Is pic related the ultimate gatekeeping band? if you dont like ava youre truly a brainlet

is pic related the ultimate gatekeeping band? if you dont like ava youre truly a brainlet.
also , bands that sound similar to pic related?

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AVA is the definition of trying too hard to be grand and coming off as pretentious. The Dream Walker was their best (and least pretentious) work.

I still like the music but fuck 75% of the fanbase.

Fuck off Mason




Have you all heard of Tommy's newest money-making scheme now that he's been kicked out his cash-cow Blink-182?

>kicked out
I thought he left agian. And no I haven't

Eh Mark/Travis say one thing, Tom says another, who knows.
But now Tom is collecting money for stock in his new company "To The Stars Academy" that plans to raise a bagillion dollars in fan donations to build a functioning space ship

I wish he'd just go back to singing about boobs and dicks

Minimum "investment" is $200, you get nothing in return, fine print says that no matter what, Tom gets paid $100k/year from company money, even if that means removing funding from the space ship that is totally going to get built

>all that stock footage

Angels And Airwaves is a bunch of guys who can only write and play really simple songs trying to make epic, complex songs.

>a bunch of guys
Angels and Airwaves is literally Tom Delonge and whoever can stand him long enough to record an album with him

Well that makes it a little less sad... I think.

They were my shit for a few years. I don't care if its simple, some of its borderline proggy and it's probably what got me into that genre.

Might put some on tonight and get drunk.

>Of the first album, Delonge said that it would be "the best music in generations", but afterwards admitted that during this time he was addicted to painkillers due to suffering a slipped disc in his back some years prior.[8]

If I wanted to listen to echoey guitars I would rather listen to u2 circa Joshua Tree era.

His story is kind of sad.

He was pretty much addicted to painkillers, had a psychotic break in blink, and never fully recovered.

he's grown up

>muh aliens
PFFFFFF okay...