>A growing number of Americans are having gay sex, or at least admitting to it. And that's OK with more and more of us.
>"People over time are reporting more same-sex sexual experiences than ever before," said Brooke Wells, a social psychologist at Widener University's Center for Human Sexuality Studies.
>The behavioral trend, reflected in an annual survey conducted between 1973 and 2014, was fueled largely by people who had sex with both men and women. There has been little change in the number of people reporting exclusively homosexual behavior.
>The changes were reported Wednesday in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. The research team included faculty from Widener, Florida Atlantic and San Diego State universities. A total of 33,728 people answered the survey over the 41-year period.
>The number of U.S. adults who said they had at least one same-sex sexual partner doubled between the early 1990s - that question wasn't asked earlier - and the early 2010s, from 3.6 to 8.7 percent for women and from 4.5 to 8.2 percent for men. Bisexual behavior rose from 3.1 to 7.7 percent, accounting for most of the change.
>The survey found that only 1.7 percent of men and 0.9 percent of women said they had exclusively homosexual sex.
>Meanwhile, the percentage of respondents who said they believed same-sex behavior was "not wrong at all" rose dramatically, from 11 percent in 1973 and 13 percent in 1990 to 49 percent in 2014.
>Among men, the youngest and oldest generations had the smallest proportion reporting same-sex sex from 2010 to 2014: 7.5 percent. That compared to 8.2 percent of Boomers and 9 percent of those in Generation X.
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>For women, same-sex experiences are much more common among those who are younger. Only 2.4 percent of women born before 1945 said they had had sex with another women. More than 12 percent of Millennials and 11 percent of Generation Xers said in the latest surveys that they had done so.
Millennials Are the Gayest Generation
A new study finds that 7 percent of U.S. adults aged 18-35 identify as LGBT—fully 3 percentage points higher than a recent study of adults of all ages. Why that number will get even bigger.
> america
> white
> straight
How will you greet your future leaders of the world, the ones to take the reins and lead us into destiny? Its all part of the plan goy.
More gays = less procreation = less people to overpopulate the Earth
fine by me desu
Told you, gay propaganda isn't aimed at turning straight people gay, the goal is to make sure that bisexuals choose to be gay.
More muslim immigrants.
turning women against men, and men against women. MGTOW is gay propaganda, the BBC meme is propaganda. its working
you're a fag for bothering to give that article, which was probably written by a fag, any attention.
its turns out your just having more gay sex than ever while the rest of the world is straight by a staggering majority.
I can see this ending in tears, eventually.
seeing as there'e a significantly lower risk of being drug behind a truck down a gravel road for being gay I'm not surprised more closet bi folk are trying out their curiosities now.
It's not that there are more gay people, just more freedom to suck dick
Why did you film yourself grooming your wife's boyfriend?
But if there are more fags than before then it means that being a fag is just a phase.
Yeah, but do they keep having gay sex?
I did the gay thing for about 7 years and then grew out of it
>33,728 people have taken sure over 41 years.
>33,728/41=822.63 people.
>studies now suggest that everyone is gay based of 822 people from San Francisco.
This fellow Sup Forumsacks is how college social psychologist get paid. Making up stupid bullshit to keep their job.
Just a trend. When these people become the "old and uncool", the younger generation can be different, if not the opposite.
>More people having gay sex accoring to an online periodical
>if its true, more people contracting HIV/AIDs
>except this time you're expecting to pay for their mistakes
>more stds
>more lesbian bed death
It ain't a slippery slope anymore when you've hit rock bottom.
The fires of Hell have to be fuelled somehow.