/pp/ - Portuguese Politics
seeking that Porto guy from last thread for coffee btw
Que livros recomendam do Evola?
Comecei a ler o Ride the Tiger e foi um bocado chato e então parei de ler
bump for the expert shitskin removers
É a Suiça o melhor exemplo europeu de libertários? É que não estou a ver mais nenhum. Para além de que fazendo de Portugal uma Suiça, com a nossa cultura inerente, é um futuro que até me dá gosto imaginar.
Also, Libertarians who want to meet in Porto-Aveiro-Coimbra say so here
Who else is proud of the Cahora Bassa dam?
When are you guys reinstating the monarchy or cloning Salazar?
Tens o Liechtenstein que é um exemplo muito mais Hoppeano...
Aveirofag das armas químicas reporting for duty.
when the carnation generation dies off
The problem with monarchy is that if the monarch is a politically correct idiot, it can't be changed. It may, however, be more prestigious and stable, yes.
< What do you mean it can't be changed?
>when the carnation generation dies off
This generation is just as leftist :(
Aveirofag aqui também, o da UA que quer ir para o Texas ou algo assim
>tfw no United Kingdom
But then it would be the same shitty 1st republic all over again. Kill the regent, the next pretender is afraid to rule and we're back to a republic again.
>This generation is just as leftist :(
We will certainly try though
And then 16 years later we have a Estado Ainda Mais Novo
I don't see a problem with that tbqh
The only good thing about the porch-geese people is that they are too poor to travel. I've, thankfully, never met one...ever...
Well, it was the croat the hypothetically introduced the monarchy. That would only happen if the monarch was a weakling. It's no use, though, we're already done with monarchy. After 100 years, it's almost impossible to go back.
Don't talk to me or my dad ever again
Olá irmão texano.
Malta, ocorreu-me agora que o nosso movimento poderá ter sucesso daqui a umas décadas. A geração de Abril estará morta e os seus filhos cientes da ilusão que o socialismo é após o país bater ainda mais no fundo.
There is Hoppe at the end of the tunnel
I think we still have the "would be king" there somewhere. PT-bros confirm
Things can change faster thank we think.
Monarchy is possible if and only if a freguesia or conselho is 75%+ monarchy supporter... Then the heir (Pio de Bragança) could start a separatist movement and create a microstate like Monaco/Principado da Pontinha but bigger/Liechtenstein etc...
>There is Hoppe at the end of the tunnel
Aveiro, hoppe, armas, texas... Bro. Temos de tomar um cafézinho
There are many Portuguese immigrants in France, at least in the Parisian region, they are cool people. A little bit noisy when Portugal wins a soccer match though.
A subversão ideológica de Bezmenov já está avançada. Diria que estamos entre o passo 3 e o 4. Mais tempo normalizará a situação em que nos encontramos.
Tfw our great nation is being rekt by socialist scum
>Salazar pls come back
What the hell Pierre
Also i agree, Portuguese are pretty chill dudes, there are a lot of them in Rio, they make some bretty gud pastry
Arranjei o Revolta Contra o Mundo Moderno em português de Portugal!
How the fuck do we speak the same language ?
Yup. I know a girl from Rio, and met some guys from Brazil over the years. Good banter, you guys are alright
I hate the sport friend. I wouldn't mind that much if it was just a pleb occupation but it has been used to promote blacks and arabs in France.
If there were a more demeaning way to refer to it, I would use it.
If the public sector is full of lazy, unproductive fuckers why should they raise the working hours and they will just do nothing at all?
Is 154 cm short for a Portuguese lady? Or is it typical?
Aceitam-se apostas para daqui a quantos anos teremos marchas em prol do nosso país e da nossa cultura sem bandeira partidária nem sindicais.
When you'll merge with Spain and make Great Hispania?
