Absolute madman. Goosebumps.
Absolute madman. Goosebumps
>shows that only white people like
its so boring, nothing happens
I can't tell if that's a male or a female
I don't think ADD is race exclusive.
can anybody explain lost highway to me
I thought I was starting to get it and then it all went straight over my head
You are a boring person
dream logic
the theme song is literally the only good thing about this shit show for jewish teenagers
I was an early 20s, Muslim when I watched it and it was great. Your theory has been debunked.
Is the remake any good?
>I was an early 20s, Muslim when I watched it and it was great. Your theory has been debunked.
i repeat: the theme song was the greatest thing about this show
that pic is a Tim & Eric sketch come to life
twin peaks theme song was featured in this great 90s classic compilation album
along with these other classics
There is no Twin Peaks remake, what are you talking about?
watch A Perverts Guide To Cinema by Zizek. He explains it intellegebly. In short: guy can't satisfy his hot wife. Dreams himself as a younger more potent version of himself (like we all do). But fuck it still doesn't work because now there is an external obstacle. It all crashes down. He is a big loser.
What did she mean by this?
>That's a, um, very interesting piece, sir.
>I'm not a man!
>Oh, my apologies, ma'am.
>I'm not a woman either!
I'm sure there is an autistic redditor that is completely enraged right now because you didn't make this into a general.
yes there is, I've seent it
>dat Angelo playing and calling out the build up to the climax
Why did Lynch forced Isabella into singing? She clearly can't.