Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

Even Science thinks "Aryans" are inferior


>White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.
>They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.
>It's been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

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White genes are easier to change and evolve. Nigger genes stay their old nigger self. Top kek

But if a study finds whites are genetically more intelligent the study is racist.

Doesn't understand what genetically weaker means, keeps spamming this shit for months on end

It means the chemical bonds in the DNA molecules are less strong. Duh. Stupid white boy.

>literally saying blacks are less evolved than whites
how was this allowed to be printed???

but i thought there was only 1 race, the human race?

Yet when theres a study saying whites are smarter than blacks everyone shits themselves

Homo sapenins. Get educated.

This is why no one takes you people seriously. I provide hard facts and you just believe what you want and try to push you ideology on everyone else. You fucks ruined Sup Forums. You fucks ruined Sup Forums. You ruined this entire fucking site. Fuck you and die. I sincincely hope you kill yourselfes.

Gorillas are stronger than humans. These are things we know.

remember that girl from the south that got publicly shamed and had to make a public apology for asking the question of whether there was any scientific evidence of race based IQ differences at a dinner party?

>white Amricans
Obviously, sure.

Whites in general? No.


youtube.com/watch?v=UAs_ZmtuKOg (lazy cunt sitting on his horse)

Most famous American top atheletes are all black and the American whites are inferior to all other whites. Slaves were used for hard labor for a century and Americans became lazy, they got used to it. People argue black athletes dominate all sports because they were slaves and were put into hard labor but you can't alter a gene pool and race in such a short time. You can become attuned to something and make your children become attuned to something, though. In fact Americans got USED to being lazy, it's basically there culture these days. They are weak. It is THEIR CULTURE.

We have many migrants here in Germany but we don't let them win shit for us. Not even talking about other European countries.

This is the ultimate proof of degeneracy. You purposely gave the black man the power to rule you all and take your women.

Race =/= species

>and less diverse than their black compatriots
ah, so if everyone was black, it would STILL be more diverse than a pan-european community with small minority groups of asians, hispanics and blacks mixed in, fascinating.

>This is why no one takes you people seriously. I provide hard facts and you just believe what you want and try to push you ideology on everyone else
oh the irony of this post

Stay mad negro

What about focusing on practical differences, such as self-control and intelligence?

>a Cornell University-led study finds.


Was this before or after race was just a social construct? I can't keep up with all the rationalization of nigger failure.

Yeah thats why we watch niggers/slaves on TV as entertainment (modern gladiators) while the "white olympics" are currently driving around on mars or visiting the edge of our solar system.

The only "relevant" blacks can be seen in the entertainment industry, so either sports, music or sometimes TV while they are all slaves to their jewish overlords. They have never stopped to be slaves and they never will because the more intelligent ones will make sure of it.

>It means the chemical bonds in the DNA molecules are less strong. Duh. Stupid white boy.

So you are saying increasing the ape-level black IQ by race mixing is nearly impossible because their stupidity prevails?

Cba to read article. What did they mean by this?

As far as I'm concerned, whites are the strongest there is, genetically or otherwise.

Ideal human would have white head and black body.

yea, wytebois are salty af.

dis thread proves my point doe


and mongol IQ

>whites weaker
>but dont worry IQ is a bullshit racist metric

Why are all top MMA fighters and weightlifters white then?

98% of Caucasians are inbred.

The strongest men in the world are mainly white and have been for centuries the fastest runners are usually black because they have to run from the strong white men :P


>average IQ of 85

It's not about strength anymore it's about brain power, get with the program.

So you're new in my country.
Get out.

the only time I am ever out competed by a black guy is when he's bigger than me.
I was competing with a black guy for the attention of a girl, I wrecked him in calisthenics, I wrecked him in lifting, and he barely edged me out in spriting.
Consider the fact we are both /fit/ and he had 5 inches of height on me I can tell you the study is bogus.
He's a college basketball player
I'm a casual exerciser

Yeah, look at all those negroes winning at sports.

This is a religious board. Dawkins is a atheist fag.

You know, after watching John Oliver's segment on how bullshit most of these "Scientific Studies" actually are, I just cannot believe anything anymore.

Say what you want about Mr. "It's CURRENT YEAR!", but the segment was informative and did point out that the vast majority of these studies are made specifically to get research money so they can be paid for actually doing "science".

Keep stomping your feet screaming "muh dick" and eat shit you dumb nigger

Nigger plz.

Chill out, svenne :^)

Say no more.

Seriously, walk into any gym, anywhere on the planet and it will be filled with massive, strong ass white men. I don't understand these blacks.

Keeping it 100 I see

Stay trill my nigger

Study doesn't mean shit when all of the weightlifting records are held by white men

Then why we don't see niggers in swim competitions or strongest men in the world?

fox news isn't a credible site

try again, this time source a quasi-science article from a white nationalist web site

Actually Europeans are among less inbreed populations, Arabs are the most inbreed group followed by East Asians

Mr. Current Year did a really good job with that one IMO


guess Im a #monkeymissile nao

>What do you mean blacks have a genetic predisposition to have lower intelligence? That's a bunch of bullshit, neo-Nazi pseudo-science
>AHA! See! This study of 35 PROVES Whites are genetically inferior to Blacks!

