Where will the mudslimes attack next? When will the attack be? Repeating digits decide
I say Berlin, in mid-June
Where will the mudslimes attack next? When will the attack be? Repeating digits decide
I say Berlin, in mid-June
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Those are nice nips.
who is this cream queen?
the perfect specimen
fuck i want to suck them nips
Christ you guys are thirsty
cute but are those tits shoped? they look weird, like they they're in a bra but not
Toronto hopefully.
I would attack that with my chad tundercock
I also nominate Berlin.
France at the Euros between the 10th of June and 10th of July 100% happening going down
Attack themselves.
Probably Toronto
Don't post an image more interesting than the content.
Cuxhaven, Germany
I say USA by the end of summer.
6 and 7s decide
San Francisco around fag pride parade day.
I'm looking forward to watching all the drag queens getting mowed down with AK-47s
Sauce on Tits McGee.
August, 3rd.
10/10 would lick asshole after diarrhea
imogen heap
Rome, July
Netherlands, Amsterdam, Centraal Station, 17th June, 33 dead 87 injured
France/Euro obv
>g2g creeps are looking
Imogen dyer*
Sweden, Stockholm, 6th of June, start of Ramadan and Sweden's national day(Hilarious coincidence, or is it? cI:^) ).
These trips say London
Quads and I kill myself too
For some reason, the terrorists have a major hard on for France. What could possibly be better than the fucking Euro?
There's going to be some major action.
Roma in July. (Italy won't back down like Germany and France)
your mom's pussy, tonight
I'm so sorry. Stay safe.
If anyone knows Muslims it's Sweden, may as well mark both down on the Calendar.
Berlin. Please just nuke that shithole.
>If anyone knows Muslims it's Sweden
Obviously not since we're letting thousands into our country.
yup, I like to look at pretty girls on the internet. I'm guessing you'd like for that to be a crime, but it's not.
Your pic was way more interesting than your text. You fucked up.
>Christ you are a shitty poster
They are gonna nuke the moon and fuck over our gravitational waves
who is this sexy goddess?
Nothing but the tidal waves would be affected
>Sauce on Tits McGee
Pic related
>For some reason, the terrorists have a major hard on for France.
No. It's because it's a 3rd world shithole that can be invaded by anyone. That's why germany had 0 attacks.
I'm not hating on you for finding her attractive, I'm just cringing at those pathetic comments
The Belgians still have no clue what they are doing, and the French are little better. I expect some trouble in either of those countries first. In caliphate of Bongland we have a history of competent intelligence services due to some earlier trouble with angry paddys. Although even they will be hard pushed to stop the next attack here now that there are 2000 returned jihadis (that we know of) and a pool of almost 3M muslims here for them to recruit helpers from.
Thanks politicians.
It's really weird that they don't attack leftist place we s or events. It's always said the terrorists want to create a gap and divide the west from all Muslims. Yet the simplest way would be to attack those who resists that division the most - who also happens to be easy targets.
The fact that they don't do so and instead attack ordinary folks contradicts the claim that they just want a division between west & Islam desu
At least we had the satisfaction of those two ISIS niggers getting BTFO'd by gun-owning Texans when they tried to hit that Draw Muhammad Event Last Year
There will be no islamic terrorism attacks in berlin or any other german city
That depends on where the jews will do the next false flag. Obviously it will be a place that will benefit them the mostly in generation anti-muslim sentiments.
Thats why leftist events would be way easier targers w/ Gun free zones and everything.
90% of Sup Forums is thirsty, you fucking leaf reeeeeeee
oh man as sad as it is, I'm trying to imagine the damage control the next day. I hope I won't be a victim.
It would completely fuck over our seasons and our rotation around the sun would be fucked
i would be interested in a live explosion on tv
London, next month
Dem dubs
Even with all the sandniggers we have here, france is still the easier target.
America. A nuclear energy plant. In Florida.
Stockholm, tomorrow
Washington DC, June 10th, 11 AM
who is this semen demon ?
Reminder, this is what an actual woman looks like, faggot
Euro 2016 would be the prime target for ISIS. It's too predictable of a target though, security would be extremely tight. Not sure if sandniggers are capable of organizing it, we'll see.
