Hey Sup Forumsros

Hey Sup Forumsros.
Thinking about buying a onahole, probably this one. what you think? any expirience with em?

bumping with another pic

Supposedly the time it takes to clean out an onahole makes it so that it isn't really worth it. I dunno tho, it's up to personal preference really.

However, I hear TentaEggs are almost the same and can be reused and cleaned easily

But you think the time it takes to deal with a woman is?

heard that anything made by tenta is one use only

Spend a little extra and get a Tenga Flip (pic related). It's worth what it costs (not much), it's better than a Fleshlight, and it opens up for easy cleaning.

What color do you recommend?

They say right on it they're one use.

dunno man, ive heard pretty bad reviews. like it smells pretty sintetic and that it doesnt last for long

Yeah, they say only one use, but you can use it plenty of times so long as you wash it out well.

If you're using women as an onahole, I think you have problems.

anything made in japan has entirely different health standards than whatever English-speaking country you're from. And I can almost promise you, japan's in not better.

That thing looks like it'll chop off your dick and start eating it.

UNLESS she's into it

Jesus Christ find a backpage girl and fuck something like a man.

you better go for this


Save up $300 bucks and fuck a prostitute?

>pretty bad reviews
It doesn't smell like anything and I've had mine for over a year. I clean it after every use and it's showing no signs of breaking down.
The color doesn't make a difference, I think. Mine's black.

>fuck something like a man.
What if he doesn't want to fuck a man?


i cant unsee that


some cock flex

they feel pretty good but they require alot of maintenance