Best track is followed by worst track

>Best track is followed by worst track

Iron Maiden Killers does this.
Follows the title track up with prodigal son.
Why do they do dis?

It happens on graduation
>Drunk and hot girls
>Flashing lights


>Giving Up
>No Title

Trash opinion

>Song For The Dead - 10/10
>The Sky Is Fallin' 2/10
why would josh homo let this happen

>The Sky Is Fallin' 2/10
Da fuq?

the sky is falling is fucking amazing get the fuck out

X.O. by Elliott Smith

>Waltz #1 (9/10)
>Amity (3/10)

Why did he fucking do this

>Living loving (she's just a woman)

do I even need to say it


>Lover, You Should've Come Over

>sing about me

m.a.a.d. city is my personal favorite though

your not wrong but best track is art of peer pressure/money trees

>worse track is followed by best track



what the fuck

sky is fallin is the best song on the album

Is every post itt bait

you just have poor taste :^)

>worst track starts out as the best track