Okay So what was the True Reason behind Disabling all of our images temporarily?

Okay So what was the True Reason behind Disabling all of our images temporarily?

Other urls found in this thread:


CIA niggers

A server error, faget.
I hate conspirary idiots so much.

One of the mods got pissed off and posted a bunch of cp. FBI arrested him and image uploading had to be disabled until they could clean delete all the cp he posted. Now all the other mods are planning on uploading their cp collections in protest until the other mod gets released from jail. Expect this to happen for the next few weeks or so.



Sauce of this vid/girl ?

r u saying that user is making shit up? how dare u? this is a respectable message board with respectable users. please go away and kindly end your existence

What is her name?

images are back?


the russians did it

oh never mind i guess posting works on Sup Forums but not on the other more intellectual boards yet


Someone posted a real alien photo on /x/. Everything got shut down so it wouldnt get propogated

Bioluminescent african-americans employed by the Central Intelligence Agency

Anyone know the name of the girl in the webm? Or source?

Pewdewpie's gf


Damn dude you fuckin nailed it


Her name plz

the uploading of pedo shit and gay shit was abruptly zeroed

why does /x/ always fuck the entire site over?

Someone posted a TidePods thread early today and a young kid actually ate one and died. The feds are investigating everyone who posted in that thread and they will all be arrested for murder.

don't remember it being /x/ but here you go

it's cutiepiemarzia
the dicks been shopped in.