I know a girl like that she's stomach high for me, but it's "normal"
Até o faria mas tenho a mania da perseguição. Se calhar é por isso que sou libertário. Detesto ter pessoas a meterem-se nos meus assuntos e na minha vida. Especialmente do governo.
(Não estou a diz que fico triggered da tua sugestão. Daqui a uns tempos encontramo-nos num destes threads e combinamos algo)
I usually can understand portugués perfectly, but this is fucking insane, is he ill or something?
Lobby pressure. "Coalition" pressure.
Os dígitos não mentem!
16 years
>Até o faria mas tenho a mania da perseguição. Se calhar é por isso que sou libertário. Detesto ter pessoas a meterem-se nos meus assuntos e na minha vida. Especialmente do governo.
É exactamente como eu
My gf is that height and her dad is not that much taller but her brother is. I love her but I don't know how i feel about dooming my son to be like 5'7" in this world where I'm not even considered tall being 5'11"
Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
É tempo de vontade e sacrifício
Para a alma Portuguesa renascer
E em nossos corações o nobre ofício
Da história deste reino reescrever
Deus, Pátria, Rei, fidelidade
Àquele que entre nós é o primeiro
Deus, Pátria, Rei, fidelidade
Ao chefe natural e verdadeiro
Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a fé que nos uniu e que nos move
Que levámos através do mundo inteiro
Não nos falte no momento derradeiro
Que a todos Portugueses nos comove
Juntemo-nos de novo sob a Coroa
Do Chefe da nossa Casa Real
Ouvindo o povo alegre que apregoa
Ontem, hoje e sempre Portugal
Se Deus quiser, há-de brilhar
De novo a Coroa sobre as Lusas armas
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Que a nossa Pátria soube, sempre honrar
Never. You're gonna be invaded and converted to Islam by your greatest alies.
I think it's açoriano or something.
Amigos bigodudos, uma duvida. Portugal é um país multirracial ou ainda é predominantemente português?
Portugueses do sul são mais "mouros" que os do norte?
O que vocês pensam dos brasileiros?
Saudações sul-americanas.
How's your country going? I heard Ada Colau wants to buy the bank and give it to degenerate squatters and she wants to kick the Legion vets out of their building as well.
Are those Podemos chavists going to be in the governement? Who are you voting for?
My mother isn't even chest high for me, and I'm taller than my father. 6'1
It seems that generally the height of the portuguese female isn't a large factor in the height of the child.
My biology is weak thought, I could be wrong and it's just a ton of coincidences.
Take that for what you will.
It's people from the Azores, we can barely understand them.
Um movimento separatista é dificultado pela lei das armas. Uma pessoa armada é muito mais consciente daquilo que consegue fazer e se bem motivada, podem bem acontecer mudanças. Mais liberalização nesse sentido e seria possível.
please speak American here I want to know what's going on too
They can barely understand themselves
You should come to Brazil if you feel short as 5'11
I feel fucking weird traveling outside of Southern Brazil to other parts, especially the Northeast since they have some native indian and nigger blood so they're all manlets and shitskinned, and i'm 6'0
Yup. Por acaso a UA foi à minha escola no dia do Patrono fazer shilling para os alunos irem para lá. Lembro me que lá fui quando era puto para uma cena de ciências (projectos de ciência, lembro me de terem um comando Xbox a conduzir um carro a sério) e parece ser uma boa universidade.
You have to come back
>My mother isn't even chest high for me, and I'm taller than my father. 6'1
Same. My dad 5'8 and my mom is like 5'6. But my great grandfathers was about 6'7 though
>Estado Ainda Mais Novo
Kek. Sorry American friend. This happens all the time when we make PT threads. We completely monopolize the convo. I'll try to reply in English from now on
Nationalistic convictions make portuguese people taller.
