Why can't furfags and animefags just fuck off from Sup Forums?

Why can't furfags and animefags just fuck off from Sup Forums?

when will reddit go home

furfags need to go back
lolifags need to go back

moderate anime watchers can stay and will recieve honorary Sup Forumsack status

(You) can suck a dick.

Admit it though, anime is fucking creepy

You forgot to add a question mark and what the fuck has this to do with reddit?

>why can't Sup Forums fuck off from Sup Forums

literally only redditors get asshurt about animeposters, this is a japanese based image board after all.

What bad about anime? Explain it

Anime disgusts me to my core, but this imageboard was created by anime lovers. They're alright, shill.


Furfags are cancer and need to stay in /trash/

Animefags aren't cancer and redditers need to leave.

>complaining about animeposting when a green-haired lolicon represents this website

The only animefags that need to leave are the avatarfucks who post a le anniemay loli with every post they make like it's them. You just know it's some bitch-tits pony-tailed fatass doing that shit, really obnoxious and sickening.
As for furfags they need to drink bleach.

Why cant newfags just fuck off from Sup Forums?

Fuck anime but that sweet, sweet furry boipucci. ..

Too childish for adults. Too perverted for children.

Literally the definition of degeneracy.

is that a BMI of 40?

Why can't you suck my dick like my anime Husbando? Shit if you can't even do that then your good for nothing. Just kill yourself faggot.

Seems like I finally have a reason to post this

Also:This guy gets it. Mind if I screencap it?

I don't mind lad.


Make me faggot :DDD

>not worse than anything on the internet