of computer screen with phone

Can you expand on this?

this lil bitch aint got shit on the real rape daddy

fuckin quek'd

"No, you don't understand your honor, I thought she was saying 'No Don't Stop!'"

What's the rumours about FlyLo? Tell me more

No rumours, he just came out about the Gaslamp Killer and said that we shouldn't jump to conclusions on it just because allegations have been made

Yeah but we men, we gonna jump to conclusions

He's dead as fuck OP just look at his twitter

What twitter?


His last tweet was "goodbye". Should have screen capped it

this nigga goin bald and can't deal with it

probably already had a hard time gettin sex from bitchs

once he bald he gon look straight up george costanza with extra ginger u feel me





That's how you know he's a rapist. They all balding.

He was tweeting about being bullied as a kid then some story about riding his bike to a party to confront the chad and getting the shit kicked out of him in front of everyone and having to bike home after that. Then he tweeted goodbye. There's like a 15% he hasn't offed himself yet honestly.

My nigga Flylo dindu shit

Who is this guy?
I google but only find stuff on the great artist by the same name.

baldin niggas be WILD

u culd str8 cut off a nigga balls and he wont get as crazy as if nigga hair falls out u feel me

baldin niggas CRAZY

What did this guy do? When I google him, all I see is stuff about his label dropping him. I don’t see the actual allegation anywhere.

He's a goner

dubs of death confirm

That first track is surprisingly decent desu

Somebody put up a kickstarter for Alex

He raped someone is what I heard

He's a white male, what do you think he did? Guilty the moment he was born.

rapist piece of shit

i never doubt a victim
nothing to gain lyign about some poor fuck no name musician. he did it and he is scum

He's pretty good musician but yeah he's gonna die

imagen how nasty dis lil nigga's dick look

dis niggas dick look like a baby chicken look if u break da egg open 2 soon

dis nigga dick look nasty

t. numale

Any update on Matt

Is he going to be fine?

this nigga on the other hand

his dick probably look ok

not like brad pitt dick but like
brendan fraser dick maybe

respectable, not exceptional


Did Cucktails shenanigans cause Julia Holter to grey? I heard he was up to his gropey ways when they were dating too

>age 32
holy shit

"I'm really glad that this has finally been addressed- I know one of the victims (and there's more than 2) . Alex has been doing this for a while. I believe that he honestly felt entitled to sex ,simply because he was a (barely) semi-known musician,but that wasn't the case so he took what he thought he deserved. At least he has a long future in washing dishes."

The reign of manis over.

Where did you get that?

Some chick I guess on Facebook. She commented on his recent video. Alex Fay

Sounds super made up to come forward all after the fact

Why would a victim lie. They've always been dismissed and it takes so much courage to come forward.

He's fucking dead nigga

man age got to him
he was much cuter when he was younger

>,why do you think he flipped on alex so quick? Unlike you it's not just a news story to me ,
this is fake
mac likes alex's photos on instagram all the time

Thats before he learned of his rape tendancies




yeah no the person who wrote that is a nutjob


Stop gaslighting
