/polgb/ general

Are there any other bi or gay guys browsing who regularly do so? Have you always voted Republican? I always voted Democrat but I can't bring myself to vote for Hillary and Bernie seems insincere and never really passed any important laws. I wonder why Jim Webb didn't try to run. Does anyone know why?

Pic not related

I vote Green.
I dont care about politics, I just want to save the earth or at least try to.

>save the world
>carbon tax scheme instead of pollution/3rd world birth rate control

Pick one

>sage, report, hide
>sage, report, hide
>sage, report, hide
>sage, report, hide

Bernie is a based god. He's done plenty, look that shit up.
Fucking up your neo Nazi echo chamber isn't against board rules, faggot.

I'm gay and have been voting republican since 2008. I've always been right leaning because I'm not a collectivist.

Bernie or bust.
Will vote Trump out of spite.
Able to join new SS because blue eyed blonde.

I can't really lose either way, tbqh senpai.

>Bernie or bust
>Will vote Trump

Pick one.

>Save the earth

Hahahahahahahajjajajjhahahahhahahaha hahahahahhhahajahajajhahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahHahahhwhahahHahhwhahahahahhahahahahahahahhshahahahahhahwhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahshhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahabahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha

Trump is bust.
He will literally break America and in the end we'll get socialism or anarchy anyway.

Bernie or bust means you write in Bernie, nigga.

Dude you ain't saving anything in Green Party. They're same everywhere, the actual biologists and ecologists left ages ago. You can't "save the Earth" and support mass immigration to first world countries with insane level of living standard at the same time.

W/e nigger, just shut up and feed me that cock.

I vote republican.
And am voting trump/ bud pierce this cycle.
Am a fag, can confirm

Webb did try btw, he polled too low and didint have enough cash do continue his campaign.
Crying shame, really.

I ain't no fag, pal.

Why do so many Sup Forums users like this meme candidate?

MtF and voting Trump.
You'd be a fool not to.

>/bi/ here,
I'm an official member of the Liberal party, voted NDP in the last election because I didn't trust Weedman. Pity the libertarian party won't ever have a shot at winning, I'd vote for them if I didn't feel it was a waste of a vote.

Personally i read his books, and watched his war correspondence from the 70s-80s

He is really down to earth, and clicks with me on a lot of issues.
Plus hes a straight up gook killing badass, and he is not ahsamed of that.

>save the earth
This is a 18+ site.

>Bernie seems insincere

I wonder what it's like to live with your world point of view. I can't even imagine how you came to this conclusion.

because he's a jew, obviously. Jews are always insincere.

Nice meme.

Webb didn't run because it was Hillary's turn and Biden isn't running because he's seen the stress of what it means to be a president.