Seriously Sup Forums How to use toilet paper ? When i wipe my ass...

Seriously Sup Forums How to use toilet paper ? When i wipe my ass. There is always shit ! FUCK ! HOW NORMALE PEOPLE USE TOILET PAPER ???

Line up about five rolls of toilet paper on the floor end to end and then kind of drag your dirty butthole across them.

wet wipes are so much better, one stroke and all shit is gone

Use a bidet, shit stain!

>Still using paper
What kind of backwater place do you live in? Do you really not have three shells??

Use the toilet brush first dumbass, you gotta be trolling, everyone knows that. It's beside the toilet for a reason. Couple of minutes of hard scrubbing with the brush, then wipe. Follow up with aftershave.

I'm sure you have a plunger in your fucking bathroom. Use it!

Bruh, use the shower curtain!!
They're bigger, have a better texture for grabbing shit and did I mention it's fucking huge!?
Uncultured fag

This is a legitimate question that I wish all Chinese grad students on my floor would ask...

This is the proper way.

so many western faggots who don't know shit about bidets.

> Bidet

For those that enjoy scraping shit off their ass hole by hand

you obviously dont know how a bidet works

Bidets are a supplement to wiping, not a replacement you nasty fucking europoors

Wipe with toilet paper until dry, then wet TP with in sink and put antibacterial soap on it, then wipe my ass with that. And then wet another TP (this time no soap) and rinse my ass off, and then get another dry one to dry it off
That way I can change my underwear less, knowing my anus was disinfected properly

and only wiping is a lot more disgusting than smearing your shit across your asshole. ffs.

yeah you have to dry your ass from the water, but it's not terribly annoying to give your ass a shake or two then pull up your pants. if you wear underwear its really fine.

You don‘t wipe everything off. The shit that still sticks is a natural protector against bacteria etc. it‘s just like the oils on your scalp.
Oh Hope you don‘t destroy that natural barrier after Berry shit

>he wipes his butthole instead of just letting nature take its place

I haven't wiped in years, all I do is wash my hole in the shower

Wipe with dry TP to get bulk
Spit or drip water on more TP and wipe
Wipe again with dry, should be clean paper if you check

loose some weight

Wet wipe masterrace.
Seriously if you don't at least finish with wet wipes you literally just have dried shit on your butthole all day.
Think about it like this, if you accidentally/intentionally touch poop, are you fine with just wiping off your hands with a dry paper towel?

>doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells


More fibre in your diet man