There is a post by some normie named Alexa Portillo on Facebook

There is a post by some normie named Alexa Portillo on Facebook.

POLICE have been contacted, a report has been filed, sitting with an officer right now. They are looking into the website, the people behind it and the ages of any person mentioned or involved. If the website doesn’t get pulled down and the police find the perpetrators behind this DISGUSTING thread they will fully prosecute you. It’s a class 4 felony, one to three years in prison, and up to $25,000 fine. You idiots thought you were being funny. An email has been found and is being linked to the person. Also, pictures were posted of girls when they were minors- expect to be fully prosecuted

SHARE POST; It’s not a game, it’s not funny, it’s vile

An example of the comments being made in regards to the pictures people are posting

Okay, so assuming this is true, how is sharing their public social media images a crime in any way? People were only asking for nudes, doesn't sound like there were any posted.

under-noticed thread

>takes slutty pictures they obviously want seen
>throws a tantrum when people see it.

Bullshit. She put out a pic on snapchat that got out into the wild. People asked for nudes. No laws broken

Also what the fuck does "an email has been found and linked to the person," even mean? They somehow found an email address of an user posting in the thread? That doesn't seem likely.

I have to agree with this guy. Not sure how asking for nudes is a class 4 felony, or sharing Facebook pictures that are already public. Seems like a bait thread.

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
>Post pictures online
>Gets mad when people look at the pictures online

She could definitely be dumb enough to try and report it as a crime. Don't see how that gets us a broken imageboard though.

Actually you'll be surprised. People on user-ib stupidly post their emails and Kik names on their all the time looking to trade