Why do democrats prefer illegal aliens over their fellow U.S. Citizens?

Why do democrats prefer illegal aliens over their fellow U.S. Citizens?

Legit question.

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Both political parties in Murrica love illegal aliens as long as they work cheap. Everything else is theater. Move to immokalee.

Why do Republicans prefer owning guns over the lifes of their fellow U.S. citizens?

>Legit question


Even democrats agree that owning guns is an integral part of the Constitution

Only far-left pussies who have never touched a gun before think that guns are evil. People will just go on stabbing sprees or run cars through crowds, or get guns illegally, or poison people.

>Why do democrats prefer illegal aliens over their fellow U.S. Citizens?
Life long voters. It's the only way democrats win big elections. If you think I'm full of shit, the why are democrats so against simple voter I.D. laws? Because if you're an illegal, you don't get to vote.

>Inb4 boston baked beans in a pressure cooker



Go back to school and learn simple spelling instead of being worried about inanimate pieces of metal.

Why do U.S. Citizens inevitably vote for the same two opposing parties and expect change?

true, when you take away guns, freedom and happiness are next, just look at this picture of some australians a couple of decades following their guns being taken, such lack of freedom, you can see the desperation in their eyes.

Because most mass shootings are done by white guys with autism

Good one user I lol’d

Because it "boosts" the economy
And and and and and and and
Those pople have families
And and and and and
If you dont like illegal immigrants coming here then YOU should leave
Do something about it or stop complaining

half of about 18k murders/year are by black men despite being only 12% of population

Yeah and look how happy these people are with their guns taken away!

Yeah and look how happy these people are with their guns not being taken away, rightard.

The 2nd amendment protects the 1st.

yep, take away the guns and next stop communism, i bet you in a few years i'll be being sent off to the gulag and i'll think 'fuck that amerimutt was right'

They really don't. It just isn't fair to uproot people's lives in our country who didn't have a choice to be here in the first place, and have lived their lives as members of this country. Many of them ended up here because our actions made their country into war zones. I have a friend who's parents brought her here as a kid because the cartels where she lived were kidnapping all the girls and turning them into sex slaves. Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing if it meant keeping your kids safe?

true, it's so nice not having a firearm or weapon because I don't trust myself with that type of responsibility.
If someone much larger than me wanted to beat me to death, its comforting knowing that there's nothing I could reasonably do to defend myself.

Same goes for foreign invasion or rogue government. It's nice knowing that there's no danger of guerilla warfare once you take out the military targets. Its even easier when it's a rogue government, there'd be absolutely no resistance.

Because only someone from a shithole would vote for a Democrat.

Because illegal immigrants can spell better than rednecks

case in point: your meme

i also spend my entire life preparing for worst case scenario. btw your guns were real useful when the nsa was heavily infringing on your rights

sry not was, is*

No shitholes.

>implying they have the infrastructure to even take away guns in the first place

I love how gun rights are viewed as important to only "right-wingers" It's literally in the constitution and most reasonable democrats also support gun rights.



Kek, you should do standup comedy, user.

I hate to parrot this viewpoint because you should know this by now. All of the major dictators took away guns from citizens before arising to power.
A true dictatorship or foreign invasion is not possible in the United States. The level of guerilla resistance would be overwhelming, even to an advanced military. It would be like afghanistan x 1000.

As if this country isn't viewed as a shithole by many of the other first world countries, and it is quickly becoming one, but not because of immigration.

>The level of guerilla resistance would be overwhelming, even to an advanced military.

stalin, hitler, mao, howard, all the big names tru

America is a shithole to Norway

Why is the U.S. bad in your opinion? Which country is your ideal country?

>norway is good

enjoy paying $12 for a cup of coffee


Then there's not a problem with "no shitholes" US is obviously not an improvement.


Kek, I find it hilarious that muricans actually see themselves like this. "We are SO, like, military. We just know SO much about tactics man, we are THE most military. Do NOT mess with us because we military the heck out of everything."

Illegal alien are cheaper and more docile worker.

Without them, white people would have been able to stand for their right as worker and defend their percentage of the benefit a company make unabling the wealthiest to become even more wealthy.