By the grace of Allah and by the teachings of Muhammad his prophet (peace be upon him), his warriors will strike Toronto, Ontario, Canada, during the month of Ramadan.
France, during Euro 2016
>Mmm watcha sayyyayy, that you only meant well
>any German capitol during summer
>late July/early August
damn titis
Hamburg - early june
I'll be at the Euro Cup in one and a half week. Hopefully not there.
The U.S. Government has placed travel advisories for Britain and France based on "the imminent threat of terrorism in the region." They said that there isn't any credible evidence that an event will take place, but that with all of the events like the Tour de France coming up that it's better to be safe than sorry.
In my mind I believe the US gov. does know of a credible threat and are only relaying it to the European governments as to not spook people into not attending these large events. It seems like after every airline crash the US government chimes in on what fucking destroyed the plane, even if it was some dirt shit ancient Russian airplane that was downed in Uzbekastan.
That would be the final end of the EU and at least boot on the grounds when not WWIII, if the german or british team will be a attacked.
>Most probable Dem Dubs
even if you still continue to bring them by millions you don't have 1/6th of the shitskins we have here overall.
I mean, fuck did you alrdy came to visit a +10k pop. town in France? niggers and sandniggers everywhere, it wont surprise me if 40% of the French population is non-white in 2016.
Hey Israel bro, is it just you? Do other Israelites post on Sup Forums?
Since they mostly want publicity and shock, and not necessarily a high death count, I think they are going to attack a team. If one of them is in a secluded hotel, then it's likely their security is not that great and is likely to be overwhelmed if the attack is well coordinated.
I find it hard to believe they would be able to attack an actual stadium.
Very pretty, but ideally would have a smaller waist and wider hips/bust.
I hope that they make a fucking massacre in Berlin or Munich or Colonia or wherever. Many would die but my retarded country would finally have its eyes opened.
Yeah, except that mine has T&A and doesn't look like a fucking horse. 0/10.
>cringing at men asking for source on an attractive woman.
>on Sup Forums
>actually using the word cringe whilst male.
Holy Fuck-a-moly! Why is it SO CONSISTENT for you goddamn leafs to be anti-sex, beta cucks in every single goddamn thread you populate? Are you trying to prove Sup Forums right about racial science? Just fuck right off back to /r/LeafyIsHere if you are going to be a complete faggot, thanks.
Pretty sure thats a terrible shopped versiĆ³n of the girl from weeklyimogen, when she was younger
>mfw when I'm gonna be doing work experience in Parliament towards the end of Ramadan
Probably in London, AFTER the EU ref vote of course.
Have your phone ready to post on Sup Forums
Mainstream news will be using your images too
kek has decided
U.K. Just in time for brexit vote
Been to nogent le rotrou because of work, which should be around 10k pop. Generally had a pleasant time and didnt encounter a single shitskin if i recall. But even the people there said that its rather boring and in the middle of nowhere, so i guess its not very interesting for immigrants.
Was also in Paris, and while it is a beautiful city, all the beggars and vendors really pull down the atmosphere.
But they are not representing islam, they have nothing to do with islam. The koran is condeming these things!!! Islam is a religion of peace. Not all are like them!!!
I can hear those fucking lefties already...
>cringing at men asking for source on an attractive woman.
It's a tranny you fucking idiot.
Why her face photoshopped to hell
Says who? There has been no source posted, and she seems to possess naturally neotenous features that most trannies would find nigh impossible to acquire, as well as a woman's shoulders/ no visible Adam's apple. Furthermore, you're a dumb cunt, kys. Either way, she is still hotter than the horse in the other picture.
>they are not representing islam,
Who cares?
Don't be afraid ahmed, there is always a sneaky way out.
Reported to CSIS.
Reported to RCMP, CIA, CSIS, Warner Bros Studios, Tom Cruise, my Dad, carved into my backyard and sent to Justin Trudeau.
Enjoy Kingston Pen.
>Kingston Pen
Being constantly harrassed by murican tourists is really worse then a death sentence
a fate worse than death