Can't wait to see Sup Forums's mental gymnastics this time
Can't wait to see Sup Forums's mental gymnastics this time
There aren't any, atheism is empirically better in every way.
Based Atheists.
There is literally nothing wrong with atheists.
Fuck you man im easter orthodox, we deal with them with bombs and bullets
>atheism is a religion of peace
Atheist aren't the ones killing Muslims. Sweden and the UK are some of the most atheist countries on the planet yet we both cater to Muslims. Atheism lead to the rise of Islam in the west.
came here to post this
Friendly reminder that the God-Emperor himself is Protestant and that Catholicucks vote Democrats more than any religious group in the USA except for Jews
>Atheism lead to the rise of
... Of atheism
Nice strawman response
Pretty sure there are chaplains in the military, along with many religious soldiers
One of these is a chaotic mess of a system that requires total suspension of disbelief to take seriously.
Ya know, Communism.
Might surprise you - but it is not atheism just because they call it atheism and ban previous religions. Worship of Lenin was a goddamn cult.
You can't be Christian after learning about the teapot argument
>How dare we dismantle overseas terrorist NGO groups who are a threat to domestic targets
So which is it, libtards?
Not all Muslims are terrorists? Islam has nothing to do with terrorism?
If so; why then is an attack on terrorist NGOs equivalent to an attack on all of Islam?
Fucking morons
the edgy nihilist is getting very nervous today.
>stupid pic
Russia fight ISIS not muslim, nigga
What better way to fight Islam than attacking the Islamic State?
ISIS is not islam state bot USA-Israel-Nurkey project, my CNN monkey
>slurping on their dirty feet vs slaughtering them like the pigs they are
how's Minnesota these days, Ahmed?
At least religion thought us how to read and write.
taught* jesus christ
Bullshit. Atheists can't even gather enough support to take over their own nation. They would just pussy out against any man that is fighting for God.
Still am. Way to waste thirty seconds of my time.
>Societies become Atheist
>Birthrate immediately plummets
>Culture immediately begins to die
>Society becomes apathetic and tolerant
>People lose sight of why their culture is superior to barbarism
>Twenty years later launch into suicidal immigration projects to patch up their collapsing demographics
>Wonder why no atheist civilization has ever amounted to anything
Daily reminder that we are watching Secular Western civilization collapse into ruin at this VERY MOMENT and people are still trying to make up ways in which it is "better" than the traditional values that build and preserved their cultures for centuries prior to their corruption.
Atheism is empirically WORSE at actually sustaining civilization. For a thousand years Britain stood fiercely in defiance of dozens of foreign powers that sought to conquer her, and she has been laid UTTERLY LOW in ONE GENERATION by weak, timid atheists who despise their own culture.
I'll say one thing for the Islamic conquest of your shitty island, at least they won't be fucking atheists anymore. I have never felt less sympathy for a bunch of degenerates in my life. Enjoy the hole you've dug yourself Nigel, there's nothing waiting for you on the other side except searing, pitch-black fire or, if you're very lucky, nothing.
So the amoung of Atheist we have lately is connected with Reddit, right? We all know that.
>we all know that
I wish more did.
>insert shitty athesit Meme here
>beliveing in magic fairy amirite xdxd
End yourself you basement dweller
>Christianity is not blatant
Oh shit, you just destroyed Earth's largest religion by invoking the possibility of a teapot in space!
>Russian Copper from what it looks like
>They are bringing religion back extremely quickly and fast
Holy fuck, give me real bait to eat please.
I got a little theist chubby reading this.