Thanks to immigration ( both legal and illegal) we were able as white middleclass people to work our bullshit job, spending 60h+ a week behind our computer browsing social network during our workhour, while these guy do all the real work, and we even have the luxury to call them parasite.

it's the best idea we ever had since slavery

>their fellow U.S. Citizens
I'd rather have wetbacks than these shitheads

and in russia it's cheap af, until you factor in that they earn something like only 5000 rubles/month

(You weren't responding to a muriKKKan, user. MuriKKKans don't spell "guerrilla" so fancy, they prefer "gorilla".)


lenin ( and trotsky) had to fight against white russian who were for the most former officer and soldier of the tsar army. they had guns provided by france and england, and yet they failed to win the civil war.

It's bad because we are so ignorant and divided that we elect corrupt politicians, and let them keep their jobs no matter how hard they fuck us, just because the have a "D" or and "R" after their names. Meanwhile our infrastructure crumbles, we allow revolving door policies between our government and lobbyists, wages stay flat, cost of living rises, and we become less empowered to change it by the day.


I think the better question is why are Republicans perfectly ok spending billions of tax dollars to keep people out of the US but if ever someone tries to improve education or healthcare with tax dollars its the end of the world

Because random afghanis that have held back the entire russian military and U.S. military are so much more tactical.

There's 100M+ gun owners in the U.S. Even if only 20% are decent shots and willing to fight, that's still significantly higher than any standing military on earth.

the slim af chance that the us would be defeated and invaded by another country and then occupied justifies giving every citizen access to weapons which are all too often used to kill innocents, gotcha

That's a misconception.

Again, its not an arguable point that U.S. citizens should have guns. It's literally the second amendment. If you are scared of guns, there's plenty of alternative countries to move to.

It's like complaining that saudi arabia is muslim. Should the country change, or should you move?

I guess it might be an over-generalization but it is not a misconception. Take the current republican president who spent a year unsuccessfully trying to repeal a healthcare bill with no viable replacement and then whined and shut down the government cause they wouldn't help pay for his wall

Simple. Illegals cost tax payers $100billion/yr. Get this fixed to save money.

Also, no free education. Degrees should pay for themselves. If the don't, find another field of study.

Healthcare is massive. There are other fixes other than cash. Too much waste and corruption.

the country should change

The short version.
As soon as women get the right to vote, feminism leads to more and more women focused policies. It leads to women having careers instead of babies, and because they are emotional they are convinced that illegal immigrants are virtuous.

The government spends tons of our money but because we will die off due to homo culture and feminism , we will fill the population gap with immigrants, who until they out phase your white asses, work for less.

American women are the reason immigration did what it is. Don't worry, I'm black but we're all fucked. Feminists destroyed the black communities first as an experiment. Notice all the single moms... The 19th amendment is a mistake. Cucks will argue though even though I'm right and deep down you know it

>i have no argument and facts scare me, i'll just should SECOND AMMENDMENT until my opponent stops responding
well if that's your final response, i'm done here

I bet you also believe the Constitution is a living document too I bet

The very fact that you "do the maths" as evidence of the US "winning" some imaginary competition about who is the " best" in some hypothetical post apocalyptic scenario just proves my point. You people watch too many movies and, what is worse, believe everything you see in them. Muricans are fundamentally naive children. They cant feed, educate, or look after themselves properly without adult supervision, and spend all their pocket money on cool toys.

And paying 65% income taxes!

There's a method to amend the constitution. Good luck.

There's no negotiation on gun control. We're keeping them.

You can't shoot the internet


But surely passing laws to address the waste and corruption in healthcare can't happen because "muh free market will fix everything".

How high are you?

Economically a shutdown is insignificant, especially for a short period of time.

The reason for the shutdown is the bill needed senate approval from 10 democrats to pass. The democrats used the shutdown as leverage for DACA.

Also, there is a viable replacement to healthcare which encourages competition to drive prices down, also the regulation of medical supplies which has gotten out of control

I'm not going to taunt you because literally everyone just reads the headlines these days

There isn't a discussion beyond the 2nd amendment. Kindly fuck off.

(Different user)

you could form into a militia and storm the white house for allowing your rights to be so flagrantly trodden all over, but nah you'd rather stay home and watch tv and eat mcdonalds.