Eu sou de Aveiro e possote dizer que acho a universidade bastante porreira. :3
>Portugal é um país multirracial ou ainda é predominantemente português?
de vez em quando vejo arabes e chinocas no metro, e conheço alguns pretos e brasileiros. mas isto é nas grandes cidades, nas cidades mais pequenas 99,9% portugueses, só vez um pretos muito raramente
>Portugueses do sul são mais "mouros" que os do norte?
sim (pic related)
>O que vocês pensam dos brasileiros?
se tiverem algum dinheiro são porreiros
se forem imigrantes mais pobres as mulheres são empregadas domesticas ou putas e os homens são criminosos ou putas travesti
Terminei o 12º, faço o que da vida agora?
I'm studying abroad, I'll be back in August.
Feels bad man, I loved this place.
tira um curso e vai para o estrangeiro
im 6'5 :3
Tiras licenciatura, mestrado e fodes-te.
Nunca te esqueças de onde és mas foge enquanto podes.
My country is doing well. Dunno about Catalonia. Barcelona doesn't quite represent them that I'd tell you.
I'm not gonna vote, it's the only moral choice in Spain right now.
Things are funny in this iberia, like always have been, bro. Nothing really new.
Ah I see. Its like our Canary island then. I can understand them but they talk like shit.
Economia na NOVA e zarpar para a Suíça.
Ou juntas-te a nos para formarmos o Partido Liberal Português.
E ires pó caralho, grua
Continentais do caralho
Lived in portugal for a year (algarve/lisbon)
Some of my observations :
> Portugal is completely uncucked by islam. Like there is 0% talk about muslims or muslim integration.
>Portugese people look different than Spanish, they remind me a bit of Irish sometimes, or French
> Country is super disorganized. Everything takes ages. Even the que in the supermarket is always superslow, no one seems to give a fuck about getting things done.
> Portuguese people can seem a bit depressed sometimes. Doesn't help that your national music fado is also super depressing
>Food is awesome
>Everything is cheap for me
> Even though its a poor country technically, it doesn't feel poor. Infrastructure is good, everything is super safe, hardly any violent crime.
A++ can recommend 10/10
it makes you think
nao me posso queixar muito, elas não têm que se por de joelhos :D
Which state you in?
I studied in Pennsylvania for a year, it was lovely
Ao menos arranja um nome melhor para o partido...
Greatest Ally, fado is depressing because it reflects our inner demons.
I believe we are one of the least happy countries in the world and literally number one on antidepressants use.
Oh, someone made it again. Thanks. Only found it now, though. Shit.
Não deixem a terrinha cair, irmãos.
A terra de meu pai e todos avós...obrigado por nos livrarem da Espanha.
Well I know this guy that's tall as fuck and he's like the american SJWs you see on facebook, always raving about tolerance and making those pics with french flags and talking about the goods of socialism. Plus, he looks like a fucking moor and I wonder how long he'd wait before converting to Islam instead of fighting and dying for his country if we were invaded and turned to a caliphate (I think he'd do it in the first 6 months with the arguments: "whatever dude, we could learn from their culture", "don't you see how peaceful they are?","it's just praying there's no harm in that")
Fucking makes me sick senpai
Partido da Liberdade?
Partido Libertário?
Liberdade e Prosperidade?
You done fucked up now.
I bet I have more money than you. Also, I've been in new york, it was full of niggers and indians.
Alguém aqui a estudar ciência política?
>Portugese people look different than Spanish
That's a retarded statement. And Asturian doesn't look at all like a Catalonian, or an Andalusian, or a Galician, or a Castilian. Other than that I agree Portugal is great, but like us, they're just uncucked because they're old and decadent. When all the good countries are taken moors will flood our countries and our retarded boomers wont care.
In all the major parties of the iberian peninsula, you can't find an uncucked party.
Don't be mean big brother spain
It sure does.
Faça como os seus patrícios e vá trabalhar em algum país rico da Europa, nem que seja como travesti.
Well, now I want to pass through Portugal. I've made some european friends and I miss'em like hell, I think I'll save some money for an euro-trip.