The worst paedophile from the UK is white. How does that make you feel now Sup Forums?
The worst paedophile from the UK is white. How does that make you feel now Sup Forums?
>How does that make you feel now Sup Forums?
A white man being on top of his game and being the best at what he does.
Nothing new about that. Move on.
Well of course. After all, it'd be racist to go after minorities.
>awarding himself 'PedoPoints' for attacks
And, all the worst mass shooters from the USA are white too.
See a pattern there?
But of course, the whites who dominate the media cover up white violence wherever they can and yet a black person who drops some litter gets plastered on the news and gets called a "TERRORIST THUG RAPIST MURDER!!!!"
>The eternal Anglo
Christian as well.
hahahaha, pakistan.
Obviously he's white. Almost all pedophiles are. Same with zoophiles. These are very white diseases. I suspect that they're harbored and promoted on imageboards like this very website, right anons?
wew lad, we need to import some more shit skins
Well that's true by definition. It would be racist if a paki were worse than a white
Comparing this to the Muslim child sex gangs?
I say one single white male pales in comparison to a Muslim child sex gang.
How many children were raped by Muslim sex gangs?
>Britain's worst ever paedophiles for abusing hundreds of children in south-east Asia and awarding himself 'PedoPoints' for attacks
Kek. Sounds like something from Brass Eye.
>brown eyes
>not on the fast track to becoming Brazil 2.0
In our life time you are going to be more corrupt, more half black and mongrelized and have less quality of life than the monkeys. Enjoy it senpaiĆlia.
worst? what about that guy then?
What color is the best paedophile?
Also if any of you disgusting shits know about any of the sites mentioned in the news, you're fucking scum and deserve to die.
why the fuck are white pedophiles always into southeast asian boys? Like wtf family.
He'd brag on darknet sites about how far he progressed in terms of age and sexual acts.
That's really hard to tell since thousands of rapists are arabs and thus can't be reported for it.
That's like bragging that you're the best basketball player in a league where anyone over 5'7 is not allowed to play.
>the whites who dominate the media
I see your problem, your can't into facts. Go live in any African population center and then come post about evil. Looks like you have it all figured out from your little as fish bowl though lol. P.s. brush your teeth m8
Hispanic :^)
He's dead. Move over Jimmy.
He's far from the worst. The worst are the ones in your government
Whites are the only people who consider pedophilia to be unnatural.
First the Cali mass shooter and now this? Fuckin hell it's a bad to be a White Christian male
Over 14x what this guy did
>one guy
>rape gangs ordained by god
One white mass pedophile compared to tons and tons of rapist and pedophile sand niggers?
still a strong challenge, with 450 to 1,000 victim count
The worse kind of pedophile are the ones who aren't caught, and are probably Muslim.
He'll never compete with the religion of peace savages
tfw my country is only relevant because pedos
fpbp as always
Whats the story on this guy? He looks fucking crazy as hel with those eyes
>Do not even raped and terrified 1400 girls with the support of the police, the social service and the local politicians
The fuck is wrong with Latin America?
TV show host and philantrophist. Got a bad rep for his crazy visage and uncontemporary behavior, was a pretty cool guy. Sad story.
this is the worst individual pedophile. of course muslims arent considered, they always rape children in packs. rotherham has to compete in the team category
Anyone else noticed that ONLY whites are labelled pedophiles for fucking children while non whites are labelled perverts?
Even on the Dailymail, they label non white pedos as perverts, but oif you're white you're a pedophile.
>Implying shitskin molestations and rapes go reported.
keep on trollin'
People just tend to be more agressive and emotional about things, also native tribes are fucking retarded and should be wiped out
british TV personality with the ties up in Royal family and a lasting taste for children.
there were countless paedo allegations during his lifetime, but after his death the hell broke loose. he was suspected to gouge prosthetic eyes from corpses and wear them as a rings etc.
it's hard to say just how crazy he was at this point, but that he WAS crazy is of no doubt
Let me guess, the first person to argue against that gets that fucking photo of Walt Disney shitting himself?
Not only do they mostly go unreported, but when they do report on them, they label them 'perverts' rather than 'pedophiles'.
Non white = pervert
white = pedophile
>A fucked up product of the UK
>Tonnes of fucked up people who wouldn't and shouldn't be here commiting THOUSANDS of abuses if not for a bastard migration policy
Did the media cover it up though? He should be hanged like the rest of them. Unlike the media, I don't make excuses for scum.
That's probably true but I'm sure there is some high status guy in Russia who can top that. After all Russia has a bad rep from child abuse. The UK does not host cp.
71 charges meanwhile muslims rape 1400 children while media, police and politican know about it for 16 years but didnt speak about it because "muhhh racism".
But hey it was a nice try.
Most of these cases involved teenage girls who were probably sluts anyway. This guy was raping toddlers and filming his crimes to make money.
Probably not the worst. I am pretty sure niggers both molest children and kill them afterwards in UK.
Personally i would perfer a bit of ass pain by some creepy white dude over having my head bashed against the wall by the rape ape.
makes me think you are a delusional moooslim about to get caught by the True Blue Hearts of Oak. you may think you can bad talk the Englanders but when they get their fill of your mooooslim criminality they will make you wish you were shoveling camel shit for the king of Saud.
What is fpbp?
>brown eyes
>black hair
fuck pakistan
bomb pakistan
That sounds familiar.
If yes, I understand the bomb part. But why fuck? We aren't white.
Never happened. Top defending cunts.
kek at the language they use in that article. if you didn't know what a pedo is you would think the dude literally tortured children to death.
maybe i'm wrong but it doesn't sound like the dude was violently raping anyone, just convinced some kids to give him some fiki fiki. those girls will be "traumatized" 20 years later when people let them know how traumatized they are, and will be mostly fine between now and then(unless of course some asshole decides to tell children how traumatized to be now, which wouldn't surprise me) except they will be a bit sexually fucked up, like the rest of women already are.
I mean fuck this guy and pedo's in general, they know they are doing something very wrong and they can all get the rope for all i care, but it's astounding how much people overblow sex when it isn't with someone of whatever arbitrary age said country/state/religion has assigned.
I mean it should be obvious being killed is worse then someone talking you into sex you later regret right? I'm sure i'll even get a couple of you faggots to argue otherwise
>The worst paedophile from an ~85% White country is White