>the fastest runners are usually black because they have the easiest access to steroids and doping in the world

That's because setting records requires hard work and dedication lmao.

It's true. Just look at the SJWs; they refer to unscientific statistics all the time.

Nobody seems to have read the article

It found that africans are more genetically diverse, which is neutral and has nothing to do with superiority

They used "stronger" becsuse the writer is retarded

It's true black men are superior when it comes to pleasing women, playing sports, and fighting. They were bred to be strong. It's why so many black guys are big and muscular and white boiz are skinny and weak. Every time I go out I see lots of cute white girls with black guys and I love it.

and this is why africa is the best continent to live on

oh wait

>We wuz strong n shieet


Whites have lots of inbreeding, But Jews have the most inbreeds.

But I thought races weren't real :^)

>Every time I go out I see lots of cute white girls with black guys and I love it.

t. cuck

whites genetically smarter than black, study finds



You are really bad at this boy.

>Racism stopping niggers

Good excuse faggot.

>every gene in a black man is dominant rather than recessive
>so they are "genetically superior"
Bravo jews.


Congrats you two are officially retarded.

>Slaves were used for hard labor for a century and Americans became lazy

Implying white pioneers did not work their asses off farming and cultivating the vast continent that is now America. Implying that factory workers, farmers, railroad workers and other builders were not hard labor.

Americans have got used to be lazy for only the past three generations. Starting with Baby Boomers. But even Boomers had to work hard jobs.

>"It's difficult to tell what the precise impact that a higher proportion of deleterious single nucleotide polymorphisms in the population will have on the average person's health," said Kirk Lohmueller, a graduate student in both Bustamante's and Clark's labs and the paper's lead author. "More detailed studies that involve sequencing many individuals both with and without certain diseases would better enable us to get at this question."

So basically "we wuz science and sheit.

Get back to me when Africa is the planet's leading industrial powerhouse and center for science and medicine.

I get the feeling that these blacks don't think these guys are white. If you're strong and fit, you can't be white apparently.

Så är du en aidssmittad bebisknullande neger eller en smutsig bacha bazi från mellanöstern?

Who needs to deadlift 1,100 lbs. when you've had spacecraft at your disposal since 2000 BCE?

Obviously they would be more genetically diverse considered all other human populations migrated OUT of Africa

Africa actually has 3 major racial groups while Caucascoids are only one and there are some Caucascoids is africa

>article from 2008
current year, anyone?
>White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots

>genetically weaker
"Genetically weaker", but longer life-spans? Ok.

Also, "White Americans" = All non-Africans. The same is true for all who left the continent and further evolved from select, smaller populations.

enjoy your sickle sell

I'll just leave this here

>make a scientific claim that blacks are less intelligent than whites
>get blacklisted from the scientific community
>make a claim whites are weaker than blacks
>hailed as a scientific genius

>race is a social construct unless, it's suggested that whites are inferior

Fucking bravo liberals

If you white boiz weren't so insecure then why do you make threads about black guys all the time? It's like you all need to constantly reassure yourselves that you're men and it's pathetic. No wonder the majority of you are video-game playing virgins. No girl fucking wants you losers.

Lithuanians are black though

>why do you
It's 100% trolling. You are the only ones who make these threads.


>thinks genetic strength = physical strength
You probably thought you were intelligent by posting that huh?

>Swedish culture

>Cornell University

Also YFW they counted 5'2" manlet Hispanishits as "white".

>many more possibly harmful mutations

this literally says we are evolving and they aren't, or at least to nowhere near the same degree.

We've always known blacks were stronger, while whites are smarter.

Well gee, that sure explains how we have always whooped niggers asses throughout history.

Chimpanzees are like 20 times stronger than the average nigger (and apparently smarter too), we keep them in cages and use them for experimentation.

Strength has very little to do with it, intelligence and the inherent ability to optimize ones environment is the key to success. Strength is only a secondary concern, as an intelligent weakling could simply invent something to get the job done, i.e. the pulley system.

Niggers may be stronger a lot of the time, but we already know, this it is nothing new. That is why we enslaved them, they are good for manual labor and not much else. White people will always be the master race.

>Top 2% of Americans owned slaves
>All others worked
>Somehow this means slavery weakened all white people in America

Uh huh, you sure are spouting "facts"

>hard facts
>the published paper
choose one
a bioinformatical meta analysis is hardly "facts," especially with such a small sample size
This was published to make a splash, which is why it is in Nature
You really need a more nuanced way to look at scientific publications

>Arabic culture

No cares about world strongest man crap. Plenty of blacks win bodybuilding competitions anyways.

Just like all interesting sports blacks could easily take it over.

They did track boxing mma football basketball.

Blacks go where the money at.

Whites are genetically weaker because of lower gene variance that's proven scientific fact.

Sandnigger are Caucasian though.l

>kebab culture


More like "worlds most overcompensating manlets"

Yes. Whites are genetically weaker. They should all return to Africa and be genetically superior together.


So funny watching white people get mad. LOL

Apparently racial science can be published and reliable When it doesn't support whites.
When will this ride end?

nobody cares about the genes, just take a single fucking glance at history and you will see that white people were the only ones who were good at anything