>Best track is followed by worst track
Best track is followed by worst track
Iron Maiden Killers does this.
Follows the title track up with prodigal son.
Why do they do dis?
It happens on graduation
>Drunk and hot girls
>Flashing lights
>Giving Up
>No Title
Trash opinion
>Song For The Dead - 10/10
>The Sky Is Fallin' 2/10
why would josh homo let this happen
>The Sky Is Fallin' 2/10
Da fuq?
the sky is falling is fucking amazing get the fuck out
X.O. by Elliott Smith
>Waltz #1 (9/10)
>Amity (3/10)
Why did he fucking do this
>Living loving (she's just a woman)
do I even need to say it
>Lover, You Should've Come Over
>sing about me
m.a.a.d. city is my personal favorite though
your not wrong but best track is art of peer pressure/money trees
>worse track is followed by best track
what the fuck
sky is fallin is the best song on the album
Is every post itt bait
you just have poor taste :^)
>worst track starts out as the best track