Well, good question.
What would you prefer police to use to keep the niggers from raping you and your family for fun?

No. Enforcing the laws that exist. Maybe additional laws where gaps are found.

But, dumping more money into a bad system doesn't fix the the problem.

Regarding your picture. Historically conservatives supported slavery and liberals opposed it, the parties used to be switched, Dems were conservative, Repubs were liberals. Not sure why they switched.

There will never be an invasion ever
There will be no epidemics
There will be no large scale natural disasters
There will be no wars
Governments will always remain fair and noone will seek more power or land

Better? Let's discard FEMA, the UN, NATO, etc.. because things like that probably won't happen right?

I bet people laughed at those who questioned mao as he removed weapons, what's there to worry about? Or before Stalin rose to power. Don't act like these things couldn't happen again. The USSR ended only about 20 years ago

You realize that the USA still has legalized slavery, right?

Because they are the only ones who work hard in this country.

You been here 4 generations, you're a lazy piece of shit.

>Spend 30 years of your life living in America
>Somehow this doesn't qualify you for citizenship

What the fuck GOP?


>facts scare me

Mass shootings comprise less than 1% of total murders.

Who will replace the illegals for farm work? Trumptards don't want to kill themselves from heat exhaustion picking grapes for all eternity.

Ban food, it kills hundreds of times more people than guns, ban cigarettes, painkillers, ban cars.

Those are facts

You are missing the point of his response. He realizes that both his question and the one to which he is responding are ridiculous. They are both trolls. No Democrat prefers illegal aliens over US citizens and no Republicans prefers gun ownership over the lives of US citizens.. There is no equivalence in either statement.

>living in america =/=...
>paying its taxes
>being on its records

That's what makes you a citizen. You pay taxes, and the government has knowledge of you being there. Without those two things you are a foreign body.

Because the Dems switched tactics to keep the niggers serving them, their right and proper ‘massas.
Instead of working the fields now for them, it’s free stuff to keep their vote so they can remain in power.
Honestly, I’d just like to see both parties abolished because they are two sides of the same coin anymore.

It does for the healthcare industry. I wonder why nothing seems to get fixed.

So your solution to epidemics and large scale natural disasters is... guns?

I'm curious, is the gun size directly proportional to the magnitude of the event? So a flu pandemic is dealt with a pistol but bubonic plague would require an assault rifle? To tackle a tornado, should I use 9mm or a more meaty .45?

>commit multiple crimes (not necessarily violent but criminal none the less) to enter into a foreign country
>continuous yearly evasion of law to illegally stay
By that logic, I guess police should stop looking for murderers when they can’t find them easily.

+2 preventable deaths in america

They're examples of unlikely events. Owning guns is a preparation for an unlikely event: in case someone threatens your life, foreign invasion, hostile government

Beyond that they're fun to shoot and collect.

I'm not going to mock you for missing the point entirely, I'm going to assume you're intentionally doing it to troll me.

The amount of guns and similar ordnance among the citizens is so high quantity compared to other nations, that it's valid. Not in organization or in terms of formality, but if our military turned against us and food/water was inaccessible to most, it'd be a bloodbath. There's only so many people in the military that'd be willing to shoot at fellow citizens; problem in the first Civil War, it'd be a problem in the second too. Besides, with information readily available via resources like PirateBay, private networks via VPN's, Tor, etc, resistances would form pretty much immediately. Facebook and email would be pretty useful too until they're cracked down on with NSA help.

I don't know if the public would win. Probably would. Without a public you have no country. So based on that (readily understood and accepted fact by all in the federal employ) the government could not win. Too many people, too much effort, little to nothing to gain.


Police DO stop looking for murderers though...

15 year olds can’t buy handguns legally in the US.
Want to know who’s responsible?
The parents.
It’s not the gun manufacturer’s fault, it’s shitty parenting.
It’s the same reason why you’re a drug addicted loser shitposting on here - poor fucking parenting.

But they don’t. They have cold files that remain open for decades.

>the bill needed senate approval from 10 democrats
Horsetrump. The six GOP senators who didn't vote Aye would have been enough to carry the vote.

Trick question. We're all illegal aliens.

No, we’re not.