Okay guys, what in the fuck is going on today? Tell me the whole story on why i cant post pics...

Okay guys, what in the fuck is going on today? Tell me the whole story on why i cant post pics? Did some faggot on /x/ truly post an alien, or is asain m00t in trouble? What's going on!?

Other urls found in this thread:


Come to LiveChan, fags. It's like IRC, but Sup Forums themed we've got images desu!


I heard there was a legit pizza thread up for a while and that is why

What is a pizza thread ?

A thread where they put jewish children on a giant pizza and put it in the oven

Any other websites? I mean we need an official migration website.

CP aka child porn aka cheese pizza


It's likely just some technical issue. I'm not sure why everybody is being so dramatic. It's not like it's the first time we've ever had technical issues.

Rumours are:
>Ayy lmao on /x/
>asian moot in debt
>cheese pizza posted on Sup Forums
>government shutdown in merica is effecting servers

Really though this is probably just maintenance or a small bug. This isnt the first time this has happened and wont be the last.

You sure? I'm hearing theories going from left to right, maybe asian m00t is in deep shit?

Oh and I forgot
>some basic bitch bitching on facebook that autists on Sup Forums were fapping to her social media pics

ill go check that last rumour. I have russian and boomerang chucker friends.

this forum is supposed to come up with shitty fanfic like aliens, cp and fbi, dont pay no attention to the edgelords

Dammit user...

I don't care what's happening. Sup Forums is actually tolerable this way. This is the best it's been in a long time.


wow, weird how I can only post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums


This all just to encourage people to invade 7chan.

i'm test

this guy is right don't listen to anyone else

I guess?

Official website now.

Oh sowy ma engrish nob gud


im gonna test

Why is no one contacting the online support and asking?

Testing to see if I can post outside of Sup Forums.

Times like these make newfags reeeeee. FYI everyone, stop flipping shit and it makes you look less retarded.

hell yeah shit is noice

go to bed stefan


I think it's this, 4ch and 8ch are both down.

i agree, its a refreshing break from the trap, log, blacked, and furry porn

Good thing for the trap, log, and blacked, but furry porn isn't THAT bad?

8 chan exists btw

Has anyone heard from hiroshimoot at all?

if Sup Forums had a limit for porn threads it would be a lot more enjoyable and creative

This is it guys...

I probably *sob* I wouldn't... Cry... But... *eyes watering*


get that gay shit outta here


You fucking new fags, this shit has happened before, numerous times. The images will be back up in a week or so

Hug me... One last time... Sup Forumsro...

Occam's razor. Websites often experience technical problems. It's not surprising that this incredibly high traffic website that's been held together by dollar store tape is having problems. We've had intermittent issues for a while anyways, like the board basically freezing for hours because nobody can post. If it was a government agency, why would they go the more complicated route of disabling image posting on Sup Forums and disabling posting on some boards instead of just pulling the plug?

This is not an elaborate plot to help this board. The website is not dying. It's not the FBI. It's not aliens. It's not the radical left. It's technical problems.

Boring, I know.

I browse chub threads and freely admit this board has too much porn. Still not sure how many people really believe traps are not gay though.

If you thought 3 you're for sure a newfag

How priceless would that be; DDoS on the chans and 4 improves in quality




Being in denial is a fun thing, it bumps up your self confidence that "you can get a date with a pretty and amazing 'girl' "


50 posters. shit is lit

Kotchan is shit though

l o l

legit tho I have some problems with this whole situation

1.Why isn't the FBI constantly monitoring Sup Forums for that sort of shit in the first place
2.This image ban has done absolutely nothing to prevent people from making those sort of threads, I'm pretty sure I saw one or two talking about the original pizza thread.
3. I can't even report threads talking about pizza because (((someone))) managed to break the report window.

Literally the least effective form of quarantine that I've ever seen tbh

fuck off and lurk more newfag

OP here. Never had so many posters in my threads before. We should settle down in kotchan until a perfect site appears, or that site becomes more stable.

no u

no fuck u

I guess they just wanted to avoid the "no thumbnail" issue they had somewhen back in 2013 when suddenly an older version of /b came back to life and half the threads where CP threads because you can't moderate what you can't see.

So wtf is going to happen now

The ddos fags got this site too.

I mean you can't moderate well if you turn off the "report" feature too but that didn't stop them. Also can anyone post on a sfw board rn?

Or to put it in another way: "you're to much of a lazy she fatfuck to take that hand out of the Doritos bag and click on every fucking thumbnail manually.

thats fucking retarded.

I'd say: let the report function die, no pictures from now on and all the sjw's who somehow trough extensive viewing of PewDiePie videos had acquired a new home on /b will slowly start walking away.

It's the cleansening. And when only those who are bound to this fucking site because they probably are retarded and can't change even when forced are left behind we enable images again and maybe the report button for a 1 time use per day. You don't want to let someone get greedy and use it more than 1 time per day. He may turn into an sjw. Or his dick turns inside, with a "plop!" And than he becomes a pussy. Like everybody using the report function extensively.

gubbermen getting rid of free speech.


